
How to Find A Proctor

I live near a Wayland campus:

Students living near one of our Wayland campuses may use a Wayland proctor for free. Each campus has pre-approved proctors available who do not require a request form. Wayland staff, faculty, and directors are also qualified to serve as proctor, but they do require the submission of a proctor request form to insure they receive current exam information. Please contact one of our proctors or employees on campus by phone or email to schedule a test time.

Note: It is preferred that students use an approved proctor on campus over staff/faculty/directors out of convenience to the staff/faculty/directors. Students who request staff/faculty/directors members as proctors will be referred to the on-campus proctor unless a valid reason is given.

Anchorage Campuses
Campus (Parkside): 907-333-2277
Valley Center (Wasilla): 907-373-4828
Fairbanks Campus
Doyon Industrial Facility: 907-459-2805

Phoenix Campus: 602-279-1011
Sierra Vista Campus: 520-459-1610
Tucson Campus: 520-792-1506

Mililani Campus: 808-488-8570

Amarillo Campus: 806-352-5207
El Paso Site: 520-366-2299
Lubbock Campus: 806-785-9285


  1. WBU-Plainview students who need a proctor for an online or other exam should contact the administrative assistant in the academic School of the course several days in advance of the exam’s due date.
  2. School administrative assistants will set up a time and location for the proctored exam to take place.
  3. School administrative assistants are pre-approved proctors and so do not require the submission of a proctor approval request form.

If WBU-Plainview students require special testing accommodations, they will have documentation from Ms. Ryiann Araujo (VHEC first floor, 806-291-1057), and may work with Ms. Karen Greer (VHEC first floor) to set up an appropriate testing environment.

*WBU-Plainview students should contact the following School administrative assistants for proctoring:

School of Behavioral and Social Sciences (all criminal justice, history, psychology, etc. courses)
Gates Hall – 3rd Floor (GH)
Ms. Jordyn Davis: 806-291-1184, jordyn.davis@wbu.edu

School of Business (all accounting, business, management, etc. courses)
Nunn Business Center (NBB)
Ms. Debbie Lane: 806-291-1020, laned@wbu.edu

School of Christian Studies (all religion, philosophy, etc. courses)
Flores Bible Building (FBB)
Ms. Beth Hoffman: 806-291-1160, hoffmanb@wbu.edu

School of Creative Arts (all art, communications, music, etc. courses)
Harral Auditorium (HA)
Ms. Pam Kennedy: 806-291-1076, kennedyp@wbu.edu

Don A. Williams School of Education (all education, exercise sport science, etc. courses)
Van Howeling Building (VHEC)
Mr. Bryson Davis: 806-291-1045, davisb@wbu.edu

School of Humanities and Leadership (all English, Spanish, humanities, etc. courses)
Gates Hall – 2nd Floor (GH)
Ms. Shanequia Lamb: 806-291-1100, lambs@wbu.edu

Kenneth L. Mattox School of Mathematics and Sciences (all math, biology, chemistry, etc. courses)
Moody Science Building (MSB)
Ms. Kendra Hart: 806-291-1115, hartk@wbu.edu

Questions? Please contact Ms. Alee King, Academic Affairs Administrative Assistant, 806-291-3410, kingt@wbu.edu .


Rio Grande Valley
Harlingen: 956-371-9545
McAllen: 956-364-4656

San Antonio
Main Campus: 210-826-7595
Alamo University Center: 210-486-5082
Boerne Teaching Center: 210-618-7093
New Braunfels: 830-312-7173

Wichita Falls
Main Campus/Sheppard AFB: 940-855-4322
Downtown Site: 940-696-0404


I do not live near a Wayland campus:

Students who are not located near a Wayland campus can use one of the options below. Please submit a .

Other Universities: Check with your local college campus for a testing center or library with proctoring services.

Public Libraries: A public library in your area may also have proctoring services available.

NCTA: The National College Testing Association has qualified proctors throughout the United States. To view their list of proctors, .

Honorlock is a remote proctor tool for students who are unable to find suitable proctors where they are located. Ask you instructor to provide an Honorlock-version of the exam. All you need is a computer with a webcam running Google Chrome browser.

Students are responsible for any fees associated with proctoring services.


I live on a military base:

Wayland has a few pre-approved proctors located on military bases in the U.S. Please submit a to ensure these proctors have up-to-date information. If you are located on a base that is not listed below, please contact an education center on base. Authorized employees at US Military Education centers are qualified to proctor exams. Here is a list of Wayland military sites:

Maxwell AFB: 334-953-3637

Eielson AFB Site: 907-377-4398
Fort Wainwright: 907-356-2403
JBER-Elmendorf: 907-753-6416
JBER-Richardson: 907-428-1496

Fort Huachuca Site: 520-533-1047
Luke Air Force Base Site: 623-935-6274

Keesler AFB: 228-376-8415

New Mexico
Cannon AFB: 575-784-9750

Ft. Sill: 580-248-1171
Vance AFB: 580-213-6452

Fort Sam Houston Office: 210-590-5685
Lackland AFB Office: 210-590-5682
Randolph AFB Office: 210-590-5681
Sheppard AFB: 940-855-4322


I am in the military and stationed outside of the U.S.:

Submit a or use Honorlock. Honorlock is a remote proctor tool for students who are unable to find suitable proctors where they are located. Ask you instructor to provide an Honorlock-version of the exam. All you need is a computer with a webcam running Google Chrome browser.


I do not live in the U.S.:

Students located outside of the US can use one of the options below. Please submit a .

Other Universities: Check with your local college campus for a testing center or library with proctoring services.

Public Libraries: A public library in your area may also have proctoring services available

NCTA: The National College Testing Association has qualified proctors throughout Canada. To view their list of proctors, .

Honorlock is a remote proctor tool for students who are unable to find suitable proctors where they are located. Ask you instructor to provide an Honorlock-version of the exam. All you need is a computer with a webcam running Google Chrome browser.

Students are responsible for any fees associated with proctoring services.


I work a shift that does not allow me to test at a normal time:

Honorlock is a remote proctor tool for students who are unable to find suitable proctors where they are located. Ask you instructor to provide an Honorlock-version of the exam. All you need is a computer with a webcam running Google Chrome browser.

Students are responsible for any fees associated with proctoring services.