Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 8.1.5
Policy 8.1.5
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 8.1.5
Revised: April 11, 2018
Purpose - The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidance to students concerning resolution of concerns and complaints.
Definition of Complaint - A complaint is a written expression of disagreement or dissatisfaction with the performance or actions of an individual or collective representative of the university (e.g., an instructor or an academic school). Complaints may be academic in nature (e.g., probation, suspension, dismissal or a grade appeal) or non-academic (e.g., admission/readmission decisions, discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, financial aid/scholarship appeals, student conduct/judicial appeal, student housing appeals, or concerns with other university functions).
General - In general, students wishing to review or file a complaint regarding the action of an individual, an academic entity, or an administrative unit of the university should direct their questions to the person responsible for supervision of the individual, entity or unit. Procedures for specific problems are outlined below.
Records - Guidelines for appeal of student records are found in policy 8.1.1 of this manual.
Disciplinary Actions - Guidelines for appeal of disciplinary actions are found in policy 8.1.6 of this manual.
Grades - Guidelines for appeal of grades are found in policy 8.2.1 of this manual.
Sexual Harassment - Wayland Baptist University is committed to providing its students with an environment free from implicit and explicit coercive behavior used to control, influence, or affect the well-being of any member of the university community. Sexual harassment of any kind is inappropriate, unacceptable, and contrary to the Christian standards of conduct expected by all members of the university community, students, faculty and staff. Guidelines for procedures involving sexual harassment complaints are found in policy 2.7.6 of this manual.
Discrimination - Wayland Baptist University adheres to a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of age, color, race, gender, national or ethnic origin, or disability. Students who feel they have been discriminated against by an individual, academic entity or administrative unit of the university are encouraged to attempt to resolve the problem with the individual, entity, or unit or the person directly responsible for that individual, entity, or unit prior to the filing of a formal complaint. Complaints which cannot be resolved informally should be addressed in accordance with the procedure outlined below.
Procedure - Students must make a reasonable attempt to resolve the problem with the person or academic or administrative unit directly involved, or with the individual responsible for supervising the individual or unit against which the complaint is being lodged. If the student has made a reasonable attempt to resolve the problem informally, any student grievance or complaint not identified by one of the policies above should be addressed in the following manner:
Step 1 - A written complaint should be made to the immediate supervisor of the person against whom the complaint is made. If no resolution has been reached or the student has not received a satisfactory response from the supervisor within 10 working days of the date of the appeal, the student should proceed to Step 2.
Step 2 - The student should file a formal written complaint with the senior administrator having jurisdiction over the area in question, generally the Cabinet member with responsibility for the individual or unit against whom the complaint is lodged.
Step 3 - The senior administrator will assign a committee of university faculty and staff to recommend appropriate action relative to the grievance. The committee will present its recommendation within 30 calendar days of receipt of complaint by the administrator. The administrator will inform the student and the supervisor of the committee's recommendation and the administrator's decision.
Step 4 - The plaintiff may appeal the decision of the administrator to the president or the president's designee. Such appeals must be presented to the president in writing within 10 working days of the initial ruling. A ruling on the appeal will be made within 15 calendar days of the filing of the appeal. Rulings made at this level are final.
Step 5 - For students residing in other states, contact information for state agencies handling student complaints can be found on the university's website under "Disclosures". Information is also available on the website concerning contacting any of the university's accrediting bodies.
The Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness or designee will serve as an impartial representative of the institution so long as the areas of the complaint falls outside his or her immediate purview. In the event the complaint concerns the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness or the Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, the Vice President of Enrollment Management will serve as the impartial representative of the institution.
No adverse action will be taken against any complainant for registering a complaint.
Records of formal complaints are maintained at the level at which resolution is reached. A summary of formal complaints will be documented on the form in Attachment A and forwarded to the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness. The Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness will maintain a summary log of all formal complaints in accordance with the records disposition policy of the university.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Enrollment Management
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 04/11/2018 - Added requirement for impartial representative and no adverse action
- 08/14/2017 - Revision
- 05/21/1993 - Inception as policy
- 01/06/1998 - Revision-minor changes
- 08/01/2004 - Reissue as 8.1.5
- 02/22/2007 - Review
- 02/22/2007 - Revision-title change