Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 6.1.4
Policy 6.1.4
Policy 6.1.4
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 6.1.4
Revised: August 14, 2017
The purpose of this policy is to regulate the ways in which university computer services are utilized vis-脿vis the Wayland Baptist University - Legal Basis (see policy 1.1.1).
General Guidelines - All computing services are to be used as if the equipment, network circuits, data storage devices, data processed, software programs purchased by the university, email transmitted through Wayland's e-mail server, and all other related services are the property of the university. Ownership of scholarly works as defined in the Intellectual Property (see policy 1.5.2) belongs to the author.
No electronic communication or transfer of information in any format may be used to harass, embarrass, offend, or otherwise threaten another individual.
No university computer, software application, or related service may be used for any unlawful activity. This includes, but is not limited to, copyright infringement, plagiarism, participation in threats or attacks against other individuals or other computer systems, etc. This policy includes the use of Blackboard and other course management software.
Pornography and obscene materials, as defined by university policy, may not be stored on any computer device, nor may such items be browsed through the network and Internet circuits provided by the university. Users must be aware that possession and distribution of child pornography is a violation of both federal law and university policy. Users may not display, send or create images or messages that can be considered sexual harassment (see policy 2.7.6).
It is a violation of university computer security (see policy 6.1.3) to reveal one's account information and password to another person. Users may not establish multiple connections to network or database services. Users may not leave a computer unmonitored while attending to other duties or when off duty if that computer is logged on to any network or database service.
Users who believe that a computer may have become infected with a virus, worm, trojan, or any malicious code should immediately unplug that computer from the network and call the IT department.
Email Use Guidelines - Email is provided to employees of the university for work-related communications. Email should not be used for personal reasons within the university (e.g. selling personal items).
Employees may not provide their Wayland Baptist University email account to individuals, companies, or online vendors for personal communications. Microsoft Outlook is the authorized email client application for the university. Employees are urged to use the free web email services such as Yahoo, Hotmail, etc., for personal email. However, such e-mail clients should not be used to download e-mail attachments into the university network.
Attachments to email messages are a known source of viruses, worms, trojans, and other malicious code and must be treated with great care. Unexpected attachments from unknown senders should not be opened until the attachment has been tested for infection. The IT department will provide guidelines on how to test email attachments.
Emailing messages to large distribution groups (such as all employees) should be done only by those having a significant work-related reason, and should never contain large attachments.
Warnings about viruses, worms, trojans, or other threats to computers are to be sent to the employees of the university from the Office of the Director of Information Technology Services. Employees who hear or read about supposed threats to computers are to send that information to the IT director. The IT director will research the validity of the supposed threat and notify all employees along with defensive or remedial procedures, if necessary.
Privacy while using University-owned Computers and Services - The university respects the privacy of computer users but cannot guarantee privacy at all times. For example, unmonitored computer terminals may be spied upon by others, or malicious code may infiltrate one's computer to allow others to spy on that user as he or she uses the system. The university does not routinely inspect the computers of university users, but the university reserves the right to monitor server logs, email systems, stored files, and any component of the entire network system at any time to ensure the integrity of university systems and data.
The Office of the Director of Information Technology Services is charged with the responsibility of monitoring all computing systems. The IT director is responsible for maintaining the privacy of all information that reveals the computing activity of all users, and will reveal findings of serious violations only to the appropriate supervisor or vice president.
Violations - Consequences for violations of the university computer policy may include but are not limited to verbal warnings, written warnings, revocation of access privileges, termination of employment and criminal prosecution.
Statements of Privacy in Email Messages - Employees who feel the need to append a statement of privacy to email messages may use the following statement:
"CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The materials in this electronic mail transmission, including all attachment(s), are private and confidential and are the property of Wayland Baptist University. The information contained in the material is privileged and is intended only for the use of the named addressee(s). If you are not the intended addressee, be advised that any unauthorized disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this material is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please immediately notify the sender by replying to the email or by telephone at (806) 291-1000, and then destroy it immediately."
Contact for Interpretation: President
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08-14-2017 - Revision-title change
- 04/25/2007 - Review
- 03/31/2005 - Revision-minor change
- 03/30/2005 - Review
- 09/15/2004 - Revsion-title change, links updated
- 06/11/2004 - Reissue as 6.1.4
- 06/11/2004 - Revision-new language, restructure
- 08/09/1994 - Inception as policy 8.1.15
Printed Policy 6.1.4