
Policy 2.2.5

Policy 2.2.5

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 2.2.5

Revised: August 14, 2017


Wayland Baptist University keeps certain records relating to your employment in a personnel file. The documents contained within that file are the property of the university and must be maintained for government and university recordkeeping purposes. Some employment records are kept in separate files, such as records relating to medical conditions and leave, records relating to investigations, and records relating to I-9 requirements. All files connected with an employee are considered strictly confidential, and access will be limited only to those who have a job-related need to know the information and who have been authorized to see the file in question.

An employee wishing to view the contents of his or her personnel file must make a written request with the Office of Human Resources or Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The individual responsible for personnel file security will verify the employee's identity and provide access to an area in the office for file review. If copies of university records relating to employment are desired, the employee should request same from the individual responsible for personnel file security. Copies are ten cents each, payable in advance.

Documents in the personnel file may not be taken or altered. If the employee disagrees with documents contained in the personnel file, he or she may ask to add comments about those documents to the personnel file. This request should be made to the Office of Human Resources or the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

Both at and following the time of separation from employment, an employee may make copies of documents in his or her personnel file. Copying of such documents should be arranged with the Office of Human Resources or the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Copies are ten cents each, payable in advance. The personnel file will be maintained by the university in accordance with Policy 1.6.1 - Retention and Disposition of Records and all applicable legal requirements.

Location - Personnel files for full-time faculty and adjunct faculty are located in the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs. All other personnel files are located in the Office of Human Resources. If supervisory responsibilities are modified, existing personnel files for the affected reporting area will be forwarded to the appropriate office.

Location after Employment Termination - Personnel files for former employees will be maintained in accordance with Policy 1.6.1 - Retention and Disposition of Records.

Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-          08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 10/08/2014 - Reviewed, Revised-addition of first four paragraphs, rewording of Location paragraph, rewording Location after Employment Termination paragraph

-          12/02/2013 - Minor revisions, reference to policy 1.6.1, attachment A added

-          12/08/2008 - Title changes

-          12/02/2006 - Reviewed

-          04/15/2005 - Reviewed

-          08/15/2004 - Reviewed

-          06/11/1997 - Reissued as policy 2.2.5

-          12/16/1994 - Inception date for policy 2.1.7

Printable Policy 2.2.5