
Policy 7.3.1

Policy 7.3.1

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 7.3.1

Revised: August 14, 2017


Purpose - The primary purpose of the scholarship program at Wayland Baptist University is to provide financial assistance to students who, without aid, would be unable to attend the university. In addition to this orientation to student need, Wayland seeks to assist in the following areas of special interest to the growth, vitality, and quality of the university:

  1. attraction and retention of students with outstanding intellectual, creative, and leadership abilities;
  2. development of a student body with socio-cultural, economic, geographic and ideological diversity; and
  3. development of a student body committed to a quality education in the liberal arts tradition.

Type and Eligibility - Wayland Baptist University offers a number of academic and performance scholarships, both endowed and undesignated, which recognize excellence. Scholarship awards are competitive and selection is based upon merit, interest, and ability. Generally, only full-time students are eligible to apply. However special situations such as scheduling conflicts may arise that will allow a scholarship recipient to enroll on a part-time basis.

To be enrolled full-time, undergraduates must carry at least twelve (12) semester hours, or nine (9) semester hours at the external campuses. Graduate students must carry at least nine (9) semester hours to be considered full-time. A student must be officially accepted for enrollment at Wayland Baptist University before a definite commitment of financial aid is made.

Normally, scholarships are awarded for one year. Students are eligible to reapply provided that the recipient continues to meet necessary academic standards and adheres to the enrollment status required by the scholarship received. In most cases, one-half of the yearly scholarship is awarded for the fall semester and the remaining half for the spring semester. Scholarships are gifts and do not have to be repaid. Unless specified in the scholarship agreement, no scholarship aid shall be given for audited, noncredit or post graduate courses, or for workshop participation.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Criteria - In order to maintain eligibility for a given scholarship award, the recipient must adhere to the enrollment status requirements of the scholarship received and/or the minimum financial aid academic progress standards of the university. Failure to adhere to the satisfactory progress criteria in any given term will result in revocation of the scholarship. This also applies to dependent scholarships provided by the university.

Whenever a scholarship is withdrawn from a student for failure to comply with the satisfactory progress criteria, a student who feels that there are mitigating circumstances that need to be considered may appeal the decision to withdraw a scholarship to the director of financial aid. That appeal will then be considered by the Financial Aid/Scholarship Committee, and the student will be informed by the director of financial aid within five working days of the committee's decision.

Administration of Scholarships - The Office of Financial Aid will be the central point of coordination for all scholarships administered by Wayland Baptist University schools, offices, and organizations.

The Financial Aid/Scholarship Committee has oversight responsibility and authority for any and all scholarships awarded by the university. The Financial Aid/Scholarship Committee is outlined in policy 1.2.2 attachment A.

All meetings of the Financial Aid/Scholarship Committee are chaired by the director of financial aid or his/her designee. Each member of the Financial Aid/Scholarship Committee has full voting privileges in the area of policy formulation.

Although it is recognized that some scholarship awards are made by scholarship donors rather than by university personnel and that certain legal contractual obligations may exist, the Financial Aid/Scholarship Committee is empowered to review, evaluate, and modify all scholarships awarded to students of the university and the procedures involved in the scholarship awarding process. All scholarships awarded by the university, even though not awarded directly by the Financial Aid/Scholarship Committee, are subject to the scrutiny and evaluation of the Financial Aid/Scholarship Committee. Associated with its scholarship oversight responsibility, the Financial Aid/Scholarship Committee is empowered to conduct any and all evaluations that will assist that body in the formulation of policy with regard to the awarding of scholarships as well as review, evaluate, and determine status of Financial Aid student suspension appeals in regard to federal, state, and university policy.

Award Procedure - Information on applying for scholarships can be obtained through the Office of Financial Aid. In general, a scholarship application is made through the academic school which recommends awards for the scholarship.

Scholarships funded from general revenues of the university are designated for tuition and the total of all institutionally funded scholarships may not exceed the cost of tuition, with the exception of those where a contractual agreement (i.e., athletic, honors) is required. All externally funded scholarships will be applied to tuition first then institutionally funded scholarships will be applied. Scholarships funded by endowments cannot exceed tuition unless specifically allowed by the recommending school or administrative office. Final approval of awards and confirmation of awards are made by the Office of Financial Aid upon verification of enrollment by the university registrar. Exceptions to any or part of the above may be made on an individual basis at the discretion of the director of financial aid.

Criteria for Establishing Scholarships - The Office of Institutional Advancement will be responsible for executing a scholarship agreement between the university and the donor. A copy of this agreement will be forwarded to the appropriate university officer and academic school. The business office will assign an account number and advise the above mentioned offices of the account number assigned. Those wishing to establish scholarships through the academic schools will be directed to the Office of Institutional Advancement before awards are granted so that the agreement may be completed. Monies received to support scholarships will be forwarded to the Office of Institutional Advancement. Inquiries about the administration of scholarships should be directed to the Office of Financial Aid.

Acknowledgement of Donors' Gifts - The responsibility for formally acknowledging all donors' scholarship contributions and for identifying scholarship recipients to the donors resides with the Office of Institutional Advancement. Normally, the university does not make public announcement of the amount of financial aid awarded to a student, but does reserve the right to publicize all scholarship awards. In addition, the Office of Institutional Advancement is responsible for the creation and maintenance of a master file on all donor scholarships. That file is to contain all details associated with specific scholarships, their donors, provisions, and awarding history.

Financial Accounting Scholarships - The Office of Financial Aid shall maintain financial aid records sufficient to describe the operation and status of the scholarship program in accordance with generally accepted financial aid principles. Responsibility for the actual handling of funds and related accounting for all scholarship awards resides with the business office. The Office of Financial Aid shall l inform the business office of all scholarship awards, including student name and social security number, scholarship name and account number, and award amount.

No cash will be refunded from a scholarship. If a student receiving scholarship aid withdraws during the semester, a pro-rata formula shall be used as follows: Participation scholarships shall be prorated according to the number of weeks of participation. Any other type of scholarship shall be prorated according to the schedule of refunds as outlined in the university catalog. The balance of the scholarship shall be canceled or awarded to another student. It shall be understood that scholarships and all other forms of financial aid may be awarded only as far as funds are available.

Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 08/01/2010 - Committee referred to policy 1.2.2; addition of responsibility of committee

-   03/05/2007 - Review

-   09/01/2006 - Attachment updates

-   09/01/2004 - Committee Structure; Faculty Senate review

-   05/25/2004 - Procedure update - 05/12/2002 - Reissued as 7.3.1

-   01/22/1995 - Reviewed, procedure update

-   07/05/1993 - Inception as policy 7.7.2

Printable Policy 7.3.1
Policy 1.2.2 Attachment A