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Policy 8.2.1
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number 8.2.1
Revised: September 13, 2023
A basic aspect of the teaching-learning process is the evaluation of student performances and the assignment of grades. Student performance will be evaluated solely on an academic basis, and not on opinions or conduct in matters unrelated to the course taken.
Faculty are responsible for providing syllabi which clearly specify course objectives and/or competencies, and for making clear the means of evaluation for purposes of grading students. Students are responsible for class attendance, for learning the content of any course of study and for those standards of academic performance established for a given course. Students who violate academic integrity and regulations (see and current catalog) by plagiarism, classroom misdemeanor, or academic dishonesty will be held accountable to faculty and may have their grades adjusted accordingly.
Students shall have protection through orderly procedures against prejudices or capricious academic evaluation. A student, who believes that he or she has not been held to realistic academic standards, just evaluation procedures, or appropriate grading, may appeal the final grade given in the course by using the following grievance and appeal procedures. Appeals may not be made for advanced placement examinations or course bypass examinations. Appeals are limited to the final course grade, which may be upheld, raised, or lowered at any stage of the appeal process. Any recommendation to lower a course grade must be submitted through the vice president of academic affairs to the Faculty Assembly Grade Appeals Committee for review and approval. The Faculty Assembly Grade Appeals Committee may instruct that the course grade be upheld, raised, or lowered to a more proper evaluation.
Students enrolled on the Plainview campus, WBUonline students associated with the Plainview campus (campus of record), and School of Nursing students - If a student in one of these enrollment categories feels the matter is not satisfactorily resolved at the student-faculty level, the student should follow the steps below:
- The student shall first present, in writing, the matter of grievance to the instructor of the course. This must be done within thirty calendar days after the beginning of the next regular semester. The faculty member will either sustain the judgment made or make a change according to an agreement reached with the student. This decision will be communicated to the student in writing within two weeks after receipt of the grievance. Any recommendation to lower a course grade must be submitted through the vice president of academic affairs to the Faculty Assembly Grade Appeals Committee for review and approval.
- If the student feels the matter is not satisfactorily resolved at the student-faculty level, the student should submit the grievance to the dean of the school in which the course is taught. The appeal must be made in writing within two weeks after the faculty member has acted on the grievance; otherwise, the grievance shall be considered withdrawn. The dean of the school will review all facts and evidence in the case and mediate a decision between the student and the faculty member. The dean’s decision will be communicated in writing to the student and the faculty member within two weeks after the receipt of the grievance. If the grievance is not further appealed, it will be considered resolved. Any recommendation to lower a course grade must be submitted through the vice president of academic affairs to the Faculty Assembly Grade Appeals Committee for review and approval.
- If the student or faculty member is not satisfied, he/she may request the vice president of academic affairs to refer the appeal to the university Faculty Assembly Grade Appeals Committee. This request must be made in writing, must include the basis for the appeal, and must be submitted within two weeks following receipt of the decision of the dean of the school.
- The student or faculty member may appeal the findings of the committee in writing to the vice president of academic affairs within one week after receiving the committee's report. The vice president of academic affairs will render a decision within two weeks and copies of such decision will be sent to the student, the faculty member, and the dean of the school involved. This decision shall be final in all cases of grade appeals.
- Failure to submit grievances within the required time period will negate the student's complaint. No grievances will be considered after one full term has passed after the student has received the grade in question.
Students enrolled on external campuses and WBUonline students associated with an external campus (campus of record) - Sstudents in one of these enrollment categories should follow the steps below:
- A student shall first present, in writing, the matter of grievance to the instructor of the course. This must be done within thirty calendar days after the beginning of the next regular term. The faculty member will either sustain the judgment made or make a change according to an agreement reached with the student. This decision will be communicated to the student in writing within two weeks after receipt of the grievance. Any recommendation to lower a course grade must be submitted through the vice president of academic affairs to the Faculty Assembly Grade Appeals Committee for review and approval.
- If the student feels the matter is not satisfactorily resolved at the student-faculty level, the external campus student should submit the grievance to the campus executive director within two weeks after the decision by the professor. The appeal must be made in writing. The external campus executive director will review all facts and evidence in the case and mediate a decision between the student and the faculty member. The executive director’s decision will be communicated in writing to the student and the faculty member within two weeks. The executive director will notify the appropriate school dean of this decision. Any recommendation to lower a course grade must be submitted through the vice president of academic affairs to the Faculty Assembly Grade Appeals Committee for review and approval.
