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Policy 8.8.1
Policy 8.8.1
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 8.8.1
Revised: August 14, 2017
The university is a forum for ideas and their exchange. Such exchange can only occur on a scholarly plane if order is maintained and good behavior is recognized by all. The university recognizes that some activities will have audiences of a single class, seminar or organization, and that others will be addressing themselves to a wider spectrum of the university community. It is the responsibility of the university to provide the climate and conditions for teaching, research, extension and other services. The following policies are designed to serve these objectives:
- Any university-recognized group may invite or sponsor speakers to appear before its group. Recognized student organizations are authorized to present programs to an all-university audience with approval of the vice president of enrollment management. Groups not recognized by the university are prohibited from such action. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the vice president of enrollment management or vice president of academic affairs. An event open to an all-university audience shall generally be defined as one which is promoted as being open to persons who are not members of the sponsoring organizations.
- The area administrator, school dean, or his/ her designated representative shall negotiate and sign contracts for all entertainment, recreational, cultural or educational events which are being considered for presentation to an all-university audience. The executive director of student services shall monitor contracts for similar events of recognized student organizations. Students are not authorized to sign contracts on behalf of their organizations unless they are checked by the appropriate university officials.
- The arrangements for a speaker or performance, the conduct of the speaker or performer on campus, and the good order of the activity are the concern of both the inviting group and the university. The privilege to invite speakers and performers carries with it important responsibilities to insure that the proper objectives of the university are not compromised.
- Because of the number, variety and scope of activities sponsored by the institution faculty, staff and students, the university cannot be held responsible for accidents and/or injuries incurred through activities on or off-campus sponsored by recognized student organizations.
- The organization inviting a speaker or performer to the campus will be pecuniarily responsible for any and all damages proximately caused by acts of misfeasance or malfeasance on the part of the speaker/performer or those acting in concert with him or her. The organization inviting a speaker/performer to the campus shall hold the university harmless from any and all damages proximately caused by acts of misfeasance or malfeasance on the part of the speaker/performer or those acting in concert with him or her.
- The university reserves the right to cancel any event it deems likely to cause an interruption in the university's orderly activities. The president, or his duly authorized representative, may order an event to be terminated if deemed necessary. Any member of the faculty or staff or any student who resists such an order shall be subject to disciplinary action.
- Because the university is judged by the action of its students, no individual, group or other organization may use the institution's name without the express authorization of the institution, except to identify the institutional affiliation. Institution approval or disapproval of any policy may not be stated or implied by any individual, group or organization.
- Candidates for public office may be invited to campus only if approved by the president or his/her designee.
Contact for Interpretation:
Vice President of Enrollment Management or Vice President of Academic Affairs
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 03/09/2009 - Revision-title changes
- 03/27/2007 - Review
- 06/15/2004 - Reissue as 8.8.1
- 06/15/2004 - Revision-position change
- 08/19/1997 - Review
- 03/15/1992 - Inception as policy 8.3.1
Printed Policy 8.8.1