Policy 3.6.1

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 3.6.1
Reviewed: August 14, 2017


General - The Board of Trustees of Wayland Baptist University authorizes the president, or the president's designee, to accept gifts, grants, loans, scholarships, and bequests contributed to the university. The president, or the president's designee, will issue appropriate statements of acceptance and appreciation at the earliest possible date following the receipt of the gift.

The president of the university, in consultation with the vice president of institutional advancement, shall establish procedures for communicating with donors and/or others involved in the solicitation of contributions. The Office of Institutional Advancement is responsible for the internal reporting and recording of gifts, grants, loans, scholarships, and bequests.

Conditions for Acceptance - Acceptance of gifts, grants, loans, scholarships and bequests are subject to the following conditions:

  1. A gift, grant, loan, or bequest which may require commitment of funds, personnel, or space for housing, or which might cause the university to become involved in a controversy, shall be approved by the president, in consultation with the vice president of institutional advancement and the chief financial officer prior to any commitment to action.
  2. All conveyances of farm or ranch land by gift or otherwise shall be submitted to the president, who in turn will seek the counsel of the university's property management executive director before they are presented to the Board of Trustees for acceptance.
  3. The Board of Trustees authorizes the president to accept gifts or devises of real property for the establishment of scholarships, professorships, or other educational purposes, provided such property will not require appropriations by the Board of Trustees for operation, maintenance, repair, or construction of buildings. With special consideration and approval by the Board of Trustees, the university may grant a special commitment to assume full or partial responsibility for operation, maintenance, or repair of property or devises.
  4. The university reserves the right to accept certain gifts of properties only at the time of sale.
  5. Subject to the open record laws and with prior approval of the Board of Trustees, anonymity may be granted if requested by a donor.

The terms under which any grant, loan, or bequest is offered and accepted shall be provided in a written agreement between the donor and the university. The president, as the authorized representative of the Board of Trustees, shall approve any offers of real property before any commitment is established.

Utilization and Management - Gifts, grants, loans, scholarships, and bequests made to the university shall be used for the purpose designated by the donor. If a purpose is not specified by the donor, funds shall be directed toward the greatest need of the university. In all instances, donors will be notified of the use of their contributions.

Real or personal property acquired through gifts, grants, loans, scholarships, and bequests is subject to the same management requirements as other university-owned property. Disposal of any property acquired through gifts, grants, loans, scholarships, or bequests shall be handled in accordance with state law and university policies.

Criteria for Establishing Scholarships - The Office of Institutional Advancement holds the responsibility for constructing acceptable scholarship agreements between the university and donors. New endowed scholarships will be prepared in accordance to the prescribed criteria in policy 7.3.1. The Office of Institutional Advancement will receive, record, and direct revenues contributed for all existing scholarships and any created in the future.

Fund-Raising by Departments or University Groups, including Student Organizations - Many worthy projects exist within the university that external sources would be interested in funding. Because of the limited size and resources of the local and regional business climate, it is important that university fund-raising projects be prioritized and coordinated.

Any department, school, organization, individual, or entity affiliated with Wayland Baptist University must contact the vice president of institutional advancement prior to undertaking any type of fund-raising activity. Such entities must be able to answer the following questions before approval can be given for any fund-raising projects:

  1. What is the exact nature of the project for which funds will be solicited?
  2. Does the project have complete approval through all proper university channels?
  3. Is the project something that will benefit the university?
  4. Who will be called upon to contribute?
  5. How will the entity soliciting funds identify themselves?

Approval for both the fund-raising project and the proposed constituencies to be solicited must be gained from the vice president of institutional advancement prior to the planning or implementation of any solicitation activities.

All funds raised through approved projects must be deposited in university accounts and managed as any other financial resource of the university.

All grant applications for any university-related entity must be reviewed and approved by the vice president of institutional advancement prior to its delivery to a potential funding source. The vice president of institutional advancement is responsible for assisting university-related entities in the preparation of grants and/or most other forms of philanthropic inquiries.

Acknowledgement of Donor Gifts - The Office of Institutional Advancement will be responsible for the formal acknowledgment of all contributions. The Office of Institutional Advancement will consider the attitudes of the individual donors and honor their wishes concerning the type and amount of recognition and media publicity that they would be comfortable receiving. The university reserves the right to publicize all awards.

The Office of Institutional Advancement holds responsibility for maintaining a master file on all benefactors of the university. The file will contain details associated with each donor, their contributions, an accurate financial statement, and the awarding history of each gift. The Office of Institutional Advancement holds responsibility for maintaining a master file on all endowed scholarships of the university, including scholarship agreements, contributors, accurate financial statements, and awarding history.

The Office of Institutional Advancement requires college students receiving endowed scholarship funds to write thank you letters to their benefactors.

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Institutional Advancement

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Revised title change (Executive Director for Institutional Advancement to Vice President of Institutional Advancement).
- 01/07/2014 - Reviewed-title change (Vice President for Institutional Advancement to Executive Director for Institutional Advancement)

-   01/19/2009 - Revision-title change

-   03/20/2007 - Review

-   10/01/2004 - Revision-title change

-   01/18/2002 - Revision-title change and corrections, Reissue as policy 3.6.1

-   09/26/1995 - Revision-reformatted and layout change

-   10/10/1991 - Inception as policy 1.2.18

Printable Policy 3.6.1 Gifts Grants Loans Scholarships and Bequests