- If the student or faculty member feels the matter is not satisfactorily resolved at student-executive director level, the grievance should be submitted to the dean of the school in which the course is taught. The appeal must be made in writing within two weeks after the external campus executive director has acted on the grievance; otherwise, the grievance shall be considered withdrawn. The dean of the school will review all facts and evidence in the case and mediate a decision between the student and the faculty member. The dean’s decision will be communicated in writing to the student and the faculty member within two weeks after the receipt of the grievance. If the grievance is not further appealed, it will be considered resolved. Any recommendation to lower a course grade must be submitted through the vice president of academic affairs to the Faculty Assembly Grade Appeals Committee for review and approval.
- If the student or faculty member is not satisfied, he/she may request the vice president of academic affairs to refer the appeal to the university Faculty Assembly Grade Appeals Committee. This request must be made in writing, must include the basis for the appeal, and must be submitted within two weeks following receipt of the decision of the dean of the school.
- The student or faculty member may appeal the findings of the committee in writing to the vice president of academic affairs within one week after receiving the committee's report. The vice president of academic affairs will render a decision within two weeks and copies of such decision will be sent to the student, the faculty member, the external campus executive director, and the dean of the school involved. This decision shall be final in all cases of grade appeals.
- Failure to submit grievances within the required time period will negate the student's complaint.
Online Degree Program students - Any students pursuing degrees through Wayland’s on-line programs will follow the appeal process outlined for the Plainview campus. If the student is associated with one of the external campuses, the student will follow the process outlined for external campus students. The process may end at any step if the grievance is resolved or if a party fails to follow the above procedures.
The Faculty Assembly Grade Appeals Committee- The Faculty Assembly Grade Appeals Committee is an ad hoc committee whose membership shall consist of five members of the Faculty Assembly. The membership and chairperson shall be appointed by the Faculty Assembly president, in consultation with the executive committee for each occasion that a grievance is referred to the committee. The chairperson will not be a representative from the school from which the appeal emanates. The chairperson retains the right to vote on a case. The chairperson will keep appropriate records of meetings and committee actions and will make a report of the recommendation of the committee to the vice president of academic affairs. Should a member of the committee be involved in the case, that faculty member shall withdraw from the committee for the hearing of that case.
- Quorum- A quorum shall be four (4) members of the committee including the chairperson.
- Committee proceedings - The committee shall convene, review documentation submitted in regard to the appeal, and present its findings in writing to the vice president of academic affairs within two weeks after the grievance is referred. The case will be discussed by the committee at a time and place chosen by the chair of the appeals committee. The burden of proof shall rest with the student bringing the charge. The committee shall review all documentation submitted that relates to the case considering all evidence presented. The chair of the committee may arrange conference calls if it is determined that interviews are necessary and a great distance is involved. Any cost associated with travel or accommodations for an in-person interview will be borne by the student. Another person may accompany the student submitting a grievance if the committee determines an interview is necessary. The committee may also request the faculty member or university counsel to be present during the proceeding. Witnesses, if deemed necessary, may be solicited by the committee. The committee will have the right to review the course objectives and syllabus, course criteria for grading, the student’s work submitted for evaluation and the grade distribution for the course. The proceeding, findings and recommendations shall not be open to the general public or available to any individuals other than those concerned with the case. A simple majority vote shall be required in action. In case of a tie vote, this will become part of the written report.
- Committee decision - The committee will determine the facts of the case and attempt to render a fair and appropriate resolution of the problem. If it is determined that the student has not been treated in a fair manner, the committee will instruct that the course grade be changed to a more proper evaluation.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on the subject.
- 09/13/2023 – Revision to Committee proceedings
- 04/08/2020 – Revision-new language added
- 08/14/2017 – Revision-title changes
- 10/08/2014 – Revision – new language about lowering issued grade
- 02/18/2013 - Revision-add calendar to both #1’s after thirty
- 01/10/2011 - Revision new language added to include nursing and virtual campus
- 01/12/2009 - Revision-numbers replaced some bullets
- 02/22/2007 - Revision-new language added
- 02/22/2007 - Review
- 09/01/2004 - Revision-title change
- 07/01/2003 - Revision-minor change
- 01/18/2002 - Reissue as 8.2.1
- 01/18/2002 - Revision-new language added
- 07/20/1993 - Inception as policy
Printable 8.2.1 Student Grade Appeals