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Policy 8.4.1
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number 8.4.1
Revised: January 10, 2024
As stated in Wayland Baptist University’s Statement on Academic Integrity (Attachment A), students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic honesty and personal integrity. Students are subject to penalty for all forms of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to illicit possession of examinations or examination materials, sharing of log-ins that allow unauthorized online course assistance, using generative artificial intelligence (GAI) tools without authorization from course instructor, or presenting the work of another or a GAI creation as one’s own work (plagiarism, forgery, falsification of records, etc.)
The university reserves the right, through proper procedures, to place any student on probation or suspension who violates academic integrity and regulations by providing misleading or incomplete information to the university, by falsification of university records, by plagiarizing, by exhibiting improper classroom demeanor, by sharing log-in information in an unauthorized manner, or by engaging in any other form of academic dishonesty.
The faculty member assigned to the course is responsible for disciplinary action for academic misconduct. The faculty member is charged with assessing the gravity of any case of academic dishonesty and with giving sanctions to any student involved.
The official written reprimand to the student from the faculty member will include one or more of the following penalties as applicable in the individual instance or case of academic dishonesty:
- requirement to redo work in question
- requirement to submit additional work
- lowering of grade on work in question
- assigning the grade of “F” to work in question
- assigning the grade of “F” for course
In extreme instances such as group cheating, sharing personal log-in information, or unauthorized use of GAI to complete the majority of a course, the faculty member assigned to the course may also recommend expulsion of involved students. This option would occur only after the vice president of academic affairs’ review and approval.
The student’s first instance of academic dishonesty will result in an official reprimand from the faculty member detailing the faculty member’s sanction. A second case of academic dishonesty will result in automatic suspension from the university. In this case, the student may reapply after a one-year suspension is served. Subsequent offenses, or the decision of the vice president of academic affairs, may result in permanent expulsion from the university.
Any student who has been penalized for violations of academic integrity--academic dishonesty, improper classroom demeanor, or providing false or misleading information--has the right to appeal the judgment or the penalty assessed. The appeals procedure will be the same as that specified for Student Grade Appeals, (policy 8.2.1).
Full-time faculty members, adjunct instructors, or proctors should electronically report violations of academic integrity as described below. This record of the offense should include:
- Student’s full name
- PC ID number
- Faculty member’s/Instructor’s full name and ID number
- Term, or session, course, section, and campus affiliation
- Date, time and description of infraction and names of any witnesses
- Description of faculty member’s-imposed sanction and rationale, including a copy of the written reprimand, as well as any plagiarism report or other evidence
- Letter or email the faculty member/instructor sent via Wayland email to the student’s Wayland email address, and the school dean/external campus executive director’s email address as documentation of notification
See Attachment B for a Violation of Academic Integrity Report template.
Faculty members, adjunct instructors, and proctors will follow these procedures for filing records of the offense:
- Plainview Campus: After sharing the official written reprimand with the student, the faculty member files a record of the offense with the school dean (based on course prefix), and the school dean reports to vice president of academic affairs via the online portal at dishonesty.wbu.edu. If the instance or case involves a graduate student, the school dean will provide a courtesy copy (cc) of the electronic record of the offense to the director of graduate studies.
- WBUonline: After sharing the official written reprimand with the student, the faculty member files a record of the offense with the school dean (based on course prefix), and the school dean reports to the vice president of academic affairs via the online portal at dishonesty.wbu.edu, and also informs the appropriate external campus executive /dean as well. If the offense involves a graduate student, the school dean will provide a courtesy copy (cc) of the electronic record of the offense to the director of graduate studies.
- External Campus: After sharing the official written reprimand with the student, the faculty member files a record of the offense with the external campus executive director/dean (based on course suffix/section number); external campus executive director reports to the vice president of academic affairs via the online portal at dishonesty.wbu.edu, and informs the appropriate school dean (as determined by course prefix) as well. If the offense involves a graduate student, the executive director/dean will provide a courtesy copy (cc) of the electronic record of the offense with the director of graduate studies.
School Deans and Executive Directors/Campus Deans who receive a faculty member’s/instructor’s report of academic dishonesty must submit that report to the secure online portal at dishonesty.wbu.edu.
The vice president of academic affairs is responsible for monitoring cases of academic dishonesty. In the event of a second offense, the vice president of academic affairs will notify the student, appropriate school dean, external campus executive director/dean, and the university registrar, financial aid, business office, and graduate studies (if applicable). The student’s official record will note “WF” for each class from which the individual is withdrawn due to the second reported instance of academic dishonesty if no final grade has previously been submitted for the course, and the transcript will state “Academic Suspension” for that term or session. Any applicable refund will be processed according to university policy.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 01/10/2024 – Revision regarding Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) use in WBU courses
- 10/24/2022 兔子先生系列麻豆 – Revision of Attachment A and title of Attachment
- 08/03/2022 兔子先生系列麻豆 – Revision and inception of Attachment B
- 12/04/2019 – Revisions to Attachment A
- 08/14/2017 – Title changes
- 10/08/2014 – Revision-addition of “Statement on Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty” in first sentence, and corresponding attachment
- 04/05/2013 – Revision – cleanup of language and addition of last two sections with bullet points and last paragraph
- 03/24/2009 – Revision-title change
- 03/21/2007 – Review
- 04/15/2005 – Revision-editorial change
- 08/15/2004 – Reissue as 8.4.1
8.4.1 Attachment B - Violation of Academic Integrity Report