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Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number:
Revised: August 14, 2017
It is the intention of information technology services to provide students with good Internet connectivity for academic purposes. The academic use of the Internet will be given a priority over recreational use. By using the Internet connectivity provided by Wayland Baptist University, the student indicates his or her compliance to abide by these policies and procedures. In addition, the student is subject to applicable Texas and Federal laws. Any violation of these guidelines may result in the termination of Internet access without notification, in addition to referral to the appropriate campus, local, state or federal authorities.
The information technology services department (IT) at Wayland Baptist University provides the following services to students with the following expectations:
- The IT Department provides high speed Internet access to each dorm room via a standard RJ45 Ethernet port. The network jack may not be altered or removed. Students are responsible for providing a CAT5 network cable that will connect the network card (also provided by the student) in their computer to the Ethernet port in the room. Wireless Internet access is available in the Nunn Business Building, the Van Howeling Education Complex, the McClung University Center, J.E. and L.E. Mabee Learning Resources Center and other buildings in the near future. Students may access the wireless internet via the university access points. It is expressly prohibited for students to install or use their own wireless access routers or end points.
- Students may also access the Internet through a dial up connection. The IT Department will provide configuration instructions to students wishing to use dial up access. Students are responsible for providing a modem that will work with the dial up connection servers. Students MAY NOT connect to the high speed Internet ports in dorm rooms and to the dial up servers simultaneously! Accounts found to be connected to both services simultaneously will be The IT Department will provide a checklist that specifies the configuration settings required to connect a computer to these services. Students are responsible for maintaining these configuration settings. All systems connected to the network must contain the most current anti-virus software and recommended security patches. The IT department provides no support for Mac, Linux, or other operating systems.
- The IT Department will provide a checklist that specifies the configuration settings required to connect a computer to these services. Students are responsible for maintaining these configuration settings. All systems connected to the network must contain the most current anti-virus software and recommended security patches. The IT department provides no support for Mac, Linux, or other operating systems.
- The IT Department will provide each student with a username and password for connecting to the student network. Students are responsible for remembering their passwords. When a student network account becomes locked out due to forgotten or mistyped passwords, that student must come to the IT Department in person with a photo ID in order for the network account to be reset. Student accounts may also be locked out if the student fails to log off of a computer. Locked out network accounts will be reset only during normal office hours in the IT Department (located in the basement of the J.E. and L.E. Mabee Learning Resources Center).
- The IT Department will run frequent scans of student network circuits to ensure compliance with these guidelines. At no time will the IT Department gain access to any student's computer without the knowledge and permission of that student. However, students understand that network circuits are monitored for security and privacy reasons. Any violations of these guidelines that are discovered in a network scan will be reported to the dean of students.
- Students are responsible for keeping their computers free of viruses, worms, trojans, or any other malicious code. The IT department may be consulted for Internet connectivity problems, but students are solely responsible for any maintenance or remedial services that may be required on personal computers.
- Students are responsible for keeping their computers secure with current updates and/or patches for the operating system, browser, antivirus, and any other program that needs frequent updates to stay secure in a networked environment. All computers must be protected by an antivirus program that runs in activeprotect mode and is updated with the latest virus definitions on a daily basis.
- The IT department does not provide repair or remedial services for student computers.
- Students may not download copyrighted files of any type from the Internet. Students may not share files and folders between computers located on this campus or beyond the Plainview network. Students may not connect to streaming audio or video services, or access any similar services that place inordinate demands on bandwidth.
- Students may not allow any other person to use his or her network username and/or password. Any account found to be logged on more than once concurrently will be immediately disabled by the IT department. Students may not connect wireless access points, routers, hubs, switches, servers, or any network related equipment to the existing network infrastructure without the knowledge and consent of the IT department.
- Students may not install software that is designed to bypass the university's firewalls, routers, or servers or to utilize any sort of network enumerating, sniffing, mapping, ping, trace route, or similar network traffic that would be used by hackers in an effort to determine the architecture of the WBU LAN (Local Area Network).
- Instant Messenger services such as Yahoo Instant Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, MSN Instant Messenger, etc. are blocked at the network firewalls for security purposes and may not be used on the Plainview network. However, Pronto accessed via Blackboard, will be allowed as a text and audio communication tool.
- Students are expected to use the computer and telecommunication services provided by the IT department in a mature, ethical, and Christian-like manner. For example, students will not be permitted to view or download pornographic images, visit gambling Web sites, send spam messages, place prank phone calls, use any of the computing or telecommunications services for any kind of harassment, or create any kind of nuisance by use of these services.
- Students may not utilize services on the Internet that allow a user to hide his or her identity or be identified on Internet related services as "anonymous."
- Students may not gain, or attempt to gain access to routers, switches, servers, or computers of the university or others without permission. This restriction includes, but is not limited to access by known passwords, password cracking, hacking, telneting, or any other such techniques. Any action, whether intentional or unintentional, that would impair the function of the network is prohibited.
- Network services may occasionally be interrupted; the IT department will restore service as quickly as possible. IT will not be responsible for any losses or damages caused by service interruptions.
- Students have the ability to print documents and papers in the computer labs and the J.E. and L.E. Mabee Learning Resources Center. The university asks students to only print when needed and to not print unnecessary documents. In that regard, beginning with the fall 2007 term, students will be able to print up to 500 pages per long semester. Once a student has used their allotted number of pages for the semester, he or she will be able to purchase additional pages at ten cents per page through the business office. When a student sends a document to print, a notification will appear on the computer screen alerting the student to how many pages they still have available for printing.
Contact for Interpretation: President
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-title change
- 01/12/2009 - Revision-title change
- 04/25/2007 - Revision-title change
- 04/25/2017 - Review
- 03/30/2005 - Review
- 12/15/2004 - Revision-layout change
- 09/15/2004 - Reissue as
- 09/15/2004 - Revision-layout change, title change
- 06/11/2004 - Inception as policy 8.1.16
Printable Policy