
Policy 6.1.6

Policy 6.1.6

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 6.1.6

Revised: August 14, 2017


Purpose - To define policies and procedures applicable to Web page publication(s) by Wayland Baptist University faculty, staff, and students.

Policy Definition - A Web page is a document written in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and placed on a server computer that uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), to be transmitted to a Web browser client program that receives the data, interprets it, and displays the results.

General Information - All web pages will be hosted on a server that is managed by the Office of Institutional Advancement.

  1. The director of web services is the designated administrator for the Web server and its contents.
  2. The goal of these guidelines is to produce a university Web site that has a consistent look and navigation system.
    1. Basic appearance, page templates, navigational links, color schemes, etc., are determined in a collaborative effort involving the various university entities directly impacted by the Web site.
    2. Changes to the appearance or layout of any site (i.e., individual campuses) must be approved by the Office of Institutional Advancement. External campuses may add images and content to their pages that highlight the uniqueness of their campus, provided that all copyrighted materials are approved and have secured the necessary written permissions.
  3. Compliance with these guidelines will insure that the university Web site is:
    1. compliant with the standards of best practice for Web page design and management,
    2. as secure as possible, and
    3. compliant with laws governing privacy and copyright infringement.
  4. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) compliance - The director of web services will have a link available on the home page with information about how one might file a complaint regarding copyright infringement to the university.
  5. Questions regarding these guidelines should be directed to the director of web services.

The Wayland Baptist University Office of Institutional Advancement encourages external campuses, academic schools, and administrative offices to publish documents on the Internet.

Departments wishing to create Web documents must insure that these pages are used for official WBU business in support of its mission.

Creation/Responsibilities/Standards - All Web pages must comply with following essential elements:

  1. Page publishers must take into account the appropriate copyright laws, and must have written permission to publish any information, graphics, or photographs on their pages if the publisher is not the author or creator. For more information regarding copyrighted materials on the internet, visit the for regulations.
  2. Web pages will maintain a continual flow of theme from the home pages.
  3. The director of web services will provide a template for web page construction. The template may not be altered without the expressed consent of the vice president of institutional Advancement.
  4. Every front page must contain a link directly back to the WBU home page.
  5. Web pages must not be used to intimidate or single out individuals or groups for degradation or harassment in violation or federal or state law.
  6. The use of frames in web page design is prohibited
  7. Audio files may not be embedded in any Web page.
  8. Web pages must not include obscene pictures or profanity (as defined by Title 9, Chapter 43, Subchapter B of the Texas Penal Code on Obscenity and those laws applicable through the uniqueness of Web page display over the Internet).
  9. No Web page may contain a link or links to external Web sites whose content is not consistent with the mission statement of WBU. Under no circumstances may any link to any external site be represented as if it were an endorsement of that site or its services.
  10. Authorship of university Web pages is to be anonymous. Requirement of anonymity does not pertain to work or pages developed as intellectual property.
  11. Web pages must not use WBU resources to engage in any illegal activity (e.g., for personal gain; to produce, sell, transport illegal substances/objects according to local, state, or federal law).
  12. Web pages should not contain links to pages devoted to individual hobbies or interest.
  13. Web pages must not use Web pages to advertise non-WBU-related functions.
  14. Web pages must not use WBU resources for commercial gain.
  15. Animated Graphic Interchange Format files (GIF) are prohibited.
  16. All Web pages must include the following components:
    1. A Header Section, with a banner graphic identifying Wayland Baptist University and document title. All Web pages must include a Wayland Baptist University logo, the name of the external campus, department, academic school, or administrative offices publishing the page at the top of the document. Web pages should identify their relationship with WBU.
    2. META Tags will be the same as those on the WBU home page. External campuses may include their city and state.
    3. A body section containing the main contents of the page.
    4. Web pages should have a white background to be consistent with the rest of the Web site.
    5. Font size and color should be consistent with that found on the WBU home page. Questions regarding color codes, font sizes, etc., should be directed to the director of web services.
  17. The official WBU logo may be used only as follows:
    1. The use of WBU and logotypes must remain consistent to provide a strong identity across the Internet.
    2. The WBU flames and WBU logo may be used in Web documents by external campuses, departments, academic schools, and administrative offices, according to the rules set forth by the public relations and communications department.
    3. The public relations and communications department encourages the use of the WBU logo on every page as a means of maintaining a consistent public image.
    4. WBU logos should not be redrawn, re-proportioned, or modified in any way. No new design element may be added to any official WBU logo. Further information is available from the public relations and communications department at their Web site.

Compliance - Web page publishers must peruse their respective web pages regularly to make sure that all pages are current and operating correctly.

The director of web services will run procedures to check for dead links and for compliance with the items listed above. Web page publishers will be notified when errors are found. Corrections should be made as soon as possible.

The director of web services will remove any item that is reported as being copyrighted immediately upon notification. Web page publishers will be notified and these items may not be republished until written consent from the copyright owner is received in the director of web services' office. Appeals of the director of web services' decision can be made to the executive director of marketing. Appeals of the executive director's decision can be made to the vice president of institutional advancement (see policy 6.1.3, Computer Security).

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Institutional Advancement

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Revised title changes (Vice President for Institutional Advancement to Vice President of Institutional Advancement, Webmast to Director of Web Services)and editorial changes.
- 02/27/2009 - Revision-position title change (Provost/Academic Vice President to Executive Vice President and Provost)
- 04/25/2007 - Revision-editorial changes
- 04/25/2007 - Review
- 03/31/2005 - Revision-editorial changes
- 03/30/2005 - Review
- 09/15/2004 - Reissue as 6.1.6
- 09/15/2004 - Revision-title and layout changes
- 06/11/2004 - Inception as policy 8.1.18

Printed Policy 6.1.6