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Policy 2.8.8
Policy 2.8.8
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 2.8.8
Revised: August 14, 2017
General - Employment with the Wayland Baptist University is predicated at all times upon each individual's mental and physical abilities to perform with reasonable accommodation, satisfactory service in normal and expected assignments. Retirement from employment with the university will occur when an employee: (1) elects to take retirement under the provisions of the Convention Annuity Plan; (2) is assigned to an employment classification where age is a bona fide occupational qualification; (3) meets the conditions for disability retirement; or (4) applies and is approved for Retirement with Modified Service. The president is authorized to establish rules and procedures for the implementation of this regulation.
Age as an Employment Qualification - When, based upon objective facts, it is determined that age is a reasonable and necessary limiting factor in the safe and efficient performance of the duties of an employment classification, the president is authorized to impose such an age requirement by issuance of appropriate policies and procedures which meet the legal tests and requirements established by prevailing law.
An employee who has retired under this provision may be re-employed (either part-time or full-time) on a year-to-year basis. A request for employment must be forwarded through normal administrative channels to the president for approval. Such employment will be recommended and approved only where the best interest of the university will be served and all federal regulations and requirements of the Board of Trustees have been met.
Retirement with Modified Service - Employees who qualify for retirement benefits under the GuideStone Financial Resources may request approval for Retirement with Modified Service. This special program, which involves a commitment for a specific period of post-retirement employment, is designed to allow employees an option to retire from full-time service any time after age 59 and begin benefiting from retirement annuities while still contributing to the university through reduced-service employment.
Reemployment in the R/MS program after retirement involves a university commitment to employ the participant through a specific date, subject to normal rules for dismissal, after which date the university has no obligation to offer continued employment to the R/MS participant.
Participation in the R/MS program is not a right of employees and will be approved only when it can be shown to be in the best interest of the university.
Limitations on Service - Employment under R/MS may consist of one-half time (50% effort) or less for a period of:
- nine months or less, for persons retiring from positions that were budgeted on a 9-month or 10.5month basis; or
- twelve months or less, for persons retiring from positions that were budgeted on a 12-month basis.
As a general rule, faculty participating in R/MS will not be given summer or micro term teaching assignments.
Persons retiring from staff positions to participate in R/MS will ordinarily continue in the same or a lesser job classification, and will be reassigned if necessary to avoid their supervision of any full-time employees.
The salary of R/MS participants will be adjusted to reflect the value of positions held and work performed in the modified service positions they occupy after retirement. The base salary rate paid immediately prior to retirement will not necessarily be continued into R/MS employment; however, the initial rate should be established with mutual consent prior to commencement of the R/MS. After the salary is established, R/MS participants will be subject to mandated (across-the-board) salary adjustments during the course of their post-retirement employment and may receive merit increases in recognition of truly outstanding performance. Any changes in percentage of time worked by R/MS participants will be determined with the mutual consent of the parties concerned.
Applications - Persons wishing to participate in R/MS must submit a written request to their department or administrative unit. Application for R/MS must be made not later than 90 days before the date on which R/MS is requested to commence. The president may establish the requirement for an earlier application date.
The department or administrative unit head will review the request with the employee and recommend approval or disapproval through normal administrative channels to the president. Any additional information or special agreements pertinent to the conditions of employment must be noted and acknowledged on the form. In recommending approval, the department or administrative unit head must demonstrate and certify that the contemplated employment after retirement is in the best interests of the university, and that the department or unit may expect, with reasonable certainty, to continue to benefit from the reduced services of the applicant throughout the period of the R/MS commitment.
Terms and Duration of Employment - An employee applying for Modified Service employment after retirement should receive, before the date of termination in anticipation of retirement, written approval of a Modified Service agreement.
Modified Service employment after retirement is for a specific period having a designated beginning date and a designated ending date, at which time the individual shall be terminated unless a new R/MS application, has been approved for continued employment.
An extension of the Modified Service agreement may be approved, subject to the same rules and approval procedures as the original agreement.
Sick and Vacation Leave - Retirement constitutes a break in service, therefore all accounts for accumulated vacation credit for individuals retiring under R/MS must be settled at the date of termination. All sick leave credit accumulated at that date is forfeited.
R/MS participants are eligible to accrue and use vacation and sick leave under the same general rules concerning percent effort and period of appointment that apply to other employees, as described in the university's policies on Vacation Leave (policy 2.5.1) and Paid Sick Leave (policy 2.5.2).
Other Fringe Benefits - Other fringe benefits for R/MS employees include:
- continuation of academic rank (emeritus status or retired)
- non-voting participation in faculty committee
- optional service on university committees with a vote on the committee
- office space for retirees who are employed part-time, if available.
- mail service
- purchase of insurance options - within regular insurance eligibility requirements
- university store discount privileges
- Medicare health insurance supplement of $200 per month to retirees who have been full-time Wayland employees for a minimum of fifteen years and who retire directly from Wayland. Proof of insurance is required to receive the Medicare supplement.
- library use privileges
- faculty I.D. card
- free attendance when afforded to faculty of university activities such as drama, sports, and musicals
- free campus parking permit
- continued listing in university directory
- participation in academic processionals and convocations
- invitations to faculty and appropriate campus social events
- free tuition to retiree and spouse
- university housing, if available, on an annual basis
Administrative Approval - All applications for participation in R/MS must have the administrative approval of the president on a completed and processed Personnel Requisition Form. Final approval is subject to adequate budgetary provisions. Copies of R/MS agreements should accompany the Personnel Requisition form. Dismissal from employment prior to expiration of an approved R/MS agreement must conform to the rules and regulations of the university for the termination of employees in the section on Retirement with Modified Service.
Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-removed use of Glorieta from benefits
- 03/12/2007 - Reviewed
- 10/26/2006 - Revised
- 08/15/2004 - Reviewed
- 05/15/2004 - Reviewed
- 03/27/1997 - Revised and reviewed
- 12/15/1995 - Inception of policy
Printable Policy 2.8.8