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Policy 8.3.2
Policy 8.3.2
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 8.3.2
Revised: August 14, 2017
Wayland Baptist University recognizes the Student Government Association (SGA) as the student voice in university affairs. The Student Government Association consists of a cabinet of officers and a student senate, who serve as representatives of all students currently enrolled on the Plainview campus.
Cabinet - The cabinet shall be comprised of eight members of the student body, six of whom shall be elected, and two of whom shall be appointed. Regulations governing offices and eligibility requirements are published in the SGA constitution. The SGA constitution is available in the Office of Executive Director of Student Services.
Student Senate - The SGA senate shall consist of twenty (20) members. Each student classification, freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior, shall elect five members to the senate. Regulations regarding the elective process and student eligibility requirements are published in the SGA constitution.
Communication - The SGA may make recommendations to the Wayland administration through the student senate. The recommendations shall be in the form of formal resolutions.
Each proposed resolution, when passed by the senate and signed by the SGA president, will be forwarded to the Coordinator of Student Activities. The Coordinator of Student Activities will then forward copies of the resolution to the Executive Director of Student Services and the administrator who supervises the area for which the resolution is intended. Administrative action regarding the proposed resolution will be communicated to the senate within thirty (30) days of its receipt in the Office of the Executive Director of Student Services.
Contact for interpretation: Vice President of Enrollment Management
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 02/07/2007 - Revision-position change
- 02/07/2007 - Review
- 07/01/2004 - Reissue as 8.3.2
- 08/19/1997 - Revision-layout change
- 03/19/1992 - Inception as policy
Printable Policy 8.3.2