Policy 3.2.4

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 3.2.4
Revised: June 6, 2024



A refund is the amount credited back to the student account to offset all or a portion of an amount previously charged. A refund does NOT necessarily denote an amount disbursed to the student.

A student who officially withdraws from the university may be eligible for reduced charges for tuition, room, and board. After the first meeting of a class, special course fees are not subject to reductions, and are due in full upon withdrawal.

Refunds are based upon the number of weeks a course has been in session.

Aweek is defined as the number of contact class hours in a term divided by the number of weeks in a regular length term.

Plainview Campus Class Hours - The Plainview campus schedules 45 contact class hours in a term and has a regular length term of at least fifteen (15) weeks defining 3 class hours per week.

Hawaii Campus Class Hours - The Hawaii campus schedules 45 contact class hours in a term and has a regular length term of 10 weeks, defining 4.5 class hours per week.

External Campuses Class Hours - All external campuses, with the exception of the Hawaii campus, schedule 44 contact class hours in a term and have regular length terms of 11 weeks, defining 4 class hours per week.

A class has been in session a full week as soon as it has met the number of times necessary to substantially equal the defined class hours per week.

Weekend Classes - Weekend classes are generally scheduled to meet more class hours than would be equivalent to a week. It is common for these classes to meet the number of class hours equivalent to two or three weeks in one weekend.

Students enrolled in a weekend course who drop the course or withdraw from the university, will receive the refund applicable for the number of weeks attended, according to the defined class hours per week.

If a student drops the course or withdraws from the university, the first business day after the weekend the class first meets, the full refund will be awarded.

Audit Courses - Audit courses, those courses enrolled in on a not-for-credit basis are not eligible for reduced charges when the course is dropped and tuition will be due in full.

Tuition Refunds - Applicable refunds, as of the date of submission of an official withdrawal form, are as follows:

16 week terms (16 x 7 days = 112 days; 60% point = 112 x .6 = 67.2 days)

100 % Prior to class start
75% 1-10 days* after first class meeting
25% 11-20 days after first class meeting
10% 21-45 days after first class meeting
5% 46-68 days or more after first class meeting
0% 69 day or more after first class meeting

10-11 week terms (11 x 7 days = 77 days; 60% point = 77 x .6 = 46.2 days)

100% Prior to class start
75% 1-7 days after first class meeting
25% 8-4 days after first class meeting
10% 15-31 days after first class meeting
5% 32-47 days after first class meeting
0% 48 days or more after first class meeting

5 ½ week terms (5.5 x 7 = 38.5 days; 60% point = 39 x .6 = 23.4 days)

100% Prior to class start
75% 1-3 days after first class meeting
25% 4-7 days after first class meeting
10% 8-16 days after first class meeting
5% 17-24 days after first class meeting
0% 25 days or more after first class meeting

*days = calendar days; excludes periods when classes are suspended/do not meet for 5 or more consecutive calendar days (e.g., Spring Break; Christmas holiday).

11= 68.75% of 16 (days for 10-11 week terms were calculated by multiplying calculations for 16 week term by .69)

A $10 administrative fee will be charged for processing each course dropped.

Automatic eBook and Pioneer Academic Access Refund Policy - Refunds for Automatic eBook and Pioneer Academic Access will only be considered during the current semester in which textbook and course materials are assigned. If a student encounters an error or other difficulty during opt-out, it is their responsibility to contact VitalSource or the Pioneer Store for assistance.

Medical Exigency Withdrawal - A student who, during an academic term, has a serious illness or suffers an injury that requires the student to miss 25% or more of the term may elect to apply for a medical exigency withdrawal from the university.

Medical exigency withdrawals are intended for illness and treatment beyond a student's control and are not applicable when a student chooses to have elective or optional medical treatment.

The application must be supported by a doctor's statement, which verifies the student's inability to attend class for a specific period of time due to the illness or injury being treated. If the application is approved, all tuition previously charged to the student account will be refunded. Likewise, all financial aid previously disbursed to the student account and any subsequent disbursals of credit to the student must be refunded.

The student is advised to discuss the financial ramifications of a medical exigency withdrawal with the Coordinator of Student Accounts, the campus executive director/campus dean, or designated staff before electing to make application.

A $10 per class fee will be charged for processing the withdrawal and the date of last attendance must be recorded at the time of official withdrawal.

