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Policy 6.3.1
Policy 6.3.1
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 6.3.1
Revised: August 14, 2017
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to the employees of Wayland Baptist University regarding the use of iPads, tablets and other portable computing and instructional related devices, purchasing such devices, utilizing such devices on the Wayland Baptist University network (wired or wireless), and purchasing and downloading applications to these devices.
All other published Wayland Baptist University policies and procedures regarding the use of the Wayland network, the use of computers and software on the Wayland network, and other Wayland-owned technology devices, apply to the above-mentioned portable computing devices. Specifically, the policies in the Policy & Procedures Manual Section 6.000 relating to Computer Services apply to the abovementioned portable computing devices, and are not reiterated within this policy.
Requisitioning and Purchasing Mobile Computing Devices for the University - As stated in Policy 6.1.1, all computer related equipment paid for with Wayland Baptist University funds will be purchased through the department of information technology. The department of information technology will work with the requisitioning department for the specifications required for the mobile device before a purchase is made. Once purchased, the department of information technology will assist the requisitioning department in the setup of the mobile device. The IT Department will also register the device on Wayland's secure network and track the device and its assignee within an IT Department database.
Mobile computing devices will not be included in computer rotation. The department of information technology will assist in the disposal of mobile computing devices as part of their electronic recycling program. The information technology department will ensure that all WBU data, software and apps are removed or erased from any mobile device, or validate that the device is rendered unusable, before disposal.
Personal or Non-Wayland Owned Mobile Devices - Personal or non-Wayland Baptist University owned mobile computing devices will not be allowed to connect to the Wayland Baptist University secure network. Connectivity to the student Wi-Fi will be available. WBU software and other WBU applications (apps) are not allowed to be installed on personal or non-WBU owned computers or mobile devices.
Wayland Baptist University will not reimburse any employee for personally owned equipment, apps or software they wish to be utilized for Wayland Baptist University work. All mobile computing equipment, software or apps must be approved by a budget director prior to purchase or use for the benefit of Wayland Baptist University.
Mobile Computing Devices and Termination of Employment - WBU owned mobile computing devices are the property of the University, and are to remain in the possession of WBU if the employee utilizing the equipment terminates employment with the University. All University purchased software or apps are to remain with the WBU-owned mobile device. Any personally owned software or apps may be removed by the employee upon termination of employment.
Purchasing of Mobile Computing Devices and/or Software or Applications (Apps) for Mobile Computing Devices with WBU funds
A WBU employee wishing to purchase a mobile computing device or a software application (app) for downloading to a WBU-owned mobile computing device must follow the procedures outlined below prior to purchasing such mobile device or any app(s) for a WBU-owned mobile computing device. Employees will not be reimbursed for apps purchased outside of the procedures outlined below.
- The Wayland employee must email or otherwise submit in writing to the academic school dean, campus executive director/dean or their supervising budget director their request for the university to purchase the mobile computing device, software or app. The written request should include:
- The exact name of the app or mobile computing device
- The exact name of the seller of the app or mobile computing device
- The current price of the app or mobile computing device
- The date the app or mobile computing device is needed to be installed
- The WBU related purpose for which the app or mobile computing device will be utilized.
- If the purchase request is approved by any of the previously mentioned budget supervisors, the budget supervisor will forward the purchase request to one of the following
- For purchase of equipment - The purchase request will need to be forwarded to the information technology department if it is a request to purchase a mobile computing device using university funds. Depending on the required method of purchase of the vendor, the appropriate requisition must be submitted to the business office and a purchase order created and provided to the information technology department prior to an order being placed. If the vendor is not setup to take purchase orders, the written request must be forwarded to the information technology department, along with the purchasing unit's related budget account number and object code. It is the responsibility of the requesting department/campus to ensure that proper budget funds are available for the requested purchase. A copy of the purchase receipt/paperwork will be provided by the information technology department to the requesting department/campus once the order has been placed.
