
Policy 9.2.1

Policy 9.2.1

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 9.2.1

Reviewed: August 14, 2017


Wayland Baptist University seeks to attract a student body distinguished by the ability and desire to pursue academic excellence in a Christian environment. Accordingly, the admissions standards, academic policies, and student handbook of the university have been designed to identify, attract, and retain such students. The university and the admissions committee reserve the right to refuse admission to any applicant whose admission or continued enrollment is deemed to be undesirable. Although any application for admission will be processed promptly upon its receipt, students will not be formally admitted to the university until the Office of Admissions has received all documentation required for the appropriate admission category as stated in the university catalog.

Responsibilities of the Student - Undergraduate degree requirements are governed by the university catalog in effect at the time of a student's first enrollment in undergraduate courses. The undergraduate student accepts full responsibility for knowing and fulfilling all the general and specific regulations and requirements for admission to the university and for completing the chosen program of study. For that reason, it is imperative that the incoming student be familiar with all undergraduate regulations contained in the university catalog, thus enabling the student to complete requirements on schedule and in the manner required.

See Undergraduate Admissions Requirements in the current university catalog.

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Enrollment Management

This policy supersedes all previous policies on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Review
- 03/22/2007 - Rewording of description

-   09/15/2005 - Removed redundancy and referred back to Academic Catalog for procedures

-   09/15/2004 - changed to 9.2.1; reflected catalog changes and titles

-   01/22/1995 - reflected catalog changes

-   03/19/1992 - as policy

Printable Policy 9.2.1