
Policy 2.5.1

Policy 2.5.1

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 2.5.1

Revised: August 14, 2017


Individuals employed on a full-time, twelve-month basis are eligible for paid vacation leave. Employees in service years 1 through 10 (0-120 months) are classified as Vacation Level 1. Employees in service years 11 and above (120 months or more) are classified as Vacation Level 2. Vacation leave accrues on the following basis.

Accrual - Vacation Level 1 employees will be awarded 78 hours of vacation leave on the first day of each fiscal year. Vacation Level 2 employees will be awarded 120 hours of vacation leave on the first day of each fiscal year.

Vacation hours are then accrued on a monthly basis. Vacation Level 1 employees will accrue 6.5 hours per month until a maximum annual award of 117 hours is reached (39 additional hours). Vacation Level 2 employees will accrue 10 hours per month until the maximum annual award of 160 hours is reached (40 additional hours). Employees hired between the 1st and 15th day of the month will receive the full month's accrual. Employees hired between the 16th and last day of the month will receive half of the month's accrual with full accrual beginning the following month. Accrual will continue until the last day of full-time employment. Vacation will not accrue during leaves of absence without pay unless so designated in policy 2.5.7. At no point during the fiscal year may an employee's combined awarded and accrued vacation leave be in excess of 117 hours for Vacation Level 1 or 160 hours for Vacation Level 2.

Alternate Basis of Accrual - Accrual may occur under an alternate basis at the discretion of the appropriate Cabinet member. Terms of the alternate accrual must be stated in writing on the payroll authorization/contract at the time of employment because of extensive previous service in areas of significant value to the institution. Such an alternate provision will be stated on all subsequent payroll authorizations/contracts to which the provision is applicable.

Break in Service - Upon return to employment after a break in service, an employee who is in a leave accruing position will accrue vacation leave based on total years of service to the university.

Position Change - Faculty members who change to administrative positions shall retain their accumulated years of service in calculating vacation accrual rates.

Vesting of Vacation Leave - An employee accumulates vacation leave beginning with the first day of employment. However, eligibility to receive vacation leave, vesting, occurs after six months of employment. An employee leaving the university after less than six months service is not eligible to receive paid vacation leave. After six months of service, an employee is eligible to receive compensation for accumulated vacation leave. Compensation for vacation leave will be at the rate of compensation being paid when the leave is taken.

Scheduling of Vacation Leave - An employee may request vacation leave by completing an Absence Request Form (policy 2.5.2, attachment A). An employee is eligible to request vacation leave after six months of service to the extent of the employee's accrued vacation time. However, approval by the immediate supervisor and the designated administrator is required before vacation is taken. Vacation leave shall be taken so as not to interfere with the operation of the university, with adequate provision for ongoing work needs. The University reserves the right to require vacation time to be taken on a specific day or days, for a specified period of time, or for a specified number of days.

Accrual Reporting - Vacation accruals will be recorded and maintained by the Office of Human Resources. Vacation accruals are reported on the employee's bi-monthly paycheck stub.

Carryover of Vacation Accrual - There will be no carryover of vacation leave from one fiscal year to the next. Any vacation leave not used by the end of the fiscal year will be forfeited.

Overuse of Vacation Leave - If an employee exceeds their vacation leave balance at any time during their employment with the university, the hours will be deducted from pay during the month following the overuse. Employees are not allowed to use future accruing vacation leave to negate the overuse, unless approved by the appropriate Cabinet member.

Terminal Vacation Pay - At the time when employment ceases, a university employee is eligible to be paid a lump sum for all vested vacation time accrued as of the last day worked. Upon the death of an employee who has accumulated vacation entitlement, the estate of the employee shall be paid a lump sum for accumulated vacation leave.

No Call/No Show - Not reporting to work and not calling to report the absence is considered a no call/no show instance. This is a serious matter. The first instance of a no call/no show will result in a written warning. The second separate offense may result in termination of employment with no additional disciplinary steps. Any no call/no show lasting three days is considered job abandonment and will result in immediate termination of employment. Extenuating circumstances may be considered by unit supervisors, in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet member, when determining discipline for a no call/no show instance. The university reserves the right to exercise discretion in such cases.

Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Revision-title change
- 02/01/2016 - Rewrite of paragraph 1, 3, & 10, addition of paragraph 2

-   01/12/2015 - Revision-addition of Maximum Carryover of Vacation Accrual

-   12/01/2014 - Revision-addition of last sentence in the Scheduling of Vacation Leave section

-   10/08/2014 - Reviewed, Revised-rewording of Accrual, Alternate Basis of Accrual, Accrual Reporting, and Terminal Vacation Pay paragraph, addition of Overuse of Vacation Leave and No Call/No Show paragraphs

-   07/01/2013 - Revision-Accrual paragraph-define when accrual will take place

-   04/11/2007 - Reviewed

-   09/15/2006 - Reviewed

-   11/15/2004 - Reviewed

-   10/01/2003 - Revision, System changed to University

-   09/15/2001 - Reissued as policy 2.5.1

-   10/24/1994 - Inception date for policy

Printable Policy 2.5.1

Absence Request Form