- Upon receipt of the mobile computing device, the information technology department will record the serial number and MAC address of the device on the university network and in the information technology databases.
- The information technology department will connect the mobile computing device to the secure WBU network.
- The information technology department will assign the device a specific email account that conforms to the naming convention of the other mobile computing devices for that department, campus or school.
- The email address and the device will be assigned to the requesting individual and their name will be recorded in the information technology databases as the WBU employee that the mobile computing device is assigned.
- The requesting individual will be notified by the information technology department that the device is ready for their use and will either deliver the device to the individual, or have the individual pick up the device.
- The requestor will be asked to sign a receipt upon delivery of the mobile device to them.
- For Purchase of Software or Apps - The approved purchase request will be forwarded to the designated app purchaser for the department or campus if it is a request to purchase a software app. The designated app purchaser will be an individual designated by the budget supervisor.
- The designated purchaser will log into iTunes or the app store using an account linked to a university credit card provided by the budget supervisor.
- The store account used by the designated app purchaser will be linked to a special app purchaser email account created by the information technology department specifically for that purpose. The individually assigned WBU email account of the designated app purchaser should not be utilized for this purpose.
- The designated app purchaser will then purchase the app as a gift, and then "gift" that app to the requestor utilizing the email address associated with the mobile computing device assigned to the employee. The device assigned to the employee will receive the email and the employee will click on an enclosed link in the email in order to download the App onto the designated device.
- The designated app purchaser will print out and retain the receipt for the purchase.
- The device assigned to the employee will receive the email and the employee will click on an enclosed link in the email in order to download the App onto the designated device.
- The requestor is required to adhere to all licensing requirements of the software or app vendor regarding the use of the software or app and the device or devices on which it may be installed.
- The designated purchaser will prepare and complete a purchase requisition form listing all of the apps purchased that month for the department or campus. At the end of each month, the designated purchaser will have the budget supervisor sign the requisition and then will turn in the requisition form and attach the receipts for the purchases from Apple or other vendors. These receipts will have been available to print at the time of the purchase, or may have been emailed to the Special App Purchaser email account. It is required that receipts for all software or app purchases be submitted along with the requisition form at the end of the month to the business office. Requisitions with incomplete documentation will be returned to the department for campus for proper completion.
- For purchase of equipment - The purchase request will need to be forwarded to the information technology department if it is a request to purchase a mobile computing device using university funds. Depending on the required method of purchase of the vendor, the appropriate requisition must be submitted to the business office and a purchase order created and provided to the information technology department prior to an order being placed. If the vendor is not setup to take purchase orders, the written request must be forwarded to the information technology department, along with the purchasing unit's related budget account number and object code. It is the responsibility of the requesting department/campus to ensure that proper budget funds are available for the requested purchase. A copy of the purchase receipt/paperwork will be provided by the information technology department to the requesting department/campus once the order has been placed.
Downloading of Free Software or Apps for Mobile Computing Devices
The downloading of free software or apps for mobile computing devices is allowed on WBU-owned mobile computing devices assigned to WBU employees. It is the responsibility of the WBU employee assigned to the mobile computing device to research and ensure the free software or application is from a reputable vendor and that the software or app will not pose any type of security threat to the university network or the WBU-owned mobile computing device. If the employee assigned to the WBU-owned mobile computing device does not feel they are capable of making that determination, they are encouraged to contact the information technology department for a determination. If any free downloaded software or app is determined to pose a threat to the institution's network, data or equipment, the downloading of that software or app will not be allowed. If a currently installed software or app on a mobile computing device is determined to pose a threat to the security of WBU data or the WBU network, the information technology department will notify the employee and their supervisor and the offending software or app will be requested to be removed from the WBU-owned mobile computing device, or can be removed by the information technology department.
Contact for Interpretation: President
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-title change
- 12/02/2013 - Inception as policy 6.3.1
Printed Policy 6.3.1