Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 8.9.3
Policy 8.9.3
Policy 8.9.3
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 8.9.3
Revised: February 13, 2019
Wayland proudly adheres to high standards of intellectual, moral, ethical, and spiritual values. Convinced that self-discipline is more desirable than outside force and that the truly educated person must pursue what is right under all circumstances, Wayland entrusts each student with the solemn obligation of preserving these standards. However; in the light of revelation, reason, and the custom of the Christian community from which Wayland has sprung, certain practices are evaluated:
Personal integrity in keeping with the New Testament standards is expected of all students. Respect for the property, knowledge, and rights of other people must prevail.
The following behaviors may be grounds for fines, loss of privileges, evicion from university housing, community service, resitution, formal reprimand, disciplinary probation, disciplinary suspension or disciplinary expulsion from the university:
- Alcohol or illegal drug use, possession or distribution as outlined in the Student Substance Abuse Policy. The use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs is forbidden. Prescription medications used, possessed or distributed illegally are included in this prohibition.
- Each student enrolled at Wayland is expencted to respect the intergrity of others and to live a life exhibiting high moral standards. The university prohibits sexual paraphernalia and inappropriate sexual behavior including, but not limited to: premarital sex, homosexuality, adultery, and indecent or obscene conduct or expression. Premarital sex, homosexual relations or activities or cohabitation on university property or in conjunction with university activities or functions may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Sexual Misconduct Policy.
- Theft, destruction or vandalism of property.
- Unauthorized use of university property.
- Unauthorized visitation in residence halls.
- Unauthorized possession of university keys, or other security breach.
- Physical threat or assault, verbal threat or assault.
- Harassment, including sexual harrassment (as outlined in the Sexual Misconduct Policy), stalking or acts of intimidation.
- Gambling.
- Possession of firearms on university-owned or controlled propery. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: air guns, blow guns, paint guns and other devices which deliver dangerous projectiles. This provision also includes swords, hunting knives, any blade longer than six inches and other such instuments.
- Possession of paraphernalia used to consume alcohol such as beer bongs, flasks or other drinking devices. Additionally, possession of empty alcohol containers is strictly prohibited.
- Possession of drug paraphernalia.
- The use of tobacco by students is discouraged, though permitted in certain designated areas of the campus. In consideration of the rights of others and the requirements of safety, such areas are designated. Usage and possession of all forms of tobacco is strictly prohibited in dormitories including but not limited to cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, any material used to make cigarettes, smokeless tobacco in any form, and electronic smoking devices of any kind.
- Hazing or bullying, including cyber-bulling, in any actual or virtual venue.
- Cheating, plagiarism or academic dishonesty.
- Behavior which disrupts the classroom experience or otherwise obstructs the teaching/learning process.
- Disrespectful actions or language directed at university officials.
- Providing false information on university documents or providing false documents to the university.
- Providing false information or evidence during any investigation conducted by the university.
- Failure to comply with other conduct standards as set forth in university publications or by university officials. Examples include the university catalog, class syllabus, dorm rules, etc.
- Failure to fulfill Chapel requirements as oulined in the Chapel policy.
- Recurrence of lesser offenses.
- Other behaviors which may be deemed as harmful or disruptive to the university community or the educational process.
Wayland recognizes as possession both acutal possession and constructive possession. Actual possession is defined as found on the defendant's person. "Person" can mean within a pocket, in a purse, hidden in socks or shoes, or even swallowed. Constuctive possession is defined as found in an area where the suspect would be reasonable assumed to have had knowledge of its presence and over which the accused had "dominion and control." Additionally, at Wayland the standard of proof that student conduct investigations are required to meet is the Preponderance of Evidence Standard. This standard means that it is more likely than not that a violation of the Student Conduct Policy has occurred.
The authority of the university is exercised over all student groups or organizations bearing the name of the university, or any student enterprises to the extent necessary to safeguard the good name and well being of Wayland. Specifically, each student is expected to conduct himself in such manner as to uphold, not detract from, the good name of Wayland Baptist University. If one feels that he/she cannot subscribe to the moral and social practices of the university, he/she will find greater acceptance elsewhere.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Enrollment Management
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 02/13/2019 - Revision, added standards and sanctions
- 08/14/2017 - Review
- 07/01/2004 - Inception as policy 8.9.3
- 08/01/2004 - Revision-layout change
- 04/11/2007 - Review