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Policy 2.1.1
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 2.1.1
Revised: August 14, 2017
All requests to recruit and appoint faculty will originate with the dean of the appropriate school or the campus executive director/dean and will be forwarded to the vice president of academic affairs for review and approval. The request should include a written justification for the continuance of an existing position or the creation of a new position, a recommended rank and salary, and a recommended appointment date. The recommended rank and salary should be commensurate with the qualifications and duties required for the position. Faculty teaching undergraduate courses must hold a minimum of a master's degree and 18 graduate hours in the discipline being taught. Faculty teaching graduate courses must hold a terminal degree in the discipline being taught, or a closely related discipline with at least 18 graduate hours in the discipline. Faculty members who are assigned to teach graduate courses must first be designated as graduate faculty and approved by the Graduate Council. Qualifications for each faculty rank are detailed in policy 2.6.4. Exceptions to these qualifications may be made with the approval of the president when they are clearly in the best interest of the university.
Approved positions will be filled in compliance with the university's statement of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action as set out in policy 2.7.5. Positions will be advertised in appropriate publications to assure the distribution of the position announcement and the compliance with the spirit and intent of the affirmative action plan.
A search committee will be appointed for each faculty vacancy and should consult Wayland's Search Committee Handbook (Attachment A). The committee will be appointed by the vice president of academic affairs in consultation with the appropriate school dean and, if applicable, the appropriate external campus executive director/dean. Each search committee will consist of faculty and administrators representing the academic area of the vacancy, and other university areas. The committee shall develop a specific search plan which shall include:
- search and advertising procedures
- materials to be submitted to candidates
- assignments of various committee members
- a closing date for the search (thirty (30) days after the initial advertising or until filled)
- materials to be submitted by each applicant
As a part of the screening process, the committee will examine the following:
- academic background
- experience
- past performance
- references, both listed and unlisted
- credit references
- Christian faith and churchmanship
The committee shall identify and rank the leading candidates and submit all supporting materials for all candidates to the vice president of academic affairs.
With approval of the vice president of academic affairs and the president, the committee will invite its top candidate for an interview on campus. This interview should include activities such as:
- in-depth interviews by the committee
- a meeting with the school faculty
- a class presentation
- opportunities to meet students
- opportunities to meet those with whom the candidate might work closely if appointed
- conferences with the school dean, vice president of academic affairs, and president
The committee will work with the appropriate school dean to determine the necessary arrangements for the campus visit including:
- a visitation schedule
- lodging and meals
- a tour of campus and city
- flight reservations (through the vice president of academic affairs office) local transportation
Prior to the recommendation to appoint a graduate of Wayland Baptist University to a faculty position, the following should be considered.
- Has the individual had the opportunity for exposure to other environments, either academic or professional, and if not, would lack of such exposure limit the individual's contribution to Wayland Baptist University?
- Would the knowledge which a school has concerning the capabilities and attributes of its own graduate make employment desirable?
The committee will submit to the vice president of academic affairs a list and ranking of the leading candidates as well as material in support of their recommendation. Candidates whose names are submitted must be:
- qualified and willing to assist in fulfilling the mission of the university
- graduates of regionally accredited institutions
- proficient in the English language in both oral and written communication
The vice president of academic affairs, in consultation with the school dean, will submit a recommendation to the president for the employment of Plainview Campus faculty. The vice president of academic affairs, in consultation with the vice president for external campuses, external campus executive director/dean, and school dean, will submit a recommendation to the president for the employment of External Campus faculty. The recommendations shall include:
- rank
- salary
- other pertinent contract terms
Appointment will be made by the president. The action of the president will be communicated to the executive vice president/provost, school dean, campus executive director/dean and members of the school.
A report detailing the committee actions will be filed in the vice president of academic affairs within thirty days of the acceptance of the appointment by the applicant.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Title changes
- 02/29/2016 - Revision-addition of 5th sentence in 1st paragraph (sentence about approval by Graduate Council)
- 01/13/2014 - Revision-rewrite of first paragraph, addition of attachment A-Search Committee Handbook - 08/12/2013 - Revision-reporting protocol
- 05/08/2012 - Change from "appropriate vp" to "executive vice president/provost"
- 11/18/2008 - Title changes
- 03/22/2007 - Format and title change
- 07/01/2004 - Title changes and reissued as 2.1.1
- 10/05/1995 - Edited and reviewed
- 12/16/1994 - Inception as policy
Printable Policy 2.1.1
Printable Policy 2.1.1 Attachment A