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Policy 2.5.5.
Policy 2.5.5.
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 2.5.5
Revised: August 14, 2017
Wayland Baptist University seeks to provide a workplace that is conducive to safe and injury free performance of duties. Supervisors are responsible for the emphasis of safety to all employees and the instruction of employees concerning the safe performance of potentially hazardous duties. Employees are responsible for the careful performance of duties and compliance with safety related instructions given by the supervisor.
To protect workers against the eventuality of injury realized in the course of the performance of duties, workers' compensation coverage is provided by the university for all employees.
Reporting of Injury - Employees injured in the course of performing assigned duties must immediately report the injury to the employee's immediate supervisor, then contact the Office of Human Resources to have a report form completed. Injury should be reported even if physician attention is not sought by the employee. In no event should the report of injury follow the date of injury by more than two (2) days. If the employee is unable to contact the Office of Human Resources, the immediate supervisor must do so and have the report completed.
External campuses - Employees at external campuses must report the injury to the executive director/campus dean, then call (or have the executive director/campus dean call) the Office of Human Resources to initiate the report form. The form will be forwarded to the campus to be completed and returned to the Office of Human Resources immediately. A copy of the report form will be retained by the Office of Human Resources. The original report will be submitted to the workers' compensation carrier.
Benefits - Workers' compensation coverage is designed to pay the appropriate costs of medical care to treat the work related injury and to pay partial compensation for work time missed at the direction of a physician. If the carrier does not have a report form on record when a claim for benefits is filed, it is likely that the claim will be refused. Duplicate filing of a workers' compensation claim with the university health insurance program will result in the delay of the payment of the claim for the period of time necessary to reconcile and eliminate the duplication of benefit.
Work Missed - If the injury results in the inability of the employee to fulfill normal work duties, the employee must submit a physician's statement indicating the nature of the injury, and the estimated date of recovery. The supervisor may also require the submission of a certificate from the attending physician stating that the employee is able to return to work and specifying limitations, if any, to the employee's ability to perform normal duties.
Benefits Combined with Sick Pay - For work time missed, the employee may utilize accumulated sick leave in combination with the benefit paid through the workers' compensation claim.
If sick leave is utilized, payment for the leave time approved will be at the rate necessary, when combined with salary benefits paid by workers' compensation, for the employee to receive his/her regular rate of compensation. Sick pay and workers' compensation pay shall not combine to equal more than the employee's regular pay for the period of absence from work.
Inability to Return to Work after the use of Accrued Sick Leave - An employee who is unable to return to work after the use of all accrued sick leave and applicable vacation leave entitlements may apply for leave without pay. See policy 2.5.7 for additional information. The Absence Request with a notation of "without pay, except benefits received from workers' compensation claim", must be forwarded through the normal administrative channels to the supervising Cabinet member. Approval of requested leave without pay is dependent upon the ability of the university to function effectively for the period when the employee will be unable to perform normal duties.
Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 12/15/2008 - Reviewed
- 04/03/2007 - Reviewed
- 10/15/2006 - Reviewed
- 10/01/2004 - Reviewed
- 12/01/2003 - Reviewed
- 09/15/2001 - Reissued as policy 2.5.5
- 12/16/1994 - Inception as policy