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Policy 2.8.1
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 2.8.1
Revised: October 11, 2023
Wayland Baptist University recognizes that classroom teaching, academic administration, curriculum development, involvement with student activities and services, and scholarly and professional development are important elements of faculty academic workloads.
Academic Workload - Each full-time person employed for instructional purposes at Wayland Baptist University is expected to be available on campus five days each week to teach classes and to assume a reasonable workload of related activities that constitute a full-time academic workload. In addition to classroom teaching, activities that constitute workload include scholarly study, professional development, student advising and counseling, course and curriculum development, public service, assistance in the administration of the academic program, and similar academic activities. These activities are inherent in the life and work of a faculty member and are taken into account in considerations for promotions and salary. Faculty workload equivalencies are presented in Faculty Workload Equivalencies, Attachment A.
Teaching Workload - The unit of measurement used in determining a faculty member’s teaching workload is the Teaching Workload Credit, which is determined by establishing values for equivalent responsibilities. The same or different value may be given to each activity recognized by the university as an important element of faculty teaching workload.
- Full-time faculty members with 9- or 10-month contracts teach a regular load of 24 workload hours each year. (1 credit hour at the undergraduate level equals 1 workload hour; 1 credit hour at the 5000/master’s level equals 1.25 workload hours.)
- Full-time faculty members with 12-month contracts teach a regular load of 33 workload hours each year. (1 credit hour at the undergraduate level equals 1 workload hour; 1 credit hour at the 5000/master’s level equals 1.25 workload hours.)
- Full-time faculty members with 12-month contracts employed to teach doctoral-level courses teach a regular load of 21 credit hours (the equivalent of 47.25 workload hours) each year. In addition to teaching doctoral courses, doctoral faculty members must meet scholarly research and publication goals as specified in their annual contracts. (1 credit hour at the doctoral level equals 2.25 workload hours.) (See Annual Academic Workload, Attachment E.)
The regular workload may include approved equivalent responsibilities upon recommendation of the school dean or the executive director/campus dean with the approval of the vice president of academic affairs (VPAA) for the Plainview campus or the vice president of external campuses (VPEC) for the external campuses. These equivalent responsibilities are specified in Attachment A.
Compensation – Full-time faculty members who accrue quarter-hour workload increments will be compensated for those increments in the term earned. Compensation will be based on the graduate
overload pay per course, divided by 12, times the number of quarter-hour units. (If the overload pay for a three-credit-hour graduate course is $2,150, and a full-time faculty member has accrued three .25 units of additional overload within a term, then $2,150/12 = $179.17, and $179.17 x 3 = $537.51.)
Establishing Teaching Workload Equity - Equity in Teaching Workload Credit will be established at both the university and the school levels. The assurance of equitable workloads among the schools will be the responsibility of the VPAA in consultation with the school deans. The assurance of equitable workloads within each school will be the responsibility of the school dean with advice from the faculty of that school. External campus directors/deans will monitor faculty workloads at the external campuses with consultation from the VPEC and the VPAA.
Course Overloads - The need for temporary overloads may result from unexpected enrollment increases, late terminations, or other unforeseen causes. Classes taught online or scheduled on weekends or evenings may be treated as a faculty member’s regular teaching load and are not,
by virtue of the schedule alone, considered as “overload.” All employees must have permission from their supervisor to teach an overload class.
- Maximum Annual Workload:
- Full-time, non-doctoral faculty members with 9-, 10-, or 12-month contracts must not exceed 48 the maximum annual workload of 48 total hours per year without prior approval from the VPAA.
- Faculty members with 12-month contracts employed to teach doctoral-level courses must not exceed 21 credit hours (the equivalent of 47.25 workload hours) a year and may not teach overloads. (See Annual Academic Workload, Attachment E).
- Allowable Overloads:
- Full-time faculty members with 9- or 10-month contracts who teach non-doctoral courses may teach up to 7.5 workload hours as overload per long term, but no more than 19.5 workload hours at one time, and may not exceed the maximum annual workload of 48 total workload hours without prior approval from the VPAA.
- Full-time faculty members with 12-month contracts who teach non-doctoral courses may teach up to 7.5 workload hours as overload per 8-week session, but no more than 13.5 workload hours at one time, and may not exceed the maximum annual workload of 48 total workload hours without prior approval from the appropriate VP (the VPEC for external campuses and VPAA for the Plainview and WBUonline). (See Annual Academic Workload, Attachment E).
- Staff and Adjunct:
- Full-time Wayland staff employees may teach no more than 6 credit hours at one time and no more than 24 total credit hours per year without prior approval from the VPAA.
- Adjunct faculty members may teach no more than 6 credit hours at one time and no more than 24 credit hours per year without prior approval from the VPAA.
At the Plainview campus, the appropriate school dean must submit the Authorization to Pay for Faculty Overload or Adjunct Faculty Form, Attachment B. After confirmation of the class, the forms are sent to the VPAA for final approval.
For external campuses, the appropriate external director/campus dean will submit the Pay Authorization for Faculty Overloads and Adjunct Faculty-External Campuses For, Attachment C, along with the Contract to Teach at Wayland Baptist University Form, Attachment D. After confirmation of the class, the forms are sent to the VPEC for initial approval and forwarded to the VPAA for final approval.
Compensation for teaching a course overload may be either monetary or a corresponding reduction in the faculty member’s teaching load in a subsequent term. Monetary compensation shall not exceed the amount paid to an adjunct faculty member.
Evaluation of Academic Workloads - School deans, the VPAA, external campus directors/deans and the VPEC will review an annual academic workload report by school or campus of the teaching duties and other academic services performed by each member of the faculty paid in whole or in part from instructional funds to review evidence of compliance with requirements of this policy. Justification shall be provided for each instance of noncompliance.
The president, in conjunction with the VPAA, school deans, the VPEC, and external campus directors/campus deans, shall evaluate teaching workloads to determine that each person employed for instructional purposes is carrying the minimum full-time equivalent load and that those other academic duties within and among schools are assigned equitably.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
10//11/2023 - Revision to Attachment A
04/14/2021 – Revision-academic load
03/12/2020 – Revision to wording related to 8-week terms as well as Attachment A, C, D, and E to reflect same
07/10/2019 – Revision to Attachment A, revising number 3 and adding number 14, Faculty Workload
09/20/2018 – Revision to Attachment A, revising number 3, Faculty Workload
08/14/2017 – Title changes
06/12/2017 - Revision to regular credit hour workload and allowable overloads
07/01/2013 - Revision-title change, Attachment A, B, C, and D
05/13/2013 - Revision-defined teaching hours in Course Overloads, Revision-Attachment A, Addition-Attachment E
02/18/2013 - Revision to Attachment A
10/22/2012 - Revision to Attachment A
12/18/2008 - Title changes
02/22/2007 - Reviewed
10/01/2004 - Reviewed and edited
07/30/2004 –Reissued as policy 2.8.1
12/16/1994 - Inception date for policy 2.3.7
Printable Policy 2.8.1
Attachment A
Attachment B
Attachment C
Attachment D
Attachment E