
Policy 2.5.2

Policy 2.5.2

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 2.5.2

Revised: March 13, 2019


Individuals employed on a full-time, twelve-month basis or faculty employed on a full-time, nine, 10, or 11-month academic basis, are eligible for paid sick leave. Sick leave is not to be considered as personal leave, but is to be used only under those circumstances indicated in the section entitled Absences Qualifying for Sick Leave with Pay. The university reserves the right to require employees to provide a medical doctor's note verifying that an absence was caused by a diagnosed medical condition or situation.

Accrual - Sick leave shall accrue at the rate of eight hours each month. Sick leave is awarded on the first of each month. Accrual will continue until the last day of full-time employment. Sick leave will not accrue during leaves of absence without pay unless so designated in the university policy dealing with such leave. An employee accumulates sick leave beginning with the first day of employment and entitlement to receive paid sick leave occurs immediately. Employees hired between the 1st and 15th day of the month will receive the full month's accrual. Employees hired between the 16th and last day of the month will receive half of the month's accrual with full accrual beginning the following month. Accrual will continue until the last day of full-time employment. Compensation for sick leave will be at the rate of compensation being paid when the leave is taken.

Grandfather Clause - Employees who are employed full-time as of October 1, 1994, will accrue sick leave at the rate of sixteen hours each month.

Accrual Reporting- Sick leave accruals will be recorded and maintained by the Office of Human Resources. Accrued time may be determined by contacting the Office of Human Resources.

Maximum Sick Leave Accrual - Sick leave will accrue until a maximum of 90 days or 720 hours is accrued. If an employee's sick leave reaches the 720 hours limit, accrual shall cease until such time as approved sick leave is requested, approved, taken, and recorded. Accrual will then resume until such time as the 720 hours maximum is reached.

Absences Qualifying for Sick Leave with Pay - Sick leave with pay may be taken:

  • when personal illness, injury, pregnancy or confinement prevent the performance of duties, or when doctor's appointments must be scheduled during work hours;
  • as maternity leave following pregnancy; paid leave is limited to six weeks if employee has accrual of sick leave or sick leave and vacation. Following a normal delivery, additional maternity leave is eligible for leave with pay when medical problems lead the attending physician to prescribe an extended recovery period. Additional maternity leave taken as unpaid leave is subject to the provisions of policy 2.5.9, Family and Medical Leave;
  • when the employee must care for a member of the employee's immediate family, which includes spouse, son, daughter, brother, sister, mother, father, grandparent, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law or a person who is legally acting in one of these capacities who is ill or injured, or when the employee needs to accompany a family member to doctor's appointments which must be scheduled during work hours;
  • upon the death of an immediate family member; necessary associated travel time is eligible for leave with pay, and should be included with the request for absence;
  • upon the adoption of a child less than three years of age - ordinarily limited to thirty (30) working days, but requests for exception may be made to the president.

Sick Leave Abuse - An employee has the responsibility for using sick leave appropriately as outlined in the policy. Using sick leave for unauthorized purpose or misrepresenting the actual reason for charging an absence to sick leave constitutes sick leave abuse. Establishing a pattern of sick leave usage over a period of time (e.g., the day before or after a holiday, on Mondays and/or Fridays, after paydays, and one specific day, half-day), or a continued pattern of maintaining zero or near-zero leave balances may also constitute sick leave abuse.

Requesting Sick Leave - All employees who are absent from work for reasons qualifying for paid sick leave must notify the supervisor, or cause the supervisor to be notified at the earliest possible time. An employee may request sick leave by completing an Absence Request Form (attachment A) or timesheet and reporting the leave taken on an hourly basis. If circumstances surrounding the leave permit, the Absence Request Form should be completed prior to the leave.

Required Documentation - When the period of absence is for five continuous working days or less, the employee will include a brief statement concerning the illness on the Absence Request Form or timesheet. If the absence was due to the illness of an immediate family member, the statement will include the name and relationship.

When the period of absence is for more than five continuous working days, the employee will include the same statement and also attach a physician's statement indicating the cause or nature of the illness and the estimated date of recovery. The supervisor may also require the submission of a certificate from the attending physician stating that the employee is able to return to work and specifying limitation, if any exist, to the employee's ability to perform normal duties. However, the immediate supervisor in consultation with the Office of Human Resources may request medical documentation at any time when it appears that sick leave abuse may be occurring.

When the period of absence is because of a family death (as defined in policy 2.5.6), a statement should be included on the Absence Request Form or timesheet, and if applicable, the specific travel time needed.

When the period of absence is for the adoption of a child under three years of age, a statement should be included to specify applicable dates and other pertinent information.

Termination of Employment - Upon termination of employment with the university, the employee forfeits the rights to all accrued sick leave.

Overuse of Sick Leave - If an employee exceeds their sick leave balance at any time during their employment with the university, the hours will be deducted from pay during the month following the overuse. Employees are not allowed to use future accruing sick leave to negate the overuse, unless approved by the appropriate Cabinet member.

Extension of Sick Leave to Unpaid Leave- An employee who is unable to return to work after the use of all accrued sick leave and applicable vacation leave entitlements may apply for leave without pay. See policy 2.5.9 for additional information. The Absence Request Form or timesheet, with a notation of "without pay" must be forwarded through the normal administrative channels to the supervising Cabinet member.

No Call/No Show - Not reporting to work and not calling to report the absence is considered a no call/no show instance. This is a serious matter. The first instance of a no call/no show will result in a written warning. The second separate offense may result in termination of employment with no additional disciplinary steps. Any no call/no show lasting three days is considered job abandonment and will result in immediate termination of employment. Extenuating circumstances may be considered by unit supervisors, in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet member, when determining discipline for a no call/no show instance. The university reserves the right to exercise discretion in such cases.

Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   03/13/2019 - Addition of Sick Leave Abuse paragraph and additional medical documentation under Required Documentation
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 10/08/2014 - Reviewed, Revised-addition of last sentence in first paragraph, Overuse of Sick leave, and No Call/No Show paragraphs, rewording of Accrual paragraph

-   02/16/2007 - Reviewed

-   09/15/2004 - Reissued as policy 2.5.2

-   09/19/1997 - Reviewed

-   10/24/1994 - Reviewed

-   05/26/1992 - Inception as policy

Printable Policy 2.5.2

Absence Request Form