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How to Find A Proctor
I live near a Wayland campus:
Students living near one of our Wayland campuses may use a Wayland proctor for free. Each campus has pre-approved proctors available who do not require a request form. Wayland staff, faculty, and directors are also qualified to serve as proctor, but they do require the submission of a proctor request form to insure they receive current exam information. Please contact one of our proctors or employees on campus by phone or email to schedule a test time.
Note: It is preferred that students use an approved proctor on campus over staff/faculty/directors out of convenience to the staff/faculty/directors. Students who request staff/faculty/directors members as proctors will be referred to the on-campus proctor unless a valid reason is given.
Anchorage Campuses
Campus (Parkside): 907-333-2277
Valley Center (Wasilla): 907-373-4828
Fairbanks Campus
Doyon Industrial Facility: 907-459-2805
Phoenix Campus: 602-279-1011
Sierra Vista Campus: 520-459-1610
Tucson Campus: 520-792-1506
Mililani Campus: 808-488-8570
Amarillo Campus: 806-352-5207
El Paso Site: 520-366-2299
Lubbock Campus: 806-785-9285
- WBU-Plainview students who need a proctor for an online or other exam should contact the administrative assistant in the academic School of the course several days in advance of the exam’s due date.
- School administrative assistants will set up a time and location for the proctored exam to take place.
- School administrative assistants are pre-approved proctors and so do not require the submission of a proctor approval request form.
If WBU-Plainview students require special testing accommodations, they will have documentation from Ms. Ryiann Araujo (VHEC first floor, 806-291-1057), and may work with Ms. Karen Greer (VHEC first floor) to set up an appropriate testing environment.
*WBU-Plainview students should contact the following School administrative assistants for proctoring:
School of Behavioral and Social Sciences (all criminal justice, history, psychology, etc. courses)
Gates Hall – 3rd Floor (GH)
Ms. Jordyn Davis: 806-291-1184, jordyn.davis@wbu.edu
School of Business (all accounting, business, management, etc. courses)
Nunn Business Center (NBB)
Ms. Debbie Lane: 806-291-1020, laned@wbu.edu
School of Christian Studies (all religion, philosophy, etc. courses)
Flores Bible Building (FBB)
Ms. Beth Hoffman: 806-291-1160, hoffmanb@wbu.edu
School of Creative Arts (all art, communications, music, etc. courses)
Harral Auditorium (HA)
Ms. Pam Kennedy: 806-291-1076, kennedyp@wbu.edu
Don A. Williams School of Education (all education, exercise sport science, etc. courses)
Van Howeling Building (VHEC)
Mr. Bryson Davis: 806-291-1045, davisb@wbu.edu
School of Humanities and Leadership (all English, Spanish, humanities, etc. courses)
Gates Hall – 2nd Floor (GH)
Ms. Shanequia Lamb: 806-291-1100, lambs@wbu.edu
Kenneth L. Mattox School of Mathematics and Sciences (all math, biology, chemistry, etc. courses)
Moody Science Building (MSB)
Ms. Kendra Hart: 806-291-1115, hartk@wbu.edu
Questions? Please contact Ms. Alee King, Academic Affairs Administrative Assistant, 806-291-3410, kingt@wbu.edu .
Rio Grande Valley
Harlingen: 956-371-9545
McAllen: 956-364-4656
San Antonio
Main Campus: 210-826-7595
Alamo University Center: 210-486-5082
Boerne Teaching Center: 210-618-7093
New Braunfels: 830-312-7173
Wichita Falls
Main Campus/Sheppard AFB: 940-855-4322
Downtown Site: 940-696-0404
I do not live near a Wayland campus:
Students who are not located near a Wayland campus can use one of the options below. Please submit a .
Other Universities: Check with your local college campus for a testing center or library with proctoring services.
Public Libraries: A public library in your area may also have proctoring services available.
NCTA: The National College Testing Association has qualified proctors throughout the United States. To view their list of proctors, .
Honorlock is a remote proctor tool for students who are unable to find suitable proctors where they are located. Ask you instructor to provide an Honorlock-version of the exam. All you need is a computer with a webcam running Google Chrome browser.
Students are responsible for any fees associated with proctoring services.
I live on a military base:
Wayland has a few pre-approved proctors located on military bases in the U.S. Please submit a to ensure these proctors have up-to-date information. If you are located on a base that is not listed below, please contact an education center on base. Authorized employees at US Military Education centers are qualified to proctor exams. Here is a list of Wayland military sites:
Maxwell AFB: 334-953-3637
Eielson AFB Site: 907-377-4398
Fort Wainwright: 907-356-2403
JBER-Elmendorf: 907-753-6416
JBER-Richardson: 907-428-1496
Fort Huachuca Site: 520-533-1047
Luke Air Force Base Site: 623-935-6274
Keesler AFB: 228-376-8415
New Mexico
Cannon AFB: 575-784-9750
Ft. Sill: 580-248-1171
Vance AFB: 580-213-6452
Fort Sam Houston Office: 210-590-5685
Lackland AFB Office: 210-590-5682
Randolph AFB Office: 210-590-5681
Sheppard AFB: 940-855-4322
I am in the military and stationed outside of the U.S.:
Submit a or use Honorlock. Honorlock is a remote proctor tool for students who are unable to find suitable proctors where they are located. Ask you instructor to provide an Honorlock-version of the exam. All you need is a computer with a webcam running Google Chrome browser.
I do not live in the U.S.:
Students located outside of the US can use one of the options below. Please submit a .
Other Universities: Check with your local college campus for a testing center or library with proctoring services.
Public Libraries: A public library in your area may also have proctoring services available
NCTA: The National College Testing Association has qualified proctors throughout Canada. To view their list of proctors, .
Honorlock is a remote proctor tool for students who are unable to find suitable proctors where they are located. Ask you instructor to provide an Honorlock-version of the exam. All you need is a computer with a webcam running Google Chrome browser.
Students are responsible for any fees associated with proctoring services.
I work a shift that does not allow me to test at a normal time:
Honorlock is a remote proctor tool for students who are unable to find suitable proctors where they are located. Ask you instructor to provide an Honorlock-version of the exam. All you need is a computer with a webcam running Google Chrome browser.
Students are responsible for any fees associated with proctoring services.