Policy 1.6.1

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 1.6.1
Revised: April 11, 2018



Accepted records management standards require all institutions to:

  1. Make and maintain records documenting the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the institution;
  2. Establish and maintain an active, continuing program for the economical and efficient management of the records of the institution;
  3. Maintain schedules proposing the length of time each type of record warrants retention for administrative, legal, or fiscal purposes;
  4. Destroy any records in the custody of the institution which have no further legal, administrative, or historical value; and
  5. Appoint an employee performing other administrative duties to act as records administrator of the institution.

 The president is the official custodian of all university records although records may be maintained in a variety of offices. The president shall designate one individual as a records control officer to manage the retention and disposition of records for the university. The Director of Library Services shall serve as the records control officer. The records control officer shall function as the archivist for the university and make decisions concerning the preservation or destruction of records. It is the duty of the records control officer to see that the records are microfilmed or otherwise carefully protected and preserved from deterioration, alteration, mutilation, loss, removal, or destruction; and that records are repaired, renovated, or rebound when necessary to preserve them properly.

A schedule defining the period of retention for certain student, financial, business, and other administrative records, as well as the office responsible for maintaining these records, is presented in attachment A. Attachment B contains the Schedule A-H referenced in Attachment A. Records listed on the schedule in Attachment A may be destroyed upon expiration of the required retention period. There is no prohibition, however, against retaining selected records beyond the stipulated time, if the records are deemed to have further legal, administrative, or historical value.

The retention periods apply to either original hard copy, microfilmed, or electronic media storage. During the retention period, it may become useful to convert hard copy to microfilm or electronic media. Changes relating to records of a financial or fiscal nature will require the approval of the university's auditor. The records control officer shall submit any changes relating to retention periods to the Office of the President.

Prior to the disposal of any records which are not on the approved retention schedule, the records control officer shall submit a request for disposal of such records to the president. For records of a financial or fiscal nature, the request shall be submitted through the university auditor. The request must include the following information:

  1. Reason for disposition;
  2. Original purpose and contents; and
  3. Sample of the record(s) to be destroyed.


Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of External Campuses

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.

-   04/11/2018 - Added Attachment B
- 08/14/2017 - Position and title changes including Attachment A

- 12/04/2008 - Position and Title Change
-   02/22/2007 - Title change and edited for revision
-   08/15/2004 - Position change/Reissued as policy 1.6.1
-   09/22/1995 - Layout changes
-   02/17/1992 - Policy issued as 1.2.3


Printable Policy 1.6.1

Attachment A
Attachment B