Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 9.1.5
Policy 9.1.5
Policy 9.1.5
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 9.1.5
Revised: August 14, 2017
Schedule Changes
A course(s) may be added to or dropped from a student's schedule during the time specified in the official university calendar.
Plainview campus - Schedule changes must be approved by the registrar or the vice president of academic affairs, the student's advisor, head coach (if applicable), and the instructor(s) concerned.
External campuses - Schedule changes must be approved by the executive director/campus dean.
Adding a Course
Plainview campus students - To add a course a student must obtain a Drop/Add form from the university registrar's office. This form must be signed by the student's advisor, a sport coach (if applicable) and the course's instructor. If personnel are not available, the form may be signed by the vice president of academic affairs.
External campus students - External campus students must obtain a Drop/Add form from the executive director/campus dean. This change must be approved by the executive director/campus dean.
There is no charge for adding a course.
Under no circumstances may a course be added after the date indicated in the official calendar for adding a course.
Dropping a Course
Plainview Campus students - To drop a course, a student must obtain a Drop/Add form from the university registrar's office. This form must be signed by the student's advisor, a sport coach (if applicable), and the course instructor. If personnel are not available, the form may be signed by the vice president of academic affairs or the university registrar.
External campus students - External campus students must obtain a Drop/Add form from the executive director/campus dean. This change must be approved by the executive director/campus dean.
There is no charge for courses dropped as a result of changes in the university's course schedule, the request of the student's advisor or during the official registration period. Otherwise, a fee of $10 will be charged for each course dropped. A student may drop a course without record through the date indicated in the official calendar for Withdrawal without Record. For courses dropped after that date but before the date indicated for receiving a "WP/WF", the student will receive a W, indicating withdrawal. For courses dropped after the date indicated in the schedule for Withdrawal with a "WP/WF", the student will receive the grade earned in the class. A student is officially dropped from a course only after the Drop/Add form has been signed by the university registrar or the vice president of academic affairs, presented to the business office and all necessary fees paid. Failure to file the Drop/Add form can result in grades of F in courses affected.
Withdrawal from the University
Withdrawing from the university is defined as "dropping all courses in which the student is currently enrolled." A student who finds it necessary to withdraw from the university must file a Withdrawal form in the university registrar's office. Failure to file this form may result in grades of F in courses then in progress. A student who withdraws from the university, according to the procedures stipulated, will be allowed a grace period of two working days to rescind the withdrawal. Reinstatement is allowed only during regular class days. Therefore, final examination days and days thereafter are specifically excluded.
Plainview campus students - students enrolled on the Plainview campus who withdraw from the university, must have a Withdrawal card approved by the executive director of student services, the coordinator of housing, the librarian, the university store, coordinator of student accounts, the university registrar, the financial aid office, and the vice president of academic affairs.
External campus students - students enrolled at one of the external campuses must have the Drop/Add form signed by the executive director/campus dean. Withdrawal cards and Drop/Add forms, duly signed, must be submitted to the university registrar. To receive a refund and/or a transcript, all accounts in the business office must be paid.
For additional information on refunds related to withdrawal, see policy 3.2.4. (Refunds).
Administrative Withdrawal from the University
Any student who has not attended class according to university records by the census date for any given term is considered as a "no show" and will be administratively withdrawn without record from the class. This may affect the financial aid status for the student.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Title changes
- 02/29/2016 - Revision -title change; addition of sport coach signature requirements - 03/09/2009 - Revision-title change
- 04/25/2007 - Revision-divided into "Plainview campus" and "External campuses"
- 04/25/2007 - Review
- 08/15/2004 - Reissue as 9.1.5
- 08/15/2004 - Revision-addition of external campuses sentence
- 07/21/1997 - Revision-language added, divided into "schedule change" and "withdrawal for the University" - 03/11/1992 - Inception as policy