
Policy 9.6.7

Policy 9.6.7

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 9.6.7

Revised: August 14, 2017


Graduation Under a Particular Catalog - Graduate degree requirements are governed by the catalog in effect at the time of a student's first enrollment in graduate courses or by any subsequent catalog, whichever the student chooses, within a period of seven consecutive years. The seven-year requirement also applies to transfer work. No course work which satisfies degree requirements may be more than seven years old at the time of graduation.

Degree requirements must be from one catalog. Unless the student formally requests to change catalogs, the catalog of record will be defined as the catalog in force when the student first enrolled in graduate course work. Requests to change catalogs should be made in writing and submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies. In all cases, all Wayland courses taken for graduate credit and to be counted toward the degree must have been completed within the stated time limit.

Letters of Completion - Letters of completion are available only from the Office of Graduate Studies. Requests for letters of completion should be made to the Office of Graduate Studies.

Commencement - Candidates completing their work at Wayland Baptist University are required to attend commencement exercises. All degrees conferred will be posted to the student's permanent record as of the posting date for the term in which the degree is completed. Appeals to this policy should be made to the vice president of academic affairs.

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Title changes
- 07/08/2014 - Review, change of when degree is posted

-   03/18/2009 - Revision-title change

-   01/18/2007 - Review

-   04/15/2005 - Revision-deletion of all but: Graduation Under a Particular Catalog, Letters of Completion, and Commencement -          10/01/2004 - Revision-title change

-   01/18/2002 - Reissue as 9.6.7

-   03/19/1997 - Revision-addition of all but first two sections

-   03/19/1992 - Inception as policy

Printable Policy 9.6.7