Recently, College Heights Baptist Church and First Baptist Church of Plainview gathered together at the Marsh to worship and listen to God’s Word.
According to the college groups who attended, their leaders had informed them of the event a week prior. They gathered at approximately six o’clock, and a few students grabbed the benches that lined the sidewalks and moved them in front of the Harral steps. A few Wayland students saw the gathering and, curious, came to join in. The best estimate indicates there were around twenty to thirty attendees in total.
Sam Malone, the collegiate director at College Heights Baptist Church, passed out copies of the Apostles’ Creed. First Baptist Plainview set up instruments and microphones, and their worship team, made up of college students, sang two songs. The students recited the Apostles’ Creed, then sat down as their leaders read to them Acts 5:12-42, the account of the apostles before the Sanhedrin. J.R. Dunn, Baptist Student Ministries (BSM) director at WBU, spoke of the application of these verses and gave the students a short sermon on God’s call to ministry for His followers.
“I appreciate the continuation in Acts,” said Timothy Poff, a college student who attended the event. “It’s an in-depth passage that no one really goes through. I wish J.R. had gone a little deeper.”
Afterward, the speaker split the students up into groups with the instructions to discuss amongst themselves a simple question: what could they do to fulfill God’s ministry personally? Each group took about fifteen minutes to share their answers with each other and then prayed to close the discussion. A brief closing remarks dismissed the students for the night.
Many students stayed afterward to mingle or ask questions. A few worked together to put away the benches. All returned to their homes that night with the message on their hearts.
“It was a pretty good night to gather, all things considered,” said another student who attends College Heights Baptist. “I’d be open to doing something like that again."
Many of the students from both churches, and the additional students who attended, had never met before this event. When asked about her favorite part of the night, one student said, “I’d say it was getting to talk to people. There was a girl in my group who asked about Operation Christmas Child, and I got to tell her about it. That might be a fun thing to do together.”
At this time, there are no plans in place to host another gathering of this kind, but perhaps next year, once the frozen air has cleared, the two churches will meet again for fellowship at Wayland.
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