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Policy 7.8.2
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 7.8.2
Revised January 10, 2024
Name - The official depository for materials relating to the history of the university shall be the Wayland Baptist University Archives.
Definition - The archival collection is the official memory of the institution. It consists of documents produced in carrying on the work of a given office or agency that are of enduring value and which reflect the institution in all its goals, functions, activities and relationships. These documents may include, but are not limited, to newspapers, Baptist publications, photographs, oral histories, media, microfilm, scrapbooks, personal and official papers in print and electronic formats. The archive is an official repository for theses, honors papers and dissertations by Wayland students as well as research by faculty. The archives also contain documents about the institution, its administration, faculty, staff, and students that have been generated from other libraries and repositories. A limited collection of Hale County archives and Baptist historical materials are housed with the University archives.
Purpose - The purpose of the WBU archives shall be the preservation of such documents and the promotion and appreciation of the history and heritage of the university and the documentation of academic endeavor by Wayland faculty and students.
Administration - The WBU archives shall be administered under the auspices of the J.E. and L.E. Mabee Learning Resources Center. The archivist should be qualified by training or experience and interest in archival work. The archivist reports directly to the director of library services and may serve as library faculty.
Acquisition - Officials and departments of WBU as well as other interested individuals and institutions may donate material to the University Archives. Materials acquired by the archives become its property to be administered as the archivist sees fit. The WBU archivist reserves the right to decline to accept books, contributions, or other properties. Material donated to the archive shall be accompanied by a signed Deed of Gift Agreement. The Wayland Baptist University Archives will not accept materials to which the donor does not own or control the copyright of the materials. The archivist may de-accession or dispose of material deemed non-archival.
Arrangement and Description - All materials will be arranged according to the classification scheme set forth in the archive manual.
Preservation - Proper facilities and environment will be provided to ensure the preservation of the materials.
Access to Archives - Access to the WBU archives will be limited to the Wayland community. Legal and ethical obligations require that use of the archives be restricted to those with a legitimate need for information. Published items, such as the yearbook and newspaper, are available to the general public. Scholars from outside the Wayland community may petition for access to materials through the director of library services. Select material may be digitized and made available for public access online as determined by the archivist.
Location - The WBU archives shall be located in the J.E. and L.E. Mabee Learning Resources Center.
Archives other than University Archives - Archives of other agencies, organizations, or the personal papers entrusted to the custody of the university shall be governed and administered in accordance with usual archival practice.
Contact for Interpretation: President
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 01/10/2024 – Revisions
- 08/14/2017 – Revision-title change
- 02/03/2014 - Revision-rewording of Definition section
- 04/11/2007 - Revision-title change
- 04/11/2007 - Review
- 10/15/2004 - Revision-title change
- 09/15/2001 - Reissue as 7.8.2
- 09/28/1995 - Inception as policy