Policy 1.4.2

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 1.4.2
Revised: August 14, 2017



Wayland Baptist University maintains two calendars, the academic calendar and the master calendar.

Academic Calendar - Working with the university's Calendar and Cultural Affairs Committee, the president oversees the university's annual academic calendar.

The Calendar and Cultural Affairs Committee membership is outlined in policy 1.2.2, Attachment A.

The academic calendar will be developed with university-wide input and the timing of its development should provide sufficient time for university-wide review and comment. Final approval of the academic calendar will rest with the President's Cabinet.

The academic calendar will be approved no later than March 1 of the year preceding its implementation on August 1. Pertinent information contained within the academic calendar will be included in the university student handbook and academic catalog, and be integrated in the master calendar.

Master Calendar - The University's master calendar is supervised through the Office of the President and includes all university and academic holidays (days offices are open, but classes do not meet). University holidays are outlined in policy 2.5.4 under the Paid Holidays section.

Plainview Campus - On the Plainview campus, the master calendar will be supervised through the Office of the President. Prior to the scheduling of the use of Plainview facilities, all administrative units with responsibility for scheduling such facilities (see policy 5.1.6) must secure approval from the President's Office to ensure that competing events have not been previously scheduled. Curricular spaces are reserved for curricular activities. Building managers must be notified in advance of all events scheduled in their facilities.

External campuses - While university and academic holidays will be recommended by the Calendar and Cultural Affairs Committee, each external campus, with the approval of the president, may adjust these dates to best meet the needs of the campus.

Contact for Interpretation: President

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.

-   08/14/2017 - Title changes      
- 08/22/2013 - Revised-Academic calendar implementation from July 1 to August 1
-   08/12/2013 - Revised-president's office changed to the office of the executive vice president/provost in paragraphs 6 & 7, added last two sentences in paragraph 7
-   05/08/2012 - Referenced Master Calendar to policy 2.5.4
-   08/01/2010 - Membership referenced to policy 1.2.2
-   12/02/2008 - Title changes
-   02/22/2007 - Date changes; title changes -              
-   09/15/2004 - Title changes
-   09/01/2003 - Reviewed; grammatical edits
-   09/01/2001 - Changed from policy 1.1.3; title changes
-   11/28/1994 - Inception as policy 1.1.3


Printable Policy 1.4.2
Printable 1.2.2. Attachment A