
Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number:
Inception: July 8, 2020



The following policy outlines the intent for and implementation details of the Wayland Baptist University Post-Concussion Return-to-Learn Policy (hereafter, RTL Policy).

The intent of the RTL Policy is to protect a student with a specific type of injury from complicating that injury through over-stimulation of the damaged tissue before that tissue can heal. Students are ultimately responsible for meeting the course objectives as outlined by the instructor. It is established in the research (See "Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport," 2016, DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2017-097699; Arnett, 2019, "Neuropsychology of Sports-Related Concussion," American Psychological Association) that classroom activities - even as little as sitting and listening to a lecture - can delay concussion healing. Additionally, some students may feel the need to rush back after a brain injury to complete time sensitive assignments - negatively affecting the validity of course grades.

Any student who, during the term of a course, sustains and is diagnosed by a medical professional with a concussion and chooses to opt-in to this policy shall be considered for this "RTL Policy." Written documentation of the diagnosis by the medical professional is required and shall be kept on record by WBU staff athletic trainers or the director of health services in compliance with applicable law. The student is obligated to seek diagnostic and medical care from the most appropriate medical or allied health care provider (hereafter: provider) with specific training in the injury considered. For example, in the case of a Plainview campus student athlete (see Attachment B), the most appropriate allied health care provider would be the university's staff athletic trainer or team physician, and for any WBU student who is not a Plainview campus student athlete (see Attachment C), the most appropriate medical provider would be a concussion-trained physician or a neuropsychologist. Diagnoses from outside providers must be confirmed in writing through the university staff athletic trainer or the director of health services to be considered for the RTL Policy.

Any student who enters the RTL Policy shall progress back into classroom activities through a five-phase step-wise schedule as outlined below and detailed in Attachment A. Progression from one phase to the next should be individualized to the injured student by the supervising provider as concussion injuries do not heal at the same speed, and it is currently not possible to predict the length of a concussion by any initial or early signs or symptoms. Only the supervising provider can permit a student to progress to the next phase. No student may progress through any particular phase faster than 24-hours. No student may self-elect to move from one phase to another. Exacerbation of symptoms shall require the student to return to the previous phase.

Traditionally and by standing policy (see policy 8.4.2), a student is required to initiate all communications with instructors for any absence to be considered excused. However, in the case of any injured student who would qualify for this policy, this communication would likely increase injury or delay healing. Therefore, only when under this RTL Policy, communication may be initiated from the defined university representative (assistant athletic director or director of health services, as described below) - which would be considered compliant with the definition of an excused absence under policy 8.4.2.

A student who fails to comply with the restrictions outlined in this RTL policy may be removed from the RTL Policy.

An individual student's circumstances may need to be considered beyond these temporary accommodations. This policy is not intended to restrict any standing policies. As necessary, WBU faculty and staff may need to consider moving a student through a more profound policy, such as Death or Incapacitation of a Student (policy 8.6.2) or Medical Exigency Withdrawal - Refund Policy in current WBU Catalog. Additionally, a prolonged healing process could lead to more permanent accommodations as prescribed from the Office of the Director of Counseling, Career, and Disability Services. Any student who is eligible for the RTL Policy for 3-weeks from the date of diagnosis shall be referred to the vice president of academic affairs and/or the senior vice president of operations and student life and/or the vice president of enrollment management for consideration of applicability of these additional policies.

Course instructors shall consider any medically documented absences related to the RTL Policy to be excused, as defined in Class Attendance (policy 8.4.2).

The details of this policy are to be provided in writing to all student athletes before the first day of participation in any organized team activity or the first day the student is on campus during the school academic year, whichever is earlier. A staff athletic trainer shall be made available during each team's earliest team meetings to present this policy and answer questions as necessary. Additionally, a copy of this policy shall be posted on the university's website as is consistent with other health services information.

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.

- 07/08/2020 - Inception of policy as well as Attachments A, B, and C


Printable Policy

Attachment A

Attachment B

Attachment C