Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 5.3.2
Policy 5.3.2
Policy 5.3.2
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 5.3.2
Revised: August 14, 2017
The university maintains vehicles to be used for necessary travel in the conduct of official university business. To request the use of a university vehicle, a Transportation Request Form (attachment A) must be completed and submitted along with the Official Travel Form, (policy 3.2.5,attachment A). After budgetary approval, the Transportation Request Form shall be forwarded to the Office of Property Management for use in scheduling an appropriate vehicle. In the event that a vehicle is not available for the time period requested, the requester will be notified immediately. If the requester cancels the trip or if the vehicle is no longer needed, the requester must notify the Office of Property Management immediately so as to permit other use of the vehicle. A fee may be charged if appropriate cancellation is not made in a timely manner.
Use of vehicles is subject to the following conditions:
- Vehicles must be picked up at the Wood Building. Special arrangements may be made through the Office of Property Management to pick up vehicles for travel beginning at other than normal working hours.
- A mileage amount is charged and covers all vehicle operating costs, with the exception of a paid driver. The mileage charge is established each fiscal year in conjunction with budget preparation.
- The Office of Property Management issues university gasoline credit cards. Charge slips must be submitted to the Office of Property Management for use in authorizing billing payment. University credit cards may only be used to service university vehicles and must be used at service stations of the company issuing the card. If a requester does not use a university credit card when purchasing fuel for a university vehicle, reimbursement may be requested and will be charged to the Office of Property Management budget accounts.
- A Vehicle Checkout Form (attachment B) is provided for recording dates of usage, mileage, the budget account, amount to be charged, and concerns relative to needed vehicle services. This form will be issued along with vehicle keys and a gasoline credit card when the vehicle is picked up.
- Immediately upon the conclusion of a trip, the vehicle must be returned to the Wood Building. The Vehicle Checkout form must be completed, signed by the driver, and returned to the Office of Property Management along with vehicle keys, the gasoline credit card, and credit card slips. Vehicles must be returned in an appropriate condition for the next user. The gas tank must be filled and the interior of the vehicle free of trash. Use of tobacco is prohibited in university vehicles.
Drivers of University Vehicles - Only drivers approved by the university may operate a university vehicle.
- Drivers must possess and have on file in the Office of Property Management, a valid driver's license, an acceptable driving record, and be at least 21 years of age. The university shall check driving records of individuals yearly to ensure a safe driving record. An acceptable driving record shall be: no more than three moving violations in the last three years, no more than one at-fault accident in the last two years, and no conviction for DUI in the last three years. Any exceptions to the driving record policy must be approved by the vice president of enrollment management and the director of property management.
- Drivers shall determine that all occupants are properly restrained in the vehicle before the vehicle is moved.
- Use of tobacco is prohibited in university vehicles.
- All state laws concerning vehicles must be observed.
- The use of prescription drugs that cause drowsiness, illegal drugs, or alcohol while operating or before operating a vehicle is prohibited.
- Personal use of a university vehicle is prohibited unless approved by the vice president of enrollment management. Personal use of permanently assigned vehicles shall be governed by the employment of that person.
- Drivers should report any problems encountered with the university vehicles to the Office of Property Management, so necessary repairs may be made before the vehicle is used again.
- Drivers should always drive defensively.
- Special training shall be offered drivers of university vehicles from time to time and all drivers are encouraged to participate in yearly sessions.
Personal Vehicles used in University Business - Drivers using their personal vehicle for university business must possess a valid driver's license, have an acceptable driving record, show proof of liability insurance (in no case shall amounts be less than required by state law) and follow university rules for use of university vehicles. A copy of each of these documents must be on file in the Office of Property Management before a travel or mileage reimbursement can be made.
Use of Fifteen-Passenger Vans - Since large vans require special care in driving, special policies must be observed. All university driving regulations shall apply before an individual may operate vans.
- A maximum of 10 persons shall occupy a van on any trip outside the local city limits.
- The back seat of vans shall be removed so no occupants are located in the extreme rear of the van.
- All drivers shall show competence in driving a van before being allowed to carry passengers.
- Any driver of a van must have had a valid operator's license for at least three years.
- All occupants of a van must use seatbelts while the van is in motion.
- If a trailer is to be towed by a van, proficiency in backing, turning, parking, and stopping shall be demonstrated to the director of property management.
- Driver is responsible to check van, tires, and engine fluids before operating the van.
Use of Vehicles over Fifteen Passengers:
- Only individuals possessing a commercial driver's license with a passenger endorsement may operate university vehicles with passenger capacity over fifteen. The operator shall show proficiency in driving and operation of the vehicle before being able to carry passengers.
- The driver will inspect before use and report the vehicle needs to the director of property management. Inspection shall include tires, engine oil and coolant, driving and taillights, and any other safety needs.
- All Wayland driver regulations must be followed.
If you are Involved in an Accident:
- Stop at once, turn off engine to guard against fire, and investigate.
- Protect the accident scene. Use warning devices, if appropriate. Document names of potential witnesses.
- Do not move injured persons unless absolutely necessary. Summon an ambulance, if needed.
- Get help. Use nearby phone or send reliable passerby. Notify your supervisor and the police. Give location and nature of accident as accurately as possible.
- Make no statement or admission of fault about the accident to anyone except the police, your employer, and your insurance carrier.
- Secure as much information as possible regarding the parties involved.
Failure to abide by vehicle use policy may result in the loss of vehicle use privilege.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Enrollment Management
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 04/25/2007 - Review
- 10/01/2004 - Revision-title change
- 11/07/2003 - Revision-layout change
- 05/01/2003 - Revision-restructured
- 01/18/2002 - Revision-layout change
- 09/15/2001 - Reissue as 5.3.2
- 09/15/2001 - Revision-title change
- 12/15/1995 - Revision-title and language change
- 05/25/1993 - Inception as policy 7.1.1
Printable Policy 5.3.2
Attachment A
Attachment B