
Policy 9.2.2

Policy 9.2.2

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 9.2.2

Revised: August 14, 2017

General - The academic advising program is designed to provide students with the assistance needed to plan and complete that course of study appropriate to individual needs, interests, and abilities.

It is the student's responsibility to make appointments with the advisor prior to each registration period.

Although the university seeks to provide continuing advisement, the ultimate responsibility of knowing and fulfilling degree requirements listed in the catalog rests with the student.

Plainview campus - The academic advisement program at the Plainview Campus is designed to provide students with the assistance needed to plan a complete course of study appropriate to the individual needs, interests and abilities.

Prior to initial enrollment at the university, the Office of the University Registrar will assign all students, according to their major, to the school deans. Each school dean assigns students to the faculty members in their academic schools and reports back to the Office of the University Registrar. The assigned advisor is indicated on students' registration packets and advisor assignments are available in the school offices.

Students who are undecided about their majors are evenly distributed among faculty who assist in guiding the student until a major field of study is chosen. The Office of the University Registrar will provide advisor lists to each school before registration each semester. Students will be provided a copy of their degree plans prior to the end of their first semester of enrollment. Students with an undecided major will receive a printout of the general education requirements common to all baccalaureate degrees.

Change of Advisor - In certain instances a student may desire to change advisors. To change the assigned undergraduate advisor, the student must initiate the change with the registrar using the form provided by the Office of the University Registrar. After reviewing the request, the school dean will determine whether the change is advisable and notify both the student and those faculty impacted by the change.

Undergraduate advisor duties - Duties of the undergraduate advisor include:

  1. advising the student concerning appropriate course sequences
  2. assisting the student during registration
  3. assisting the student in adjusting to university life
  4. assisting the student with academic problems which may arise
  5. serving as a student advocate in matters associated with undergraduate students

External campuses - Students who desire to enroll at the external campuses will be provided advising by trained academic advisors. The advisors will advise the student regarding courses to be taken to complete their desired degree goals.

Prior to registration and enrollment, an academic advisor will advise the student regarding the schedule for the new term. Students will be provided a degree plan within six weeks of the university issuing a permit to enter. Questions that students have regarding their degree plan will be referred to academic advisors on the student's primary campus.

Plainview campus - For graduate students enrolled at the Plainview campus, academic advisement will be provided for the student by the dean of the school for which the student is enrolled, by a faculty member assigned to advise graduate students, or by the Office of Graduate Studies. Students should make appointments to see an advisor prior to registration each term.

External campuses - For graduate students enrolled at the external campuses, academic advisement will be provided for the student by assigned advisors at the external campus in which they are enrolled. For students not associated with an external campus, advising will occur through the academic school or the Office of Graduate Studies.

Once a student has been accepted into the program, the student will receive a letter, which informs them of the leveling work that needs to be completed. A copy of the degree plan will be kept in the student's official file in the Office of Graduate Studies. There is no guarantee that courses taken prior to the filing of an approved degree plan will be applicable to the degree program.

Duties of the graduate advisor include:

  1. advising the student concerning appropriate course sequences
  2. assisting the student with registration
  3. assisting the adjustment to being a graduate student
  4. assisting the student with academic problems which may arise
  5. serving as a student advocate in matters associated with graduate students

Although the university seeks to provide continuing advisement, the ultimate responsibility of knowing and fulfilling degree requirements listed in the catalog rests with the student.

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2014 - Revision-title changes
- 02/29/2016 - Revision-change from "counsel/counselor" to "advise/advisor"

-   03/10/2009 - Revision-title change

-   04/11/2007 - Review

-   08/15/2004 - Revision-"Change of Advisor" moved under "Plainview Campus" heading - 07/15/2004 - Reissue as 9.2.2

-   07/15/2004 - Revision-Undergraduate divided into "Plainview" and "External" campuses - 08/19/1997 - Inception as policy 9.1.1

Printable Policy 9.2.2