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Policy 2.5.6
Policy 2.5.6
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 2.5.6
Revised: August 14, 2018
University policy provides for employee absences from work for various circumstances. An Absence Request Form (policy 2.5.2, attachment A) must be submitted and approved prior to an absence. An exception is provided for unanticipated illness or injury; however, an Absence Request Form must be submitted as soon as possible.
Related policy is referenced for leave types as appropriate.
Vacation - Applicable for individuals employed on a full-time, twelve-month basis (see policy 2.5.1)
Sick (paid and unpaid) - (Applicable for individuals employed on a full-time basis) More than five (5) consecutive days of absence requires a physician's statement.
Qualifying Absences:
- personal illness, injury, maternity
- immediate family illness, injury
- immediate family death, personal bereavement
See policy 2.5.2 and policy 2.5.9 for additional information concerning requirements and procedures.
Professional Leave - (Applicable for individuals employed on a full-time basis) Professional leave entails absence from the normal work site for the purpose of training or participation in professional organization meetings. Although professional leave is not technically an absence from work, the absence from the normal work site should be requested via the Absence Request Form. Approval for professional leave is dependent upon the judged benefit to the university through enhanced professional skills of the employee.
Jury Duty - Salaried employees are eligible for paid leave to comply with a jury summons. A copy of the official summons must be submitted with either the timesheet or the Absence Request Form.
Military Leave - (Applicable for individuals employed on a full-time basis) Documentation showing creditable service for active military service, as outlined in the following sections, is to be furnished by the employee and retained on file in the Office of Human Resources or Vice President of Academic Affairs.
National Guard - An employee who is a member of the National Guard called to active duty by the governor because of a state emergency will be granted emergency leave with pay until the end of the semester in which he/she is called. Such military leave shall not be deducted from the employee's accrued vacation or sick leave. The employee shall accrue sick leave and vacation leave during the time of emergency service, but may not take such leave or receive payment for the vacation leave earned until he/she returns to work. The employee accrues service credit for the period of this leave.
Armed Forces of the United States - An employee who is called to active duty by a reserve branch of the Armed Forces of the United States will be granted a leave of absence without pay. Such military leave shall not be deducted from the employee's accrued vacation or sick leave. The employee shall not accrue sick leave and vacation leave during the absence. The employee accrues service credit for the period of this leave.
Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 12/15/2008 - Reviewed
- 12/01/2006 - Reviewed
- 08/15/2004 - Reissued as policy 2.5.6
- 09/25/1995 - Inception date for policy