
Policy 8.3.1

Policy 8.3.1

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 8.3.1

Revised: August 14, 2017


All student organizations must be chartered by Wayland Baptist University. To be chartered as an official campus organization, the founder(s) must present to the Office of Executive Director of Student Services, a letter requesting recognition as an official campus group, a proposed constitution, a proposed sponsor and a list of prospective members. Sponsors must be either full-time members of the university's faculty or administrative staff. Upon receiving approval from the executive director of student servies, the request will be presented to the Council of Student Organizations (CSO) for consideration. After receiving a recommendation for approval by the CSO, the proposed student group shall be recognized as an official campus organization.

Student organizations chartered by the university shall adhere to the following regulations:

  1. Deposit all funds related to the organization with the university business office, see policy 3.2.2, (Cash Accounts-Deposits and Withdrawals/Reimbursements). Funds are deposited in a designated account and disbursed through normal purchasing procedures and authorization. Funds raised by organization members are disbursed through a requisitioning process which requires the authorization of the organization, the faculty/staff sponsor and designated student development official.
  2. The organization must uphold the ideals and principles of Wayland Baptist University. Any organization which does not adhere to these ideals and principles will be subject to disciplinary action. Disciplinary action may include placing the organization and/or individual members of the organization on probation or the suspension of the organization's charter. Disciplinary action may be recommended by the CSO. Final decisions related to disciplinary action shall be reserved to the university.
  3. The organization must adhere to all regulations established to manage the university pledge season. Any infringement or violation of these rules may result in disciplinary action against the organization. This action may include placing the organization on probation or suspending the organization's charter. Regulations governing the pledge season include the following:
    1. Fall semester pledging will not begin until the midterm grade deficiency report has been given to the Office of Executive Director of Student Services. Any student whose name appears on the grade deficiency report will be ineligible to pledge that semester. Pledging shall not extend beyond four weeks unless the organization's national charter prescribes otherwise.
    2. No pledge activities may take place after 12:00 midnight, Sunday through Thursday, and not earlier than 8:00 a.m. Monday through Friday, excluding a maximum of two formal events to be determined by the organization and calendared by the Office of Executive Director of Student Services. Mandatory study hours will be set by each Greek organization. Hours will be strictly enforced by each organization.
    3. Each organization, in consultation with the Coordinator of Student Activities, may establish a spring pledge period following the policy described for fall. Any infringement or violation of the policy set forth above will subject the organization to disciplinary action, including probation or suspension of the organization's charter.

Sponsor - Each organization must have a sponsor to provide direction, insight and counsel. The sponsor must be a full-time Wayland faculty member or a full-time administrative Wayland staff member. Sponsors will attend all organizational meetings and events.

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Enrollment Management

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 02/23/1994 - Inception as policy

-   10/06/1995 - Revision-restructure, new language

-    07/01/2004 - Revision-title change

-    07/01/2004 - Reissue as 8.3.1

-    03/14/2007 - Review 

Printable Policy 8.3.1