
Policy 2.5.7

Policy 2.5.7

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 2.5.7

Revised: August 14, 2017


The president of Wayland Baptist University is authorized to approve a leave of absence without pay for employees, subject to the following provisions:

  1. Except for disciplinary and workers' compensation situations, employees must exhaust accumulated paid leave entitlement, such as accrued vacation, before being granted leave of absence without pay. Sick leave must be exhausted only in those situations in which employees are eligible to take sick leave.
  2. Leave of absence without pay will be limited in duration to twelve (12) months.
  3. Subject to fiscal constraints, approval of such leaves constitutes a guarantee of employment for a specified period of time.
  4. The president may grant exceptions to these limitations, including the provision that all paid leave entitlement must be exhausted, for such reasons as educational purposes or in other where the granting of an exception would benefit the institution.

The president may delegate authority to approve requests for leaves of absence without pay that are for 30 calendar days or less.

Except for an employee returning to employment from military leave without pay, any full calendar month (including the first through the last day of the month) in which an employee is on leave without pay shall not be counted in the calculation of total service for purposes of vacation leave entitlement. Any such full calendar month of leave without pay shall not constitute a break in continuity of employment. It shall not be included in the calculation of six continuous months of employment for eligibility to receive payment for accumulated vacation at the time of resignation, dismissal or separation from university employment; nor shall it be counted toward the continuous service requirements for purposes of merit pay and promotion eligibility.

Leave because of a work-related injury or disease is covered in policy 2.5.5, Workers' Compensation Insurance.

Continuation of group insurance benefits while on leave of absence without pay may be granted in those instances where the leave is for the purpose of advanced study. In those cases where such benefits are awarded, the employee must agree to return to the university for a period of time equal to the time granted for the leave. If the employee does not fulfill this obligation, the employee must reimburse the University for the cost of all benefits paid by the university during the time of leave.

Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Revision-title change
- 10/08/2013 - Reviewed (no changes)

-   02/22/2007 - Reviewed and title change

-   08/15/2004 - Edited and reissued as policy 2.5.7

-   08/19/1997 - Edited and layout changes

-   06/08/1992 - Inception of policy

Printable Policy 2.5.7