
Policy 8.1.8

Policy 8.1.8

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 8.1.8

Revised: August 14, 2017


While the university values its employees, their families, and their children, it also realizes the importance of providing safe and appropriate learning and working environments for those enrolled in scheduled classes and those employed in offices and related spaces. With this safety and appropriateness in mind, employees and students are to refrain from bringing children, minors, or other individuals not enrolled in or employed by Wayland Baptist University into scheduled class sessions or workspaces without prior approval from the classroom instructor, or in the case of an employee's child, prior approval from the employee's supervisor. As children or minors may inadvertently disrupt the professional work environment, or distract from the learning environment and/or encourage instructors or students to deviate from the day's planned activities or topics, their presence is not appropriate for scheduled class or work sessions. Instructors and employee supervisors have the discretion to remove a child or minor from the classroom learning or work environment at any time.

Instructors and supervisors also have the discretion to grant prior approval for a person requesting permission to bring a child or minor to class or work on a one-time or limited, emergency basis. Students and employees are responsible for asking instructors or supervisors for such permission in advance. If such permission is granted, such persons are responsible for the care and supervision of their children in the rare instance that those minors attend class or visit a workspace. If an instructor or supervisor grants permission for a child or minor to attend class or work, the minor must remain under the direct care of the person requesting permission. Under no circumstances should a child or other unenrolled or unemployed individual regularly attend classes or regularly be present in an on-campus workspace. Ill children or minors should not attend class or work in any instance.

Appropriately supervised children may attend other on-campus, non-class or non-work functions, such as public cultural or athletic events.

See Policy 8.1.7 Discipline Policy for Classroom Disruption for related information.

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.



-   08/14/2017 - Title changes   
- 10/05/2015 - Inception of Policy 8.1.8

Printable Policy 8.1.8