
Policy 5.1.8

Policy 5.1.8

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 5.1.8

Revised: August 14, 2017


The School of Music Keyboard Committee assumes full responsibility for the care and maintenance of all pianos on the Plainview Campus and thus is solely responsible for granting permission for the use of Wayland Baptist University pianos. Use of the LRC Atrium piano, in conjunction with LRC events only, may be approved by the LRC Director. All other requests for use of Wayland pianos must be processed at least two weeks in advance (one month preferred) by completing the Piano Use Agreement form (attachment A) and submitting it to the Music Office for approval.

Pianos are to be moved only by Wayland Baptist University Maintenance personnel and then only at the request of the School of Music. Pianos are to be returned to their original locations immediately after an event so that the instruments are not adversely affected by changes in humidity or temperature.

All pianos outside the School of Music must display the following notice: "This piano is equipped with a sensitive humidity control device. The cord to this device must remain plugged in at all times. When moving this piano, all cords should remain with the piano. DO NOT move the piano without prior approval from the School of Music."

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Enrollment Management

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Reviewed   
- 10/25/2010 - Inception as policy 5.1.8

Printable Policy 5.1.8

Attachment A