Business Office
Our Business Office staff is here to help you manage your account. There are several ways to make payments to your account, including cash, checks and credit/debit cards. Cash and checks will be accepted in person at any Wayland campus. Checks will also be accepted via mail. However, credit or debit card payments must be made online through the WBU website. Please note that a non-refundable 2.75% processing fee will be assessed to U. S. credit or debit card payments. Payments made with international credit cards will be assessed a 4.25% processing fee.
2024 1098-T Forms will be available after January 31, 2025 If you have any questions or concerns regarding your Form 1098-T, please contact us at 806-291-3459 or email at
Click “2024 1098-T FAQ” for general information about Form 1098-T and instructions for accessing your electronic Form 1098-T.
Business Office
Wayland Baptist University
1900 W. 7th
Plainview, TX 79072
Gates Hall
Room 103
Office Hours:
M-TH 8:15 AM – 5:00 PM
F: 8:15 AM - 4:00 PM
Phone: (806) 291-3445
Fax: (806) 291-1955