Policy 2.1.3

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 2.1.3
Revised: August 14, 2017



Non-regular faculty includes the following:

Adjunct - An appointment as adjunct is a term appointment for a given course(s) of an individual actively pursuing a career outside the university closely related to the subject matter area in which the appointment is made.

Temporary - An appointment as a temporary is a full-time appointment for up to a one-year period. Appointment as a temporary faculty member may be renewed twice for a maximum duration of three years.

Lecturer - An appointment as a lecturer is a full or part-time appointment reserved for an individual who has pursued a highly successful and outstanding career, usually outside of the university setting, related to the subject area in which the appointment is made.

Visiting - An appointment as a visiting instructor or higher rank is reserved for faculty who have distinguished themselves at other institutions of higher education and who have been invited to an appointment at Wayland Baptist University for a defined period. Appointment as a visiting faculty member may be renewed.

Facilitator - An appointment as a facilitator is reserved for an individual who is appropriately qualified to teach in the subject area of a certificate program at Wayland.

All non-regular faculty appointments must be approved by each school dean for whom the non-regular faculty member will teach and by the vice president of academic affairs. A complete application package and an Evaluation of Faculty Qualifications (EFQ) form will be submitted to the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs. External campuses will submit packages through the Office of the Vice President of External Campuses.

After the non-regular faculty member's qualifications have been evaluated and the faculty member has been approved to teach a course or courses, he/she may be scheduled to teach classes for those approved courses. On the Plainview campus, approval to teach specific scheduled classes will be submitted on the Authorization to Pay for Faculty Overload or Adjunct Faculty form (policy 2.8.1 attachment B). After confirmation of the class, the school dean will submit the Authorization to Pay for Faculty Overload or Adjunct Faculty form (policy 2.8.1 attachment B) to the vice president of academic affairs. For external campuses, the campus executive director/dean will submit the Pay Authorization for Faculty Overloads and Adjunct Faculty-External Campuses form (policy 2.8.1 attachment C) through the vice president of external campuses to the vice president of academic affairs.

No non-regular faculty member or facilitator will be employed for more than six semester hours during any academic term or more than 24 semester hours during any academic year unless such appointment is approved by the vice president of academic affairs. For additional information on maximum workload, see Policy 2.8.1 - Faculty Workload. Non-regular faculty employed will be approved by the vice president of academic affairs. Compensation for non-regular faculty will be established each year during the budgetary review and approval process.

An individual receiving an adjunct appointment will be required to file the university's Application for Employment form (policy 2.1.6, attachment A) and to file applicable official transcripts.

Temporary, lecturer, and visiting faculty appointments shall be considered, approved or disapproved, and budgeted in the same manner as other appointments. An individual appointed to one of these three categories will be compensated at a rate commensurate with his or her ability and the percentage of time involved in the appointment. However, the rate of compensation of such appointments will not exceed the proportional salary rate for a full-time, regular appointment.

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Title changes      
- 07/01/2013 - Revision-add "Facilitator" paragraph, minor edits

-   11/18/2008 - Position  title change

-   03/22/2007 - Title changes

-   08/15/2004 - Edited

-   07/01/2004 - Reissued as policy 2.1.2 title changes

-   10/15/1995 - Title changes

-   12/16/1994 - Inception as policy


Printable Policy 2.1.3