Home > Academics > Schools > School of Creative Arts > Department of Music > Alumni & Friends > Friends of the Arts
Friends of the Arts
The Wayland FRIENDS OF the ARTS is a volunteer organization dedicated to providing enhanced support for the School of Creative Arts so that it may more efficiently fulfill its academic goals and programmatic aspirations.
• To help increase awareness and interest in the School of Creative Arts and its potential impact on Wayland and its constituencies.
• To communicate with Wayland alumni and provide opportunities for them to serve the School of Creative Arts.
• To sponsor programs designed to broaden educational and social experiences for School of Creative Arts students and community guests.
• To encourage gifts, endowments, bequests, and other forms of financial aid to the School of Creative Arts.
Membership Options
Membership is open to any individual, family, business, corporation, organization or foundation making an annual contribution. Funds collected from dues shall be used primarily to scholarship deserving music students. Membership categories reflect the following levels of support:
- $1 to $24 - Student Member
- $25 to $49 - Member
- $50 to $99 - Sponsor
- $100 to $249 - Patron
- $250 to $499 - Benefactor
- $500 to $999 - Grand Benefactor
- $1,000 to $2,499 - Philanthropist
- $2,500 to $10,000 - Sustaining Member
Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent the law allows.
To give a gift in honor of or in memory of please access the
To join the Friends of the Arts please access the FOA Membership Form.
Complete form and return with dues to:
Richard Fountain
Dean, School of Creative Arts
Wayland Baptist University
1900 W. 7th
CMB 1286
Office Hours:
Phone: 806-291-1068
email: fountainr@wbu.edu