Policy 8.1.7

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 8.1.7
Revised: May 4, 2024



When a student deliberately and maliciously disrupts a class, the student may be directed by the faculty member to immediately leave the class and report to the appropriate school dean or executive director/campus dean. The school dean or executive director/campus dean will discuss with the student the cause of the disruption. The student will return to the class only with permission of the school dean or executive director/campus dean after the school dean or executive director/campus dean has discussed the matter with the faculty member involved and they have reached agreement that the student will be allowed to return to class. The above discussions will be appropriately documented for possible future reference. If the faculty member involved and the school dean or executive director/campus dean do not agree that the student may return to class, or if the student continues to disrupt the class after being allowed to return, then the student will either:

  • drop the class under catalog policy, with assignment of a grade as prescribed, or
  • be referred to the vice president of academic affairs, who will resolve the matter in consultation with the faculty member and school dean or executive director/campus dean.

The decision of the vice president of academic affairs will be final.

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.

-   05/04/2024 - Editorial change - Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs to Vice President of Academic Affairs on 2nd bullet
- 08/14/2017 - Title changes
- 12/05/1994 - Inception as policy
- 08/01/2004 - Revision-title change - 08/01/2004 - Reissue as 8.1.7 - 01/04/2007 - Review - 03/05/2009 - Revision-title change


Printable Policy 8.1.7