Policy 5.1.6

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 5.1.6
Revised: August 14, 2017


The primary responsibility of Wayland Baptist University is to conduct classes and instructional activities for students enrolled at one of the university's campuses. In keeping with that purpose, each campus is charged with providing an atmosphere conducive to the learning process and to an appropriate work environment. Any activity that is disruptive of that environment is prohibited.

External campus policy:

The executive director/campus dean at each external campus is charged with overseeing the scheduling of meetings and activities at their respective campuses.

Plainview campus policies:

Fees for use of University Facilities
Non-university groups - Fees for the use of university facilities by non-university groups are charged to offset maintenance and service expenses. A fee schedule is available from the Office of the President. Any exception to this fee schedule must be requested at least two weeks in advance of the date requested and must be approved by the Office of the President.

Student organizations - Except in those instances where extra expenses are involved, student organizations are not required to pay fees if the approved university sponsor makes the reservation. If extra expenses are involved, they will be paid for by the group making the reservation.

Scheduling of Meeting Rooms, Auditoriums and other Spaces by University Groups
Subject to certain limitations, the university's physical facilities are available for general faculty, staff, and student use. Those groups desiring to reserve meeting rooms or other facilities should contact the building manager that houses that facility (unless otherwise specified below).

Classrooms - Regularly scheduled classes receive first priority for use of all classroom space. Requests for the use of classrooms for meetings or other non-instructional purposes should be filed with the Office of the President at the Plainview campus.

Use of Harral Memorial Auditorium and Fine Arts Center
Billie Sheldon Harral Memorial Theatre (The Black Box) - The Black Box is the public space in the Harral Auditorium and Fine Arts Center. Requests for the use of this space should be filed with the Harral Auditorium supervisor.

Harral Auditorium - the Harral Auditorium is a public space in the Harral Auditorium and Fine Arts Center. Requests for the use of this space should be filed with the Harral Auditorium supervisor.

Earl W. Miller Recital Hall - The Earl Miller Recital Hall is a public space in the Harral Auditorium and Fine Arts Center. Requests for the use of this space should be filed with the Harral Auditorium supervisor.

An additional fee of $25.00 will be charged if clean-up is needed after using any space in the Harral Auditorium and Fine Arts Center.

Use of Roy C. and Genelle McClung University Center
Roy and Genelle McClung University Center Conference Rooms - Requests for the use of the two upstairs conference/luncheon rooms in the McClung University Center should be made with the director of food services.

University Center Conference Room - Requests for the use of this room, located in the basement of the McClung University Center, should be made with the Office of the Executive Director of Student Services.

Employee Lounge - Located on the first floor of the McClung University Center, the employee lounge is open for all of the WBU faculty and staff during working hours. University employees may reserve this room by contacting the Office of the Executive Director of Student Services.

Parlor - Requests for the use of the parlor should be addressed to the Office of the President.

Use of Recreational Facilities
The university's recreational facilities include the Claude and Wilda Hutcherson Center, the Pete and Nelda Laney Student Activities Center, and the fitness center. By presenting a valid WBU identification card, any student, faculty member, or staff member may use these facilities during times designated for open recreation. Requests for the use of these facilities should be coordinated with the director of intercollegiate athletics.

Use of University Library Facilities
Several areas in the university library are available to both university and non-university service and educational groups. Library facilities are not available for weddings, wedding receptions or other social occasions. All scheduling is done through the director of library services located at the J.E. and L.E. Mabee Learning Resources Center. Final approval is determined by the Office of the President. There may be a security fee charged for opening and closing the facility.

Heritage Room - The Heritage Room in the Learning Resources Center is available for official university meetings.

Meadows Information Technology Center - Classes held in the Meadows Information Technology Center (MITC) on a regular basis are approved and scheduled through the Office of the University Registrar. All other meetings in the MITC are scheduled through the director of library services.

Multipurpose Room - The multipurpose room located in the basement area of the Learning Resources Center is available to both university and non-university service and educational groups by advanced reservations only. Non-university groups and university groups, reservations are made through the director of library services.

