Policy 3.6.2

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 3.6.2
Reviewed: August 14, 2017


General - The Office of Institutional Advancement of Wayland Baptist University is charged with the responsibility of establishing the procedures for the solicitation of all gifts, grants, scholarships, bequests, and in-kind-gifts.

The Office of Institutional Advancement openly requests the involvement of the university personnel in the formulation of fund-raising projects and activities. The ideas brought to The Office of Institutional Advancement will be considered, investigated, and evaluated by the administration, advancement office personnel, and any outside sources deemed to be good judges or consultants. Information will be kept in confidence. Credit for new prospects or donors will be extended to the people who bring ideas to the attention of The Office of Institutional Advancement.

Any school, office, or individual within the university structure, is free to communicate with the vice president of institutional advancement regarding proposals involving the solicitation of funds or the development of fund-raising projects. The Office of Institutional Advancement, in council with the President, will determine prospective sources to be approached for fund-raising endeavors.

The approach to all prospective donors, individuals and/or organizations, will be determined by the vice president of institutional advancement in consultation with the president and those individuals with approved proposals.

No university personnel may proceed beyond the stage of prospecting without receiving the approval to proceed from the Office of Institutional Advancement.


  1. Gifts and in-kind gifts - University personnel who have ideas or know of individuals that they think would be good prospects to pursue for fund-raising should prepare a brief written statement about the idea or prospect and discuss the idea with one of the advancement office personnel.
  2. Grants - Prospective leads or opportunities for the development of grants are to be referred to the Office of Institutional Advancement. University personnel who have needs for additional funds or have an idea or prospect concerning the procurement of funds from outside sources should prepare a brief statement of no more than one page concerning the need or idea.
  3. Scholarships - Prospective leads for the development of scholarships are to be referred to the Office of Institutional Advancement. Institutional Advancement personnel will contact prospective donors and initiate the processes associated with drafting the appropriate scholarship agreements. Please refer to .
  4. Bequests - Prospective leads for the development of, “Wills and Estate Plans,” are to be referred to the Office of Institutional Advancement. The institutional advancement office personnel will contact and work with the prospective donor in consultation with their professional advisors (tax consultants, lawyers, accountants, etc.) or they can agree to utilize the services of the expert consultants from the Baptist Foundation of Texas.

Donor Rights:

The university respects the rights of the donor and affirms the statements contained in “A Donor Bill of Rights” (attachment A).

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Institutional Advancement


This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject


  • 08/14/2017 – Revised title change (Executive Director for Institutional Advancement to Vice President of Institutional Advancement).
  • 01/07/2014 - Revised-title change (Vice President for Institutional Advancement to Executive Director for Institutional Advancement)
  • 01/19/2009 - Revision-layout change
  • 03/20/2007 - Review
  • 10/01/2004 - Revision-layout and titles changes
  • 09/15/2001 - Reissue as 3.6.2
  • 09/15/2001 - Revision-TITLE changed, titles changed, attachment added
  • 09/15/2001 - Review
  • 08/19/1997 - Revision-attachment added
  • 03/03/1992 - Inception as policy 1.2.19

Printable Policy 3.6.2 Solicitation of Gifts Grants Scholarships and Bequests.pdf

Printable Policy 3.6.2 Attachment A