Policy 6.1.5

Policy 6.1.5

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 6.1.5

Revised: August 14, 2017


Access to the university computer system is provided to support the university's mission. Computerized communication systems are coordinated by the department of information technology services (IT).

Types of Computer Accounts - There are five types of accounts available to users.

• Microsoft Outlook email accounts - Email accounts are available for full-time and part-time faculty and staff, and some student workers.

• Network accounts - Network accounts are available for full-time and part-time faculty and staff, and some student workers.

• Database accounts - Database accounts are available to full-time and part-time faculty and staff, and some students as requested by the appropriate supervisor.

• Microsoft LIVE web mail accounts - Email accounts will be provided to all enrolled university students beginning in the summer of 2007, and to alumni at a future date. Microsoft LIVE email accounts will be hosted by Microsoft, and not Wayland Baptist University. Each email account will be provided 2 GB of mail storage. Beginning with the Fall 2007 term, this email account will provide a standardized method of email communication between Wayland Baptist University and students with regards to official university notifications.

• Blackboard course management system accounts - Every Wayland-related person who has an ID number in PowerCAMPUS and is associated with an academic course, either as a teacher or a student, is automatically defined as a user on Wayland's Blackboard server. The access that Blackboard users have to tools in the software is defined by roles assigned in PowerCAMPUS or as determined by the Director of the WBUonline. User accounts not automatically created by PowerCAMPUS may be set up manually by the office of WBUonline.

Authorization to Request Account - Accounts for new employee users may be requested by supervisors of that employee. Requests will be made on forms supplied by the IT department. Supervisors must request access to specific set flows and work flows in the database system. In some cases, supervisors may need to consult with the appropriate administrative head (e.g. university registrar, director of financial aid, etc.) for permission to allow a user access to a given part of the data systems.

User accounts are enabled only when authorization is received from the appropriate authority as follows:

  1. Current employees will be given user accounts only when appropriate authorization has been requested from the supervisor of that employee.
  2. Accounts for new employees will be opened only after authorization from the human resources department.
  3. Student workers must have a valid student ID card for the current semester in addition to having the appropriate authorization from his or her supervisor.
  4. Normal student accounts (i.e. non student worker accounts) will be enabled only when a student presents a valid student ID card for the current semester.
  5. Microsoft LIVE email accounts will be created at the beginning of each term for new students to Wayland Baptist University who are registered for classes. The student will receive notification via U.S. mail regarding the email account, how to use the account, and the rules of use. Existing students will maintain their Microsoft LIVE email account for the duration of their enrollment at Wayland Baptist University. Upon graduation, the Microsoft LIVE account will be maintained as an alumni email account.
  6. Blackboard accounts will be created automatically from PowerCAMPUS records and manually as authorized by the Office of WBUonline.

Responsibility of Employees and Students who have Accounts - Users may not leave a computer unmonitored and accessible if that computer is logged on to any network or database server (see policy 6.1.4, Computer Use). Individuals who permit others to use his or her account will have that account disabled permanently or until reauthorization comes from that person's department head, school dean, or executive director/campus dean.

Users may not use their access to network and database systems to gain access to services or data that are not directly related to the duties assigned to them. Attempts to gain unauthorized access or to view unauthorized data will result in immediate closure of that account by the IT Department and an immediate report of the incident to the supervisor of that employee (see policy 6.1.3, Computer Security).

Requirements to Enable a Disabled Account - Employee accounts that become disabled can be enabled by contacting the IT department in Plainview. Student accounts that become disabled can be enabled upon presentation of a valid student ID card to the IT department. Depending upon the reason for the account becoming disabled, the IT department may require authorization from a user's supervisor prior to enabling it.

Accounts that have become disabled because the user has forgotten his or her password can be enabled only after contacting the IT department and requesting assistance in establishing a new password. Passwords for all accounts are stored in servers in encrypted form and cannot be read back to users. The IT department may require confirmation of identity of any individual making such a request.

Blackboard account users who have forgotten passwords must contact the Office of WBUonline in order to have the password reset. Positive identification will be required.

Contact for Interpretation: President

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Revision-title chane
- 02/27/2009 - Revision-change division to school, dean to executive director, Provost/Academic Vice Presdient to Executive Vice President to Provost
- 04/25/2007 - Revision-new language added, title change
- 04/25/2007 - Review
- 03/31/2005 - Revision-new language added
- 03/30/2005 - Review
- 10/15/2004 - Revision-title change
- 09/15/2004 - Reissue as 6.1.5
- 09/15/2004 - Revision-editorial changes
- 06/11/2004 - Revision-new language added
- 11/27/1997 - Inception as policy 8.1.17

Printed Policy 6.1.5