Atrium - The atrium is available to university groups and non-university educational and service organizations with reservations well in advance of the date requested. Approval for use of the atrium must be obtained from the curator of the Abraham Family Art Center as well as the director of library services.

Scheduling of University Facilities by Non-University Groups
In certain instances, university facilities may be reserved by outside individuals, groups or associations. The availability of campus facilities for non-university functions is governed by the operational needs of the university. All requests by non-university groups to use university facilities, with the exception of recreational and athletic facilities, should be made to the Office of the President. After consultation with the academic school(s) involved, this office will act upon the request.

Harral Memorial Auditorium and Fine Arts Center - In determining the schedule for the Studio Theatre, the Harral Auditorium Supervisor shall be guided by the Harral Art Center Space Use Policy which is available in the Office of the Harral Auditorium supervisor. Amendments to this policy require the approval of the president.

Recreational and Athletic Facilities - facilities by non-university groups is scheduled through the director of intercollegiate athletics. For non-university groups, all approved requests to use these facilities are to be communicated promptly to the Office of the President to be placed on the master calendar.

The following guidelines have been established:

  • usage must not be for the personal benefit of a profit-oriented organization.
  • usage must not interfere with regularly-scheduled classes or occur at times of heavy student recreational use.
  • usage should be requested only when there are no other suitable sports facilities available within the Plainview area or when the event offers a special public relations advantage to the university.

Use of Brown Family Conference Center
Requests for the use of the Brown Family Conference Center for any function should be addressed to the Office of Church and Denominational Relations and/or the Office of the President.

Sales and Solicitations
Although the buildings of Wayland Baptist University are readily accessible to visitors and persons having legitimate business with the university, it is necessary to regulate the activities of individuals and organizations desiring to solicit, sell, or promote products and services directly with students, employees, and visitors. Organizations and individuals desiring to engage in such solicitation and sales shall be required to obtain written permission prior to beginning their activities. Permission normally shall be granted for direct selling only when availability of the product or service represents a distinct convenience to the purchaser and is not otherwise available.

The president is responsible for granting permission for direct sales and solicitation activities on campus.

External campuses - On the external campuses, the campus executive director/campus dean is assigned this responsibility.

If at any time the sales and solicitation actions of an organization or individual disrupt the normal activities of the university, those organizations or individuals will be requested to cease their actions and, when appropriate, leave the university buildings and groups. Should they refuse to cease their actions, or to leave, they will be informed that they are trespassing, and university security will be called upon to remove them.

Food Services
The university food service, located in the McClung University Center, is responsible for providing catering services for most functions on campus. Catering options for any function held at the university are subject to the contracted agreement with Wayland Baptist University and the current food service. All questions on this issue are to be addressed to the vice president of enrollment management.

Damage to Property
Destruction, damage, unauthorized possession, or misuse of university or private property (including keys, library materials, and laboratory supplies) is prohibited.

Guest Speakers and Performers
Policy 8.8.1, Guest Speakers, Lecturers, and Entertainers, provides additional guidelines regarding the use of university facilities.

Unattended Children
Children must not be left unattended on a university campus at any time. Any damages caused by unattended children will be charged to the parent or guardian.

Contact for Interpretation: President

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 10/22/2012 - Revision-service and educational, remove "Use of Audiovisual Equipment", Conference Room 205 to University Center Conference Room, remove President's Dining Room, Ann Brown Memorial Chapel to Brown Family Conference Center
- 01/06/2011 - Revision-title change
- 12/01/2006 - Revision-additional line for external campuses
- 12/01/2006 - Review
- 10/01/2004 - Revision-layout change
- 05/23/2002 - Revision-language change
- 01/18/2002 - Revision-title chane, layout change
- 10/03/2001 - Reissue as 5.1.6
- 10/03/2001 - Revision-title change
- 11/28/1994 - Inception as policy 1.2.11

Printable Policy 5.1.6