Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 2.5.4
Policy 2.5.4
Policy 2.5.4
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 2.5.4
Revised: August 14, 2017
Individuals employed on a full-time basis (those who work at least 37.50 hours per week and whose employment authorization contains a full-time position designation) are eligible for paid holiday leave. Eligibility for specific holiday pay is determined by an individual's employment before and after a scheduled paid holiday.
Paid Holidays - Twenty (20) days of paid holiday leave are provided annually. It is customary to provide ten (10) of these days during the Christmas and New Year season, one (1) day for the employee's birthday, and the remaining nine (9) days as specified throughout the remainder of the year.
A birthday holiday should be requested on the Absence Request Form (policy 2.5.2, attachment A) and approved through the normal supervisory channels, and should be taken on, or within 30 days of the employee's birthday.
The days specified as holidays are subject to administrative discretion and consideration will be given to the operational needs of the university as well as the preferences of the majority of full-time employees. If, during official university holidays, employees must be scheduled to provide needed services, substitute holidays will be provided. Supervisors must submit the alternate holiday schedule to the appropriate Cabinet member or executive director/campus dean.
An annual schedule is provided by the president for the Plainview campus and by the vice president of external campuses for the external campuses. See policy 1.4.2 for more information relative to the university calendar.
Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 01/09/2009 - Changed from 18 to 20, effective 7/1/2009
- 12/01/2006 - Title changes
- 11/15/2004 - Titles, edits to referenced policies
- 07/13/2004 - Changed from 15 day to 18 days
- 10/03/2003 - Policy changed from
- 05/22/2002 - policy reference changes
- 08/31/2001 - Title changes
- 12/15/1995 - Title changes; contact for interpretation
- 12/16/1994 - inception -
Printable Policy 2.5.4