
Policy 6.2.1

Policy 6.2.1

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 6.2.1

Revised: August 14, 2017


Wayland Baptist University recognizes the increasing importance of using social media technologies to enhance communication, collaboration, and information exchange in support of Wayland's mission and in making meaningful connections all over the world. Social media forums can include but are not limited to blogs, wikis, social networks (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.), and personal web sites. This is the official social media policy for all Wayland Baptist University accounts and applies to the entire university, including all of its external campuses.

Stated Goals for Use of Social Media

  • Enhance communication, collaboration and information exchange with the Wayland community
  • Make meaningful world-wide connections
  • Promote Wayland's programs and events
  • Reach followers with last-minute news and alerts

Users and Site Administrators will note

  • Not all opinions expressed on social media sites are protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution and opinions may be subject to claims of libel and slander.
  • All electronic devices public and private, including smartphones/tablets, which are used to administer social media sites, are open to public record and discovery requests.
  • Work-related speech on personal social media sites is no longer private and is open to public record and discovery requests.
  • Any speech unbecoming of a Christian organization or not adhering to biblical principles will not be tolerated.

Site administrators must show respect for others in all posts to social media sites that represent the university.

General Guidelines for use of Social Media Accounts

Respect for Wayland's Mission and Core Values: Content should uphold the university's mission and core values. Content should not be posted unless it furthers the university's teaching, research, or service mission. Refer to Policy 1.1.2 Mission Statement of Wayland Baptist University. Comments should be constructive and respectful while discussing a bad experience or disagreeing with a concept or person. If questions arise concerning what is appropriate, ask a supervisor. Do not make comments about Wayland Baptist University, its students, its alumni, or its employees that are vulgar, obscene, threatening, intimidating, harassing, discriminatory, or that could be construed or defined as hate speech.

Disclosure: The authorized user must identify herself/himself as an employee of Wayland Baptist University when posting a comment regarding the university. Promoting your place of employment without identifying yourself as an employee of the organization is a violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act.

Accuracy: The authorized user must post only those facts he/she knows to be accurate. Cite your sources when possible. If a mistake is made, admit it and correct as soon as possible. Make it clear that a correction has been made.

Maintain Confidentiality: Do not post confidential or proprietary information about Wayland Baptist University, its students, its alumni, or its employees. Use good ethical judgment and follow university policies and federal requirements, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Refer to for HIPAA and Policy 8.1.1 for FERPA.

Maintain Privacy: Do not discuss a situation involving named or pictured individuals on a social media site without their permission. Post only items that should be presented in or to a public forum. Refer to Policy 6.1.7 Privacy Statement. See Academic Use section.

Respect University Time and Property: It is not appropriate to post to personal accounts while on the job unless it is directly related to accomplishing work goals and has been approved by a supervisor. All use of the Internet via the university's computer systems, networks, and related equipment is not private, and by using the university's computer systems, networks and related equipment, employees consent to have the university access, review, monitor, record, and restrict all such use. Refer to Policy 6.1.4 Computer Use Policy.

Liability: The authorized user is responsible for what is posted on sites affiliated with Wayland, as well as his/her personal sites, or personal posts on other sites, and can be held liable for commentary deemed to be copyright infringement, defamatory, proprietary, libelous, or obscene (as defined by the courts).

Terms of Service: Obey the Terms of Service of any Social Media forum employed.

Guidelines for Use of Wayland Accounts

Open an Account: All social media accounts used on behalf of Wayland Baptist University are owned and controlled by the university and must be registered with the social media site in the name of Wayland Baptist University. If an account must be registered in the name of an individual, the Director of Communications must be added to the account as an administrator. Wayland employees are not permitted to use official Wayland accounts, nor the information contained within them, for their personal benefit.

All social media accounts associated with the university must:

1. Be approved in writing by the unit supervisor.

2. Be registered with the Office of Institutional Advancement using the Social Media Account Registration Form.

3. Have contacted the Director of Communications for naming conventions and graphics standards for the type of account (i.e. Facebook, Twitter) being open. Refer to Attachment A for Creating and Managing your WBU Facebook Page.

Social media account administrators will be required to participate in training related to this social media policy. This training, and a record of participants, will be provided by Institutional Advancement.

Wayland presences on social media sites are considered to be an extension of the official web site, and most guidelines that apply to the web site also apply to social media sites. Refer to Policy 6.1.6 Standards for Web Page Development.

Change in Personnel: If a social media account administrator leaves the university or changes roles at the university, the individual must be removed as an administrator of the account and a new administrator must be added. The Social Media Account Registration Form must be updated with the new administrator and submitted to the Office of Institutional Advancement.

Timeliness: Before creating an account, the account administrator and authorized users should be prepared to maintain it and keep it updated. At least two administrators should be assigned to the account to regularly monitor postings and content. A student should not be assigned as an administrator other than for a student organization account (see Student Organization Use section). The account should be monitored daily. A minimum of two updates should be made to the account each month. An inactive account reflects poorly on the university and defeats the purpose of having an account. An inactive account is subject to closure by the Office of Institutional Advancement as advised by the director of communications.

