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Policy 2.6.4
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 2.6.4
Revised: February 10, 2023
Wayland Baptist University recognizes four titles of rank for regular appointment: instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor. A regular appointment requires full-time service to the university. In addition, the university has a number of non-regular appointments. These include adjunct for part-time employment and special appointments including visiting professor, distinguished professor, and emeritus professor.
Appointment or Promotion to Rank - Appointment or promotion to an academic rank is based on past and anticipated success in performance, accomplishments, and leadership in several, but not necessarily all, of the following areas:
- academic preparation
- experience
- demonstrated teaching competence
- interest and involvement with students
- service to the university, profession, and community
- scholarly and professional activities
As faculty advance in rank, they are expected to achieve increasing success both by progressively mastering more of the areas and by improving in individual areas. Areas directly related to teaching shall be the major consideration in both the initial appointment and in the promotion of faculty.
Faculty Ranks - Criteria for appointment and promotion of the regular faculty to the various academic ranks include:
- Instructor
- Credentials - Must hold a master’s degree or its equivalent in the appropriate discipline
- Experience - Although no teaching experience is required for initial appointment, a basic knowledge of the teaching field as well as a commitment to the development of appropriate instructional strategies are required.
- Assistant Professor
- Credentials - A master’s degree or its equivalent in the appropriate discipline and prior professional or work experience is required.
- Experience - Although no teaching experience is required for initial appointment, basic knowledge of the teaching field, an in-depth knowledge in one or more parts of the field and a commitment to the development of appropriate instructional strategies, are required. For promotion from instructor to assistant professor, a minimum of two contract years college/university teaching is required. The application process may be initiated during the second contract year with the promotion to be awarded beginning the third contract year.
- Advisement - Must have knowledge of degree requirements and participation in academic advisement
- Service - Provide service to the university through committees, councils, and special projects
- Associate Professor
- Credentials - Must hold an earned doctorate, the equivalent terminal degree, or an advanced degree in combination with appropriate certification and/or professional work experience
- Experience - The applicant must have achieved five contract years experience in full-time university teaching, including five years at the rank of assistant professor or related academic experience, or an equivalent period in professional or work experience. The application process may be initiated during the fifth contract year with the promotion to be awarded beginning the sixth contract year.
- Advisement - Must be thoroughly familiar with degree requirements and other matters related to academic advisement
- Service - Must provide leadership and service to the university on committees, councils and special projects
- Scholarly -Must be involved in scholarly and/or professional activities in the field in accordance with professional assignments and personal career development
- Professor
- Credentials - Must hold an earned doctorate or the equivalent terminal degree
- Experience - The applicant must have achieved a minimum of seven contract years of full-time teaching experience at the college level, a minimum of four years at the rank of associate professor, at least three years of full time teaching at Wayland Baptist University, and must provide evidence of teaching effectiveness. The application process may be initiated during the seventh contract year with the promotion to be awarded beginning the eight contract year.
- Advisement - Must be thoroughly familiar with degree requirements and matters of academic policy related to academic advisement and serve as a teacher and advisor to colleagues in the discipline
- Service - Must be an active leader in the university community as well as service to the community at large
- Scholarly – Must have extensive involvement in professional and scholarly activities in the discipline
- Professor Emeritus - Emeritus status is an honor given to select retiring faculty who have served Wayland in an exemplary manner and who have been selected according to the criteria below and approved as are other faculty promotions.
- Criteria - must hold rank of full professor before retirement and ten years or more of service at Wayland as a full-time faculty member
- Must be recommended by the school by vote of all other full-time faculty in the school
- Benefits - as provided in university policy relative to faculty benefits
Promotion Procedure - The promotion process is initiated by a written application by the person to be considered or by nomination by a faculty member of higher rank within the same school. Reasons justifying the promotion should be stated and documented according to the criteria above by the applicant or nominating faculty member.
Faculty consultation and support is an appropriate and important part of the process for the awarding of promotion. The school dean shall convene as a promotion committee all full-time regular faculty within the school. Members of the promotion committee shall indicate their professional judgments as to whether the person should be promoted. If promotion is being considered for the school dean, the vice president of academic affairs will appoint a member of the school’s full-time regular faculty to convene and chair the promotion committee.
The Dean of the School reports, in writing, the committee’s recommendation and a personal recommendation to the chairperson of the Professional Affairs Committee. This report will include justification according to the adopted criteria for the committee’s recommendation. If promotion is being considered for the school dean, the appointed promotion committee chair shall prepare and submit this report.
The Professional Affairs Committee will review all applications for promotion during the Fall semester and will forward their recommendations to the vice president of academic affairs for presentation to the Administrative Cabinet and to the Board of Trustees.
A faculty member whose application for promotion is not forwarded beyond the Professional Affairs Committee will be provided a written justification by the committee. A faculty member whose application for promotion is not forwarded beyond the Administrative Cabinet will be provided a written justification by the vice president of academic affairs.
The faculty member whose application for promotion is not forwarded from the Professional Affairs Committee may request an audience with the Committee to address reconsideration of the application for promotion. The faculty member may request the presence of the Dean of the School or External Campus Executive Director/Campus Dean at this hearing. If the faculty member is not satisfied by the outcome of this hearing, a letter of intent to readdress the application for promotion may be sent to the vice president of academic affairs. At the written request of the faculty member, the vice president of academic affairs shall appoint a committee of five faculty members from throughout the university to investigate the matter and make a final written recommendation to the vice president of academic affairs who will then make a final recommendation to the Administrative Cabinet. The decision of the Administrative Cabinet will be final.
The Board of Trustees will make decisions on promotions during their January meeting. Promotion decisions will normally take effect with the next contract year. Those decisions will be communicated to the vice president of academic affairs. The vice president of academic affairs will communicate, in writing, the decisions on applications for promotion, to the Professional Affairs Committee, and to the Deans of the schools and External Campus Executive Director/Campus Dean of faculty that made application for promotion. The Dean of the School or External Campus Executive Director/Campus Dean will inform the applicants of the decision of the Board of Trustees, in writing.
Deadline for the Rank Promotion Process - As promotions are, under normal circumstances, considered at the same time and presented to the Board of Trustees at its January meeting, recommendations for promotions shall be submitted to the chairperson of the Professional Affairs Committee not later than the first Monday in December.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 02/10/2023 – Revision Board of Trustees approval of promotions at January meeting
- 08/14/2017 – Title changes
- 02/03/2014 – Revision-updated language
- 12/15/2011 – Addition of application process sentence
- 09/15/2011 – Change division chairperson to school dean
- 07/19/2011 – Removal of tenure
- 09/29/2009 – Edited with title changes
- 02/22/2007 – Reviewed
- 11/15/2004 – Reviewed
- 09/15/2003 – Reissued as policy 2.6.4
- 09/05/1995 – Reviewed
- 12/16/1994 – Inception for policy