
Policy 9.4.2

Policy 9.4.2

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 9.4.2

Revised: August 14, 2017


Although the academic community believes that the classroom environment provides an optimal setting for vigorous intellectual exchanges, as well as the give and play of ideas, there are unique instances under which a student may complete the requirements for a course under the directed study format. These circumstances generally exist when:

a) Through no fault of the student, a course required for graduation cannot be completed prior to the student's normal date of graduation, thereby, creating an undue hardship on the student; or

b) A special program is designed for an individual student.

Except in those instances where the course requested is part of a special program designed for an individual student, the need for the course must be either because of a documented schedule conflict or failure to offer the course. Courses taken by directed study must be required by the student's degree plan and evidence must exist that the course will not be taught in the classroom format during any semester prior to the student's graduation.

As the directed study format has numerous limitations and places an added burden on the faculty member who provides the instruction, directed study courses shall be considered the exception and may be taken only under the conditions outlined in the undergraduate and graduate sections of the academic catalog.

The request to register for directed study must be originated by the student and submitted to the school dean on the Application for Course by Directed Study form, (attachment A) or the Application for Course by Directed Study-Graduate, (attachment B).

Plainview campus - For Plainview campus students, the application must be approved by the faculty member who will teach the course, the school dean and finally, the vice president of academic affairs. All approvals must be secured prior to registering for the course.

External campuses - For external campus students, the application must be approved by the faculty member who will teach the course, the executive director/campus dean, the school dean, and finally, the vice president of academic affairs. All approvals must be secured prior to registering for the course.

Graduate students - Graduate students will follow the same procedures as undergraduates based on the student's campus affiliation. Final approval rests with the vice president of academic affairs.

Online students - Students who are pursuing on online degree will follow the procedure based on their primary campus affiliation. Student who are unsure of campus affiliation or are not affiliated with a campus will follow the Plainview campus procedures.

The student is responsible for planning, with the professor, the requirements and schedule of activities for the course. As directed study courses are not included as a part of the regular teaching load, all directed study courses shall carry a 99 section identification number (Example: MATH 3304PL99).

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 05/17/1993 - Inception as policy 9.1.5

-   08/15/2004 - Reissue as 9.4.2

-   04/11/2007 - Review

-   05/11/2007 - Review-Attachment A

-   03/18/2009 - Revision-title change

-   06/09/2011 - Removed specific requirements and referenced back to catalog

-   10/07/2014 - Revision of Attachment A and B

Printable Policy 9.4.2
Attachment A
Attachment B