Military TDY (Temporary Duty Assignments), Deployments, or Support of Military Operations Necessitating Withdrawal - A student who, receives a non-requested Military TDY (temporary duty assignment) during an academic term requiring the student to miss 25% or more of the term, may elect to apply for a Military TDY Withdrawal from the university. In cases of deployment, or requirements to support military operations by either military or civilian employees of the Department of Defense, options for withdrawing from classes without penalty will be considered, along with special consideration for completing a class/classes in alternate ways. At external campuses, the executive director/campus deans will make a determination as to the appropriate course of action, in consultation with instructors of the class/classes affected and the vice president of external campuses, if circumstances warrant.

Generally, the withdrawal must be for all classes in which the student is enrolled. The student may not elect to drop some classes and maintain enrollment in others and qualify for Military TDY Withdrawal refund. However; pursuant to the campus executive director/campus dean's discretion, enrollment in classes adaptable to later completion or in classes not dependent upon location (i.e. internet classes) may be maintained. Additionally, the student may not request the TDY assignment and qualify for the Military TDY Withdrawal refund.

The application for the Military TDY Withdrawal refund must be supported by a military document (copy of orders) which verifies the student's inability to attend class for a specific period of time due to the non-requested temporary duty assignment. If the application is approved, tuition is refunded 100% for the class(es) being dropped and military tuition assistance funds received are returned to the government. Federal financial aid previously disbursed to the student account and any subsequent disbursals of credit to the student may need to be refunded as required by the federal program.

The student is advised to discuss the financial ramifications of a Military TDY Withdrawal with the Coordinator of Student Accounts, the campus executive director/campus dean, or designated staff before electing to make application.

No fee is charged for processing an approved Military TDY Withdrawal. However; the date of the last attendance must be recorded at the time of official withdrawal.

Students enrolled in an audit class with an approved Military TDY Withdrawal will NOT qualify for a tuition withdrawal or reduction.

Certain federal, state, and private educational benefits programs require proceeds to be assessed according to a pro rata policy which is based on the last day of attendance or on other policy. Students participating in these programs will be subject to policy as prescribed by the program.

Scholarship or financial assistance is not disbursed if a student withdraws before the end of the registration period.

Financial Aid Implications of a Change in Enrollment - Certain federal, state, and private educational benefits programs require proceeds to be assessed according to policies based upon the last day of attendance. Students participating in these programs will be subject to policy as prescribed by the program. Scholarship or financial assistance is not disbursed if a student withdraws before the 12th class day.

Residence Hall Deposits (Plainview Campus only) - A deposit is required with the application for a residence hall room. The deposit will be held during the student's stay at the dormitory and is refundable provided the following conditions are met:

  1. For returning students, a written request has been submitted to the student housing office for processing. A written cancellation notice is required prior to August 1 for the fall semester, prior to December 1 for the spring semester, and prior to April 1 for the summer session.
  2. For first time students, a notice of cancellation has been received prior to first day of classes.
  3. There is no damage to room or furnishings.
  4. The room is clean and proper checkout procedures are followed.
  5. All keys are returned.

Amounts due for room and board will be calculated on the basis of elapsed time as of the date of official withdrawal.

There is no refund or adjustment in the amounts due for meals not eaten in the dining hall by the student's own choice.

If a resident moves out of the dormitory during the semester and defaults on the housing contract, the deposit is forfeited.

All refunds of deposit will be applied to an unpaid student account.

Family Housing Deposit Refunds (Plainview Campus only) - A deposit is required upon the assignment of a student to a family housing unit. The deposit will be held during the student's stay in the unit and is refundable provided the following conditions are met.

  1. For residents, a written request is submitted for processing.
  2. For prospective residents, a notice of cancellation received prior to moving into the unit will result in the refund of the deposit.
  3. No damage to unit or fixture
  4. Unit is left clean and proper checkout procedures are followed
  5. All keys are returned.

The amount due for rent is calculated based upon the date of move-in and the date of move-out. Pre-charged rent will be refunded on this basis.

If a resident moves out of the unit during a semester, the deposit is forfeited.

All refunds of deposit will be applied to an unpaid student account.

Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   06/06/2024 - Addition of Automatic eBook and Pioneer Academic Access Refund
- 07/11/2018 - Revision-Military TDY refund
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-title change
- 07/07/2014 - Revision-Tuition Refund
-   01/19/2009 - Revision
-   04/11/2007 - Review and Revision
-   10/01/2004 - Revision
-   09/01/2003 - Revision
-   09/15/2001 - Reissued as policy 3.2.4
-   09/15/2001 - Revision
-   06/14/1995 - Revision
-   03/04/1992 - Inception

Printable Policy 3.2.4