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Military Education
Wayland was among the first institutions in the country to design programs around the needs of men and women serving in the United States armed services.
Military students are a crucial part of the Wayland family. You will find men and women from every branch of the U.S. armed services taking courses at Wayland. Courses are offered at military bases located close to several of our external campuses.
Upon graduation, these students are positioned and empowered to take their knowledge, expertise, and leadership abilities to even greater heights.
The US Departments of Defense, Labor and Veterans Affairs - NRD.
Wayland’s “thank you” for our active-duty military members: $250/undergraduate classes, face-to-face or online.
Military Career to Wayland Degree
Find a Wayland degree that aligns with your military career field.
Nurse / Medic | BSN / MSN |
Human Resources | BAS - Human Resource Management |
IT Specialist | BAS - Computer Information Systems |
Logistics | BAS - Business Specialization |
Military Police | BAS - Law Enforcement Specialization |
Legal Clerk | BAS - Criminal Justice Administration |
Public Affairs | BA - Communication |
Cyber Ops Spec | BAS - Cyber Security |
Finance | BAS - Banking & Finance |
- How does tuition assistance work?
The Tuition Assistance (TA) Program provides financial assistance for voluntary off-duty civilian education programs in support of a Soldier's professional and personal self-development goals.
- How do I request tuition assistance?
Contact your installation Education Center/Office, either in person or online via the Education Center/Office’s website.
- How do the Post-9/11 VA benefits work?
Visit: How To Apply For VA benefits | Veterans Affairs ( )
- Which VA educational benefit program should I use Chapter 30, 31, 32, 33, 1606, 1607?
Visit: VA benefits eligibility | Veterans Affairs ( )
- How do I get college credits for my military service?
As an active duty service member, veteran, or member of the Reserves, you’ll need to request your transcript from your branch of service and share it with the school.
- What is considered a traditional verses non-traditional student?
A traditional student is a someone under 25 years’ old who enroll directly from high school, attend full-time, and do not have major life and work responsibilities (e.g., full-time job or dependents). Nontraditional students are those that delayed enrollment into postsecondary education; attends college part-time; works full time; is financially independent for financial aid purposes; has dependents other than a spouse; is a single parent.
- What happens if I deploy or receive permanent change of station (PCS) orders?
Service members and reservists who are unable to attend class or must suspend enrollment due to service requirements may re-enter the university without additional paperwork.
- Can I do my entire degree online?
Yes, Wayland offers undergraduate and graduate degrees online.
- Can I participate in the ROTC Program?
Yes. Wayland serves as the Parent Institution for students that are participants in a ROTC Program at a secondary institution.
- Does this qualify for the Green to Gold Program?
Yes. The Green to Gold Active Duty Option Program is a two-year program that provides eligible, Active Duty enlisted Soldiers an opportunity to complete a baccalaureate degree or a two-year graduate degree and earn a commission as an Army Officer.
- What happens if I separate from the Army before I finish my degree using TA?
Tuition Assistance Program eligibility (1) Active duty Soldiers meeting qualifying standards, in accordance with current HQDA policy. (2) In addition to meeting eligibility criteria in paragraph (1), members of the Army National Guard and the U.S. Army Reserve serving in the Selected Reserve, and Soldiers in Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) status, pursuant to titles 10 or 32, must have a “satisfactory participant” designation.
- What are my responsibilities for using VA benefits each session?
Students using VA education benefits must submit a VA certification form that list the classes they register for each session to their School Certifying Official (SCO).
- What is considered full time?
Undergraduate Full Time = 6 credit hours per 8 Week Session
Graduate Full Time = 4 credit hours per 8 Week Session - How many classes do I have to attend in person to receive 100% monthly housing allowance (MHA)?
You must attend at least one face-to-face (in-person) class to receive 100% MHA.
- Can I transfer my benefits to my dependents so they can attend WBU?
Yes. To transfer entitlement to your dependents you must submit to Department of Veteran Affairs.