Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 5.2.1
Policy 5.2.1
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 5.2.1
Revised: August 14, 2017
Maintaining a safe and educationally sound classroom environment is the responsibility of each university faculty member. Because of the unique environmental and safety conditions which may attend instruction and participation in the physical and biological laboratories, in physical education and in theatre, the university has established specific guidelines related to these areas.
Physical and Biological Laboratories - Faculty teaching courses in the physical and biological sciences are responsible for developing and following procedures for operating and monitoring specific science laboratories, as well as procedures related to safety and first aid.
At the initial meeting of all laboratory science classes, students participating in physical or biological laboratories will be provided a copy of the appropriate laboratory safety rules.
Prior to their first laboratory assignment, students will be required to sign a standard form indicating that they have read these rules, understand their importance, and are willing to fully comply with each.
Each student enrolled in a laboratory science class is also required to complete and sign the appropriate laboratory safety list, which will include the identification and location of laboratory safety features, as well as first aid procedures to follow in the event of an emergency.
Physical Education Facilities and Equipment - During the initial faculty/staff meeting of each academic year, the athletics and physical education faculty and staff will review those basic safety and risk management procedures which could arise during the course of the year.
Each biennium, all faculty assigned instructional responsibilities in the areas of athletics, physical education, or recreation will be provided training in CPR and a review of general first aid procedures.
Each area utilized for intercollegiate athletics, physical education, or intramural and recreational activities, will be inspected annually to identify problems which could lead to injury or accident.
The general equipment required for programs conducted by these areas will be inspected each semester. The equipment utilized daily in each area will be inspected weekly.
Guidelines dealing with the use of weight/fitness equipment will be provided to all students participating in courses utilizing this equipment and posted in the weight/fitness rooms for the benefit of those using the equipment on an individualized basis.
Theatre - At the initial meeting of all one hour laboratory classes and the Introduction to Theatre course, students will be provided a copy of the safety procedures associated with operating the theater's power equipment and with climbing and walking in areas above the stage floor.
Prior to their participation in any production activity, students will be required to sign a standard form indicating that they have read these procedures, understand their importance and are willing to fully comply with each.
Faculty will be responsible for monitoring and reinforcing all safety procedures as a part of both their classroom instruction and production activities.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on the subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Title changes
- 03/03/1997 - Inception as policy 5.3.1
- 10/01/2004 - Revision-layout change, addition of Theater paragraph, title change
- 10/01/2004 - Reissue as 5.2.1
- 04/11/2007 - Review
- 02/27/2009 - Revision-title change