Policy 3.6.5

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 3.6.5
Inception: March 9, 2022 兔子先生系列麻豆


As required by the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200), Wayland Baptist University must document the percentage of effort spent on externally sponsored activity. In order to satisfy this requirement, each Principal Investigator (PI), faculty member, professional employee and student paid out of federal and state grant funds are to complete a Time and Effort Reporting Form.

Time and Effort Reporting Forms should:


  • reasonably reflect the percentage distribution of efforts expended by PI’s, other faculty, professional staff, and students who have worked on federal and state-funded grants. Employees who are non-exempt (hourly) should also indicate the hours allocated to the federal award.


  • be completed and signed by each PI and professional staff member working on a federal grant or person who has firsthand knowledge of the employee’s activities.


  • be signed and certified by the PI’s school dean/department supervisor and cabinet member who should have firsthand knowledge of the employee’s activities.

 The Time and Effort Reporting Forms will be distributed to each PI at the end of each term and summer using the following schedule: Compensation Time and Effort for Federal Grants 

Period Description, Start and End Dates

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS – Please submit reports no later than one week after the dates listed below.



09/01 – 12/31

Return signed report to the Business Office for the Fall term.

April 28 th



01/01 – 05/14

Return signed report to the Business Office for the Spring term.

September 30 th



05/15 – 08/31

Return signed report to the Business Office for the Summer.

December 21 th



The forms are to be returned to the Business Office and will be maintained in grant files. 


Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


03/09/2022 兔子先生系列麻豆 – Inception of policy and Attachment A, form


Printable Policy 3.6.5 Compensation Time and Effort for Federal Grants

Printable Policy 3.6.5 Attachment A, Compensation Time and Effort Form