Seek Approval: Approval must be received from the unit supervisor in writing before posting a message that takes a position for the university. If unsure of a Wayland position, consult your Cabinet representative or the Office of Insitutional Advancement.

Transparency: Clearly state any and all roles and goals associated with the social media site. Authorized users will discuss with a supervisor when and how to respond directly to site visitors. Remember that what is posted on a social media site directly reflects on the university. See Academic Use section.

Respect Trademarks and Copyright: The university logo may be used on an official university social media site; contact the Office of Instituational Advancement to obtain a logo optimized for the site you are using. Written permission from the appropriate source is required prior to using any copyrighted or proprietary materials such as music, art, photographs, videos, or text. Refer to to the online Wayland Graphics Standards Manual.

Official Communications: Social media accounts are not an official university communication method, but can be used for timely communication of information to constituents. Accounts should not be used to transmit confidential and/or personally identifiable student information.

Promotions: Promotions, such as contests and sweepstakes, must be approved by an appropriate administrator, supervisor or school dean to ensure they comply with the laws that govern them.

Don't Endorse Without Permission: Do not use a university account to endorse any product, vendor, or site without written permission from a unit supervisor or Cabinet member.

Academic Use: The University encourages the use of new technology/methodologies for classroom instruction and recognizes the documented power of social media to further engage students of all ages. Observe the confidentiality requirements of this policy. Official platforms (Blackboard) are the preferred method for delivery of academic course material.

Social media used for instructional purposes should exhibit the following:

  • Any academic instructor choosing to use social media in his/her course is responsible for ensuring that the social media is used effectively and appropriately (in accordance with this policy) to promote student learning.
  • It should provide a forum of academic freedom.
  • It should encourage participation by all students in the course as appropriate.
  • It should have some mechanism to ensure only WBU students enrolled in that particular class are the ones engaged in the social media communication unless it is the intent of the academic instructor to involve individuals outside of the class.
  • The academic instructor should make an appropriate determination of time, terminating the discourse either during or at some point after the course ends. Course-specific academic forums should not be left open indefinitely.

Student Organization Use: For social media sites for student organizations, a full-time employee of the university must serve as the primary administrator for the account. Only officers of the organization who have been approved by the faculty sponsor and/or student activities director may be granted an administrative role. These students must be registered with the Office of Institutional Advancement as a student administrator. Any student in violation of this social media policy (6.2.1) may be subject to disciplinary action. Additionally, student organizations in violation may be subject to penalty.

Guidelines for Use of Personal Accounts

Transparency: An authorized user should never hide his/her identity for the purpose of promoting Wayland through social media. Promoting a place of employment without identifying the user as an employee of the organization is a violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act. If Wayland Baptist University is identified in any way within the context of a post, the user should make it clear that he/she is not expressing the views and opinions of the University by using a statement similar to the following: "The views expressed on this [blog, website] are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of Wayland Baptist University." Discuss ideas and situations civilly and refrain from making comments that are vulgar, obscene, threatening, intimidating, harassing, or discriminatory.

Don't Use Wayland Logo or Make Endorsement: Do not use the Wayland logo or any other Wayland marks or images on personal online sites. Do not use Wayland's name to promote or endorse any product, cause, or political party or candidate.

Protect Your Identity: Do not provide personal information susceptible to scam artists or identity thieves. Do not list home addresses, telephone numbers, work telephone, or work email addresses. It is a good idea to create a separate email address to use with your social media sites.

No statement in this policy should be construed or applied to limit employees' rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) or applicable law to discuss work conditions, benefits, wages, and other terms and conditions of employment.

Related Policies

The following policies apply to the use of social media and should be reviewed before utilizing these technologies:

1.1.2 Mission of Wayland Baptist University

1.5.1 Reproduction of Copyrighted Materials

6.1.3 Computer Security

6.1.4 Computer Use Policy

6.1.5 Coordination and Distribution of Computer Accounts

6.1.6 Standards for Web Page Development

6.1.7 Privacy Statement

8.1.1 The Family Educational rights and Privacy Act

Disciplinary Action for Violations

Consequences for violations of the university social media policy may include but are not limited to verbal warnings, written warnings, revocation of access privileges, termination of employment, and criminal prosecution.

Related Policies

8.1.6 Student Discipline Policy

2.6.2 Progressive Disciplinary Action

2.7.5 Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment

2.7.6 Sexual Harassment

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Institutional Advancement

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Revised title changes (Executive Vice President and Provost to Vice President of Institutional Advancement, Office of Communications to Office of Institutional Advancement).
- 02/18/2013 - Inception as 6.2.1

-   10/05/2015 - Revision-update and clean-up of language, Office of Public Relations and Communications changed to Office of Communication

Printed Policy 6.2